The Art of Front-end Architecture

A presentation at FrontFest 2020 in February 2020 in Madrid, Spain by Adrià Fontcuberta

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Disclaimer This talk is not about the front end

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Disclaimer This talk is about software architecture

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We asked for responsibilities

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The Art(?) of Front-end Architecture

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👋 Hi! I’m Adrià Fontcuberta Senior(?) Software Engineer @ Holaluz Member of the official Vue Test Utils Member of Testing Library Co-organizer of VueJS Barcelona @afontq

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What are* we aiming for?

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What are* we aiming for? Write maintainable, scalable apps

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What are* we aiming for? Write maintainable, scalable apps Stay away from the framework

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What are* we aiming for? Write maintainable, scalable apps Share knowledge between teams and areas Stay away from the framework

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What are* we aiming for? Write maintainable, scalable apps Stay away from the framework Share knowledge between teams and areas Reduce the gap between Front and Back

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This is not about writing good software, but how to build software that can change over time

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Business stuff Delivery stuff

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Business stuff Delivery stuff

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Business stuff Delivery stuff

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Business stuff Delivery stuff

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Delivery stuff

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Domain Use cases Delivery stuff

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Domain Use cases

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Domain Use cases Delivery

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This layer has two streams of data

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Infrastructure UI / Input

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Infrastructure API repositories Cookies Web Storage

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UI ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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What does layer really mean?

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Dependencies only point inwards

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Dependencies only point inwards An inner layer should never rely on anything from an outer layer.

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Dependencies only point inwards An inner layer should never rely on anything from an outer layer.

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Use case “Get user information” depends on “User”

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Use case “Get user information” depends on “User”

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Use case “Get user information” depends on “User”

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Use case “Get user information” depends on “User” Use case “Get user information” depends on the UI framework

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Use case “Get user information” depends on “User” Use case “Get user information” depends on the UI framework

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Use case “Get user information” depends on “User” Use case “Get user information” depends on the UI framework

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The Web is a delivery mechanism

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It is not the center. It is external.

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It is really, really hard to get it right

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We need to adapt its content for our inner layers

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We need to adapt its content for our inner layers

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Domain Use cases Infrastructure Adapter UI

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Domain Use cases Infrastructure Adapter UI

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Domain Use cases Infrastructure Adapter UI Independent of the framework

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Domain Use cases Independent of the framework Infrastructure Adapter UI The framework™

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Domain Use cases Infrastructure Independent of the framework

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Domain Use cases Infrastructure Independent of the framework

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infra UI adapter app* domain

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infra 👩 UI adapter app* domain

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Actions Reducers View State Actions Mutations View State

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infra 👩 UI adapter app domain

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infra state 👩 UI mutations actions app domain

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type Coordinate = 0 | 1 | 2 type Sign = “X” | “O” | “” class Board { public isFull(): boolean {} public isPositionTaken(cell: Cell): boolean {} public fillPosition(cell: Cell, player: Player): void {} } class Cell { private row: Coordinate private col: Coordinate } class Player { public sign: Sign public equals(player: Player): boolean {} }

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type Coordinate = 0 | 1 | 2 type Sign = “X” | “O” | “” class Board { public isFull(): boolean {} public isPositionTaken(cell: Cell): boolean {} public fillPosition(cell: Cell, player: Player): void {} } T O N S I S I TH ” Y A W E T I R E H “T class Cell { private row: Coordinate private col: Coordinate } class Player { public sign: Sign public equals(player: Player): boolean {} }

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type Coordinate = 0 | 1 | 2 type Sign = “X” | “O” | “” class Board { public isFull(): boolean {} public isPositionTaken(cell: Cell): boolean {} public fillPosition(cell: Cell, player: Player): void {} } class Cell { private row: Coordinate private col: Coordinate } class Player { public sign: Sign public equals(player: Player): boolean {} }

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class Game { private board: Board private isEnded: (): boolean private getLastPlayer(): Player public makeMove(player: Player, cell: Cell): void { if (this.isEnded()) throw new FinishedGameException() if (player.equals(this.getLastPlayer())) throw new AlreadyPlayedException() if (this.board.isPositionTaken(cell)) throw new AlreadyTakenException() this.board.fillPosition(cell, player) } }

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function makeMoveUseCase({ game, player, cell }, { onSuccess, onError }) { try { game.makeMove(player, cell) } catch (error) { onError(error) return } onSuccess(player, cell) }

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function makeMoveUseCase({ game, player, cell }, { onSuccess, onError }) { try { game.makeMove(player, cell) } catch (error) { onError(error) return } onSuccess(player, cell) }

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function makeMoveUseCase({ game, player, cell }, { onSuccess, onError }) { try { game.makeMove(player, cell) } catch (error) { onError(error) return } onSuccess(player, cell) }

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import { makeMoveUseCase } from ‘application/!!…’ const actions = { makeMove({ state, commit }, cell) { commit(‘MAKE_MOVE_REQUEST’) makeMoveUseCase({ player: state.currentPlayer, game:, cell }, { onSuccess: (player) !=> commit(‘MAKE_MOVE_SUCCESS’, player), onError: (error) !=> commit(‘MAKE_MOVE_ERROR’, error.message) }) } }

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import { makeMoveUseCase } from ‘application/!!…’ const actions = { makeMove({ state, commit }, cell) { commit(‘MAKE_MOVE_REQUEST’) makeMoveUseCase({ player: state.currentPlayer, game:, cell }, { onSuccess: (player) !=> commit(‘MAKE_MOVE_SUCCESS’, player), onError: (error) !=> commit(‘MAKE_MOVE_ERROR’, error.message) }) } }

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import { makeMoveUseCase } from ‘application/!!…’ $(‘#submit_move’).click(function() { makeMoveUseCase( { player: $(‘#current_player’).val(), game:, cell: [$(‘input[name=”row”]’).val(), $(‘input[name=”col”]’).val()] }, { onSuccess: () !=> $(‘#success_message’).fadeIn(‘slow’), onError: () !=> window.alert(‘oops something went wrong’) } ) })

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src/ domain/ application/ infrastructure/ ui/

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infra UI adapter app domain

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Disclaimer #1 You might not need any of this

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Disclaimer #1 You might want some parts of it

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Disclaimer #2 This talk was actually about the front end

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Front-end development is software development

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Disclaimer #3 Nothing explained here today is new

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Wrapping up

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Wrapping up Organize code around business rules, not frameworks

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Wrapping up Organize code around business rules, not frameworks Dependency Rule Keep details away from the core

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Wrapping up Organize code around business rules, not frameworks Make everything easy to test Dependency Rule Keep details away from the core

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Wrapping up Organize code around business rules, not frameworks Dependency Rule Keep details away from the core Make everything easy to test Front-end development is software development

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This is not about writing good software, but how to build software that can change over time

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Ok Adri this is cool Where should I start?

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Ok Adri this is cool Where should I start?

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👋 That’s all! @afontq