From Hack to Product Feature How to leverage R&D at work through hackathons
Hello, I’m Roland Dubois
Design & Maturity
Design in Startups
What is Design/UX Maturity?
5 Stages of UX Design Maturity by Jared Spool
5 Stages of UX Design Maturity by Jared Spool
What is DesignOps?
Facility Management
Facility management (FM) in a hospital complex
Behind the Scenes
User Personas
FM Tools
Customer Pain Points
Opportunities to explore
Ideas That Don’t Fit
What if your ideas don’t fit the product roadmap?
What if your ideas don’t fit the product roadmap?
1. User Story
2. List of pain points
3. [Abstract] and generalize
3. Abstract and [generalize]
4. Share your goals
Find Your Hackathon
Find Your Hackathon
Hack & Open-Source
MIT Reality Hack - January 16-20, 2020
Hackathon Title: ProgressivelyEnhancedIndoorNavigationWebXR
Challenges with Indoor Navigation
Our Solution for Indoor Navigation
Code Stack
Usertest your project with other hackers!
Build Your Case At Work
Build Your Case At Work
Build Your Case At Work
Build Your Case At Work
Events and Meetups
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