Managing Kubernetes without losing your cool

A presentation at Kubernetes Community Days Ukraine in March 2023 in by Marcus Noble

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Managing Kubernetes without losing your cool Kubernetes Community Days Ukraine March 16th 2023

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Hi 👋, I’m Marcus Noble, a platform engineer at I’m found around the web as ✨AverageMarcus✨ in most places and on Mastodon 🐘 ~5 years experience running Kubernetes in production environments.

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Summary My tips for working with Kubernetes #1 → #5 Anyone can start using these today #6 → #7 Good to know a little old-skool ops first More & Summary Suggestions for more advanced topics but not covered in details

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#0 - Pay someone else to deal with it OK, this one is kinda tongue in cheek but worth mentioning. If you have dozens or hundreds of clusters on-top of other development work you’re going to be stretched thin. Getting someone else to manage things while you focus on what makes your business money can often be the right choice.

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#1 - Love your terminal

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#1 - Love your terminal ★ Bash? ZSH? Fish? 🤷 - Doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable with it. ★ “rc” files - e.g. .bashrc, .zshrc These set configuration for each terminal session you open. ★ alias - easily create your own terminal commands ★ Look for “dotfiles” on GitHub - e.g. Create your own workflow of tasks you perform often. Avoid typos and ”fat fingering” by replacing long, complex commands with short aliases (bonus points for adding help text to remind you later)

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#2 - Learn to love kubectl

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#2 - Learn to love kubectl ★ Tip #1 in action Add alias k=’kubectl’ to your .bashrc / .zshrc / .whateverrc KIND: VERSION: k get pods -A ★ The official docs offer a single page view of all built in commands: ctl/kubectl-commands ★ k explain pods.spec.containers kubectl explain is your friend! Find out what any property of any Kubernetes resource is for. ➡ Pod v1 RESOURCE: containers <[]Object> DESCRIPTION: List of containers belonging to the pod. Containers cannot currently be added or removed. There must be at least one container in a Pod. Cannot be updated. A single application container that you want to run within a pod. FIELDS: args <[]string> Arguments to the entrypoint. The docker image’s CMD is used if this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container’s environment. If a variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will be unchanged. Double $$ are reduced to a single $, which allows for escaping the $(VAR_NAME) syntax: i.e. “$$(VAR_NAME)” will produce the string literal “$(VAR_NAME)”. Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be updated. command <[]string> Entrypoint array. Not executed within a shell. The docker image’s ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) Save time by only typing k. Kubectl explain for digging into resources and their properties (useful when you can’t access the official docs or know exactly what you’re looking for)

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#3 - Multiple kubeconfigs

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#3 - Multiple kubeconfigs ★ Quick switch between different Kubernetes contexts (clusters) and between different namespaces. ★ kubectx and kubens ★ kubie ★ kubeswitch kubeswitch my fave as it supports directory of kubeconfigs to make organising easier - you can see it in action here

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#4 - Interactive UIs

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#4 - k9s Interactive terminal. Supports all resource types and actions. Lots of keybinding and similar to quickly work with a cluster. Find, view, edit, port forward, view logs, delete, etc.

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#4 - OpenLens Alternatively, if you prefer a more UI based interface then Lens is a great tool to manage multiple clusters.

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#5 - kubectl plugins

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#5 - kubectl plugins ★ Any command in your $PATH that is prefixed with kubectl- becomes a kubectl plugin $ cat kubectl-hello #!/bin/bash ★ Krew - package manager for kubectl plugins echo “Hello, Kube” ★ Install plugins with: kubectl krew install <PLUGIN NAME> $ kubectl hello Hello, Kube ★ Some of my fave plugins: ○ stern - Multi-pod/container log tailing ○ tree - Show hierarchy of resources based on ownerReferences ○ community-images - Find images still referencing the registry. ○ gs - Giant Swarm’s plugin for working with our managed clusters Plugins can be in any language. You can easily add your own by creating Bash scripts with a kubectl- prefixed name. Note: autocomplete is a bit trickier here. Some plugins support it but generally expect your tabcompletion to only recommend core kubectl features.

