Open Source Design Contributions for your OSS Project.
Hi, I’m Eriol.
Where I work now!
 Getting collaborative!
Getting collaborative!
What is Open Design?
What is Open Design?
Emergency check-in for teams.
Emergency check-in for teams.
Emergency check-in for teams.
Useful things to know about TenFour OSS.
Forming teams.
OSS examples I’ve picked for doing group tasks.
Using Jitsi video rooms for your group discussions.
Documentation enables openness!
 Task format
10 mins. To chat with your group!
Design documentation and labels Essential design documentation and labels in your repo.
Designers want to work on projects ‘for good’.
Including design in the read me.
Design documentation and labels
Design documentation and labels
10 mins. To chat and write in Miro
Share with the room.
Design documentation and labels
Design documentation and labels
5 mins. To chat and write in Miro
A good first design issue:
‘Sticker sheet’ for TenFour
 Other great first design issues.
Create design challenges from issues.
Design challenge example from TenFour
Design challenge detail
Design challenge detail
Example issues (easy-ish):
Example issues (hard-ish):
15 mins. To chat and write in Miro.
Share with the room.
 Even when you think an issue is ‘simple’, try writing a design challenge version.
Understanding design activities.
Open Design’s five core design activities.
Empathy Mapping.
Define the problems.
Brainstorming rules.
Story-board example
Sketching & Prototyping.
15 mins. Fill one empathy map ‘quadrant’ only for a user from the issue/challenge.
Empathy map example from a open design workshop
Share with the room.
Including your users as ‘witnesses’
Our witness: Akhila M From the centre for Migration and Inclusive Development.
Our witnesses: Mei Mei Chen and Hung Wen Lu. Founded ‘go honour’ to help typhoon victims.
Things we didn’t have time for :(
What we could do next!
A community of supportive designers in open source
Thank you!