Vague But Exciting
How the F#$% did they make this?
How do Large Creative Projects Succeed?
Why do large creative projects fail?
Spoiler: The Answer is Prototypes
Creativity, Inc by Ed Catmull
Making a Movie
Making an Animated Film
Pitch Doctor
Introducing a revolutionary new Design Thinking Thought Technology…
It’s called Sketching.
Think through problems before getting to the expensive part.
Find (or make) technology that allows you to prototype quickly.
How Overwatch Creates Heroes
A combination of cobbled together parts
Do you have a system of parts?
Quickly create Minimum Viable Products.
Find out if it’s a dumb idea as soon as possible.
The Story of Mario 64
Get the fundamentals solid first
「手応え」 Hand Response or “Game Feel”
The Story of Splatoon
Prove ideas before committing to them.
Use CodePen
Making a Game in a Week: Monday
Making a Game in a Week: Tuesday
Making a Game in a Week: Friday
The Story of Zelda Breath of the Wild
It started here in a 2D prototype
A Chemistry Engine
Build a prototype to validate ideas
Experiment to get better estimates of the work required
Some Research from Microsoft
What Went Right and What Went Wrong: an analysis of 155 postmortems from game developmentw
Prescribe to an iterative development process, and use prototypes
Value Prototypes
Prototypes are for Everyone
Thank you