Using open source for building humanitarian tools: The challenges from those ‘who don’t code’
Introduction to Eriol Fox
Introduction to Ushahidi
What is Open Source Software?
What is Open Source Software? With information links
Where are the other people like me?
OSS is predominantly a ‘coding’ tech space.
There must be other people like me.
Berlin 2018 & Seattle 2019
Designers want to work on projects ‘for good’.
Introduction to Open Design
Designers collaborating and contributing to Humanitarian OSS and tech for good at challenge gatherings.
What are the problems?
Most OSS projects understand design as ‘logos’ and ‘graphics’.
OSS project issues can be restrictive…
…but open workshops often lose focus and relevancy.
OSS isn’t part of design education.
Most designers don’t have a clue about what OSS is or can be.
Even if designers know OSS, Github can be a barrier.
Explanation of OSS contribution sounds like ‘work for free’.
Lack of version control in software and process for designers.
What are we doing to solve these problems?
Connecting those already doing similar work.
Organisation logos
Open methodology, frameworks and processes to use
Building relationships with more and diverse OSS projects.
Pilot events.
Bengaluru: Kerala floods.
Taipei: Typhoons + farms.
Nairobi: Terrorist attacks.
London: Tower fires.
More cities in 2020 and beyond.
Design activities.
Our aim going forward
Thanks for listening.