Digital inclusion: Designing for everyone
We know our users/customers
Filter bubbles
We wield a lot of power as designers and technologists
: Our digital skills are the same
Keith - user research participant
One-fifth of the population do not  have foundational digital skills
Digital Foundation skills
QR code
Sonia - user research participant
"You're spacemen talking to cavemen."
Digital privilege
We’re all working with the same toolkit
Our toolkit
Our garage's toolkit
The MOT shed
Our toolkit
Test bay
GDS user research quote
User research is a team sport
Collobrative working
is the whole team’s job
: Accessibility is only for people with disabilities
The persona spectrum - Speak
The persona spectrum
Idealised personas
Idealised personas photo
Visual impairment goggles
Visual impairment goggles case
Pop-up inclusion lab
Jean - visually impaired persona
Andy - broken arm persona
Paul - Distracted parent
Inclusion personas
Participants of the inclusion lab doing the distracted parent task
Inclusive toolkit
This isn’t about pretending to have disabilities…
…it’s understanding the different situations people can be in when using our products.
Video of a blind person using a screen reader
A visually impaired person using a computer
Thank you