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Summary My tips for working with Kubernetes ✅ #1 → #5 Anyone can start using these today #6 → #7 Good to know a little old-skool ops first More & Summary Suggestions for more advanced topics but not covered in details Not so scary so far, right? Now on to a little more hands-on techniques.

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#6 - Pod Debugging

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#6 - Pod Debugging: kshell Launch a temporary pod running a bash shell for cluster debugging Tip #1 in action, again alias kshell=’kubectl run \ -it \ —image bash \ —restart Never \ —rm \ shell’ Need more tools? Replace this with alpine or ubuntu Great for more general debugging of a cluster, especially with networking issues or similar.

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#6 - Pod Debugging: kshell Launch a temporary pod running a bash shell for cluster debugging

kshell If you don’t see a command prompt, try pressing enter. bash-5.1# nslookup Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: Address:

Great for more general debugging of a cluster, especially with networking issues or similar.

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#6 - Pod Debugging: kubectl exec Debugging an existing, running pod - kubectl exec

kubectl exec my-broken-pod -it — sh /app

Note: ★ ★ ★ Needs a shell environment within the container Limited to what’s available in the container (or what you can pull in from the ‘net) Container needs to be running kubectl exec is great for debugging misconfigured pods that aren’t crashing and have enough OS to exec into. But… If the pod is CrashLooping you’ll get kicked out of the session when it crashes. If the pod doesn’t have a shell you can exec into (e.g. a container that only has a Golang binary) you’ll not be able to exec kubectl debug is great for pods that either don’t have any OS

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#6 - Pod Debugging: kubectl debug Debugging a running pod - kubectl exec

kubectl exec my-broken-pod -it — sh

�� error: Internal error occurred: error executing command in container: failed to exec in container: failed to start exec…… Debugging a running pod - kubectl debug Requires Kubernetes v1.23+

kubectl debug -it —image bash my-broken-pod Defaulting debug container name to debugger-gprmk. If you don’t see a command prompt, try pressing enter. bash-5.1#

kubectl exec is great for debugging misconfigured pods that aren’t crashing and have enough OS to exec into. But… If the pod is CrashLooping you’ll get kicked out of the session when it crashes. If the pod doesn’t have a shell you can exec into (e.g. a container that only has a Golang binary) you’ll not be able to exec kubectl debug is great for pods that either don’t have any OS ��

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#6 - Pod Debugging: kubectl debug Example - investigate a CrashLooping pod

kubectl run debug-demo —image=bash — exit 1 # kubectl get pods debug-demo NAME debug-demo

READY 0/1 STATUS CrashLoopBackOff RESTARTS 2 (20s ago) AGE 44s This will prevent us from kubectl exec into the pod

kubectl debug -it —image bash debug-demo Defaulting debug container name to debugger-5mkjj. If you don’t see a command prompt, try pressing enter. bash-5.1#

kubectl debug has a few different modes: - launches an “ephemeral container” within the pod you’re debugging - kubectl debug - creates a copy of the pod with some values replaced (e.g. the image used) - kubectl debug –copy-to - launch a pod in the nodes host namespace to debug the node - kubectl debug node/my-node This has some limitations - cannot access all filesystem of failing container, only volumes that are shared

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#6 - Pod Debugging When to use what: kshell Multiple workloads experiencing network issues Workload not running as expected but not CrashLooping and isn’t a stripped down image (e.g. not Scratch / Distroless) Workload not running as expected but not CrashLooping and has an image based on Scratch / Distroless or similar Workload is CrashLooping kubectl exec kubectl debug ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅

