Diversity in design
Quote from Politics of Design
Hi, I’m Eriol. (Ehh-roll) - Intro slide
Brief of a family doing a conga line from a Parental tech company
Close up of the impairment devices the figures are using
These images did get used
DREAMS poster project - illustrations and photos from funders
DREAMS poster project - photo treatments
Stock photos
Problematic and confusing results
My LGBTQIA+ heroes
Stock resources
Meetup photos
'Feminising' the experience
Products and who are they for?
Fitness apps
UI examples
'Real name'
Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr and Mx
Native Language Is Gendered
Prefer not to say and I prefer to say!
Some good stuff
Edge Cases
Stress cases
The struggles from the LGBT community
Design and inclusion statement
I’d give myself a C+ for inclusion. Maybe a B if I’m feeling nice….
Tips! with more
Books and links
Eriol does other talks