What we're discussing
What We’re Discussing
Our Goal
Accessibility Starting Points
What’s the problem?
Why we “save” accessibility for later
You know what else is intimidating?
So a11y & marathons?
How do we train?
1. We learn to run
Breaking down the process
HTML Semantics
Which one is easier to read?
Which one is easier to read?
<h3>Heading Structures</h3>
Using our headings better
Divs as Buttons
Better Divs as Buttons
Just Use Buttons!
Button guidelines to remember
Writing Legible Forms
Writing Legible Forms
Bad Form demo
A good form demo
A good form demo
Aria 101
Aria 101
Aria State
Aria State
Aria Properties
Aria Properties
When you use Aria, ask yourself why
Next steps
2. We get better nutritional habits
Nutritional habits
If you use one tool here, use Axe
HeadingsMap for strong html outlines
What great outlines look like
What OK outlines look like
What a sad outline looks like
Tools to look at your UI in different ways
Look at your app differently
Look at your app differently
Lint and Test
3. Cross-train and Stretch
3. Cross-train and Stretch
Testing out our earlier forms Bad form vs good form
We’re ready!
Resources used in this slidedeck
Accessibility Resources & References