Zero Trust Architecture - Guidance for Federal Agencies

A presentation at ServiceNow Federal Tech Day in in Falls Church, VA, USA by Shawn Wells

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A zero trust architecture is not achieved by a single, out-of-the-box network security solution. It’s a strategy based on an agency’s cybersecurity plan that contains a collection of zero trust concepts. It requires multiple security solutions that cybersecurity teams need to orchestrate in their environment.

Of course, introducing new tools and solutions can increase complexity, but federal agencies can simplify their zero trust architecture by including an enterprise platform strategy.

Join in-person on Thursday, December 8th to hear from ServiceNow and government experts as they discuss zero trust. Discussion will include:

How to get started on your zero trust journey

How ServiceNow helps you align with zero trust requirements

Best practices for implementing zero trust broken out by the CISA pillars

Use cases for securing edge devices

Tactics for automation and orchestration