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#7 - Node Debugging

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#7 - Node Debugging: kubectl debug (again) ★ Requires Kubernetes v1.23 # kubectl debug node/ip-10-0-0-1 -it —image alpine Creating debugging pod node-debugger-ip-10-0-0-1-9wlqp with container debugger on node ip-10-0-0-1. If you don’t see a command prompt, try pressing enter. / # ls -l / total 60 … drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 9 08:47 home drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 Nov 4 08:48 host The host node’s root filesystem drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Aug 9 08:47 lib drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Aug 9 08:47 media … / # Why not SSH? - I prefer to use ephemeral instances with the minimal needed to run Kubernetes, no sshd, no port 22 open etc. but there are times when you just need to check what’s actually going on with the underlying host machine. kubectl debug launches a pod on the node which allows for direct access to the node host. Processes and filesystem is available to you. Being your own toolkit with you depending on what --image you specify.

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#7 - Node Debugging: nsenter alternative ★ For older clusters before Kubernetes v1.23 # kubectl run h0nk —rm -it \ —image alpine —privileged \ —overrides ‘{“spec”:{“hostPID”: true}}’\ —command nsenter – \ —mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt If you don’t see a command prompt, try pressing enter. # ★ Alternatives: This won’t work with Talos, for example, whereas kubectl debug will ★ Note: Underlying host needs a valid shell Only needed if kubectl debug not available for your cluster. A one-liner to exec into a privileged pod and switch to the host namespace using nsenter - small enough to fit in a Tweet or on a sticker! More “packaged” alternatives available with kube-ssh or kubectl-enter

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Summary My tips for working with Kubernetes ✅ #1 → #5 Anyone can start using these today ✅ #6 → #7 Good to know a little old-skool ops first More & Summary Suggestions for more advanced topics but not covered in details

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Webhooks ★ Implement more advanced access control than is possible with RBAC. [Restricting cluster-admin permissions] ★ Add defaulting logic to Kubernetes resources ★ Enforce company policies such as not using latest as an image tag or ensuring all workloads have resource requests/limits specified. ★ “Hotfix” for security issues (e.g. injecting env var to prevent Log4Shell exploit). [Log4Shell Mitigation] ⚠ Be careful using webhooks as it’s easy to introduce cluster-breaking configurations! 😱 [Webhooks Talk] Tools: ★ Kyverno - Kubernetes native policy management. ★ OPA Gatekeeper - Policy management built on top of Open Policy Agent Allows for subtractive access control (take away a users ability to perform a certain action against a certain resource) - something not possible with RBAC See blog post about how we avoided a nasty bug in our CLI tool with a ValidatingWebhook.

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Kubernetes API Resources: - kubernetes/client-go - the official Golang module for interacting with the Kubernetes API - Kubernetes Provider for Terraform (actually uses the above Go module under the hood) - kubernetes-client org on GitHub has many official clients in different languages Where is this useful? ★ Building our own CLI / desktop tooling (e.g. k9s, Lens). ★ Cluster automation - resources managed by CI, CronJobs, etc. ★ Building our own operators to extend Kubernetes. Make use of one of the many client libraries available rather than interacting with the REST endpoint directly. Plenty more official clients available at

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CRDs & Operators Extend Kubernetes’ built-in API and functionality with your own Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and business logic (operators). Image credits: Container Solutions We’ve already seen hints of this already in this talk. Kyverno implements CRDs and has an operator that manages them. We mentioned extending the Kubernetes API with custom resources, giving us the programmatic access for our operators.

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Recap #1 - Love your terminal #6 - Pod Debugging #2 - Learn to love kubectl #7 - Node Debugging #3 - Multiple kubeconfigs #4 - k9s / OpenLens More - Webhooks, Kubernetes #5 - Kubectl plugins API, CRDs & Controllers

Shell aliases and helpers Alias k, kubectl explain Kubeswitch Interactively work with clusters Krew. Build your own with bash. Kubectl- prefixed name Pod debugging Node debugging Validating and mutating requests to the Kubernetes API Working directly with the API to build our own logic Extending Kubernetes with our own resources and logic

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Wrap-up Slides and resources available at: Thoughts, comments and feedback: Thank you