Week 14 - Group Work in Organizational and Community Settings Part I

A presentation at Heritage at CBC Week 14 in in Pasco, WA 99301, USA by Jacob Campbell

SOWK 487 Spring 2020 Planning: Class 14

SOWK 487 Spring 2020 Planning: Class 14

Prioritize Your Values Values

Prioritize Your Values Values



Characteristics of Effective Groups (1 of 2)

Characteristics of Effective Groups (1 of 2)

Characteristics of Effective Groups (2 of 2)

Characteristics of Effective Groups (2 of 2)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Overview (1 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Overview (1 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Environmental Characteristics (2 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Environmental Characteristics (2 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Structural Characteristics (3 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Structural Characteristics (3 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Group Dynamics (4 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Group Dynamics (4 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Partnership Programs and Interventions (5 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Partnership Programs and Interventions (5 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Intermediate Measure (6 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Intermediate Measure (6 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Output Measures (7 of 7)

Assessing CBPR Groups - Output Measures (7 of 7)

The Pasco Discovery Coalition

The Pasco Discovery Coalition

Ethical Dilemmas in Macro Social Work Practice

Ethical Dilemmas in Macro Social Work Practice

The Leader in You

The Leader in You


  • Community-Based Participatory Research Partnerships
  • Ethics in community practice
  • Leadership