Who Watches the Watchers? #ethics in a #machinelearning world
#ethics in the news...
Responsible AI vs Ethical AI
All my instincts they return...
Not being an alarmist...
A scenario for failure
Checking restaurant hours
The reaction...
The reaction…
The reaction…
The reaction…
Jeff Goldblum had it right!
Who asks the question?
Artificial Intelligence “around the world”
Digital Marketing and Bias
Impact of bias: Exclusion
Impact of bias: Exclusion
Impact of bias: Exclusion
Impact of bias: Exclusion
Impact of bias: Exclusion
Impact of bias: Exclusion
Impact of bias: Exclusion
Features can introduce bias
But what can I do about it?
Integrity is hard
Organizations mimic behavior of their leaders!
Has to be OKAY to say things are NOT OKAY
Ultimately YOU are responsible. But not everyone may agree.
Individualize - Context over Demographics
Behavior wins.
Track it. Safely.
Blindness is not a cure.
Context takes time
Some fun with demographics!
Choose your playlist
Choose your playlist
Choose your playlist
Choose your playlist
Diversity - Data and Team Diversity
Lack of diversity in the team leads to unconscious bias
Diverse teams can more easily break into other markets and deliver better experiences
Lack of data diversity leads to invalid predictions
Diverse data allows your algorithm to cover the entirety of your audience and increase accuracy of results
Data Diversity and Image Recognition
Comparing Apples and Oranges
Comparing Apples and Oranges
Comparing Apples and Oranges
 Can you test for this?
Fairness Testing - Association Tests
Fairness Testing - Perturbation Tests
Ethics all the things!
Integrity, Individualize, Diversity
Thank you.