Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack Overflow

A presentation at CSUN Assistive Technology Conference in May 2018 in San Diego, CA, USA by Adrian Roselli

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Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack Overflow rosel.li/CSUN (case sensitive) #CSUNATC18 Presented by Adrian Roselli ( @aardrian ) at CSUN Assistive Technology Conference

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HTML A: You can use < img alt=""> (no src attribute) to provide helpful content to screen readers. #CSUNATC18

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HTML Q: Why can’t I activate a link on focus with this? <a href =&#34;#&#34;><div tabindex =&#34;0&#34;>Tab focus me, then ⏎

</div></a> #CSUNATC18

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CSS A: You can disable link underlines that are added by user style sheets with !important . #CSUNATC18

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CSS Q: I used jQuery to add border=0 to links, but everything gets a weird border. How do I remove it? #CSUNATC18

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ARIA A: Use aria

labelledby to associate each form field with the paragraph of instructions. #CSUNATC18

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ARIA Q: VoiceOver won’t announce this image. What ARIA do I need to add to make it work? < img src ="foo.gif" alt=""> #CSUNATC18

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ARIA Q: Can I avoid adding alt text if I just add aria

hidden="true" to every image? #CSUNATC18

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Assistive Technology #CSUNATC18

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Assistive Technology Q: How do I override how JAWS navigates tables and replace the keystrokes with my better keystrokes? #CSUNATC18

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Assistive Technology Q: How can I check if a user has a disability or is using a screen reader? You know, to justify making a design accessible. #CSUNATC18

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Survey Participants (2018) #CSUNATC18

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“Physical Differences” 1.4% I am blind / have difficulty seeing 0.8% I am deaf / have difficulty hearing 0.3% I am unable to / find it difficult to walk and/or stand without assistance 0.3% I am unable to / find it difficult to type #CSUNATC18

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“Mental Health and Differences” 8.5% I have a mood or emotional disorder (ex. depression, bipolar disorder) 7.8% I have an anxiety disorder 5.9% I have a concentration and/or memory disorder 2.1% I identify as autistic / a person with autism #CSUNATC18

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Where Are Devs ? #CSUNATC18

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Where Are Devs ? • Not in our Slack channels, • Not at our a11y conferences, • Not reading our specs • Not reading our blog


trons . #CSUNATC18

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Where Are A11y Pros? #CSUNATC18

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Where Are A11y Pros? • Are we on Stack Overflow? • Are we at local tech events? • Are we training teams? • Are we involved in education? • We need better outreach. #CSUNATC18

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Resources #CSUNATC18

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Resources Search for terms in your own answers with: user:me is:answer {search term} #CSUNATC18

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Resources Add underlines to links ( rosel.li/ bookmarklets#SOlink ): javascript :(function(){ var a= document.createElement ('style'), b;document.head. appendChild (a);b= a.sheet;b.insertRule ('.post

text a:link, .post

text a:visited, .comment

copy a:link, .comment

copy a:visited{text

decoration:underline !important}',0);})() #CSUNATC18

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Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack Overflow rosel.li/CSUN (case sensitive) #CSUNATC18 Presented by Adrian Roselli ( @aardrian ) at CSUN Assistive Technology Conference