Asynchronous Programming in PHP

A presentation at PHP Conference Japan 2021 in October 2021 in by Lochemem Bruno Michael

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Asynchronous Programming in PHP Lochemem Bruno Michael

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Agenda I I I I I I I I I I Introduction The rigors of I/O Asynchrony The asynchronous PHP landscape The event loop Streams Promises Sockets HTTP Servers Command Line applications

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Lochemem Bruno Michael @agiroLoki @ace411

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$whoami I PHP/JS/C++ enthusiast

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$whoami I PHP/JS/C++ enthusiast I Functional Programming aficionado

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$whoami I PHP/JS/C++ enthusiast I Functional Programming aficionado I Maintainer of several packages and PHP extensions

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$whoami I I I I PHP/JS/C++ enthusiast Functional Programming aficionado Maintainer of several packages and PHP extensions Author

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$whoami I I I I I PHP/JS/C++ enthusiast Functional Programming aficionado Maintainer of several packages and PHP extensions Author Hooper

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$whoami I I I I I I PHP/JS/C++ enthusiast Functional Programming aficionado Maintainer of several packages and PHP extensions Author Hooper Gamer

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A lot of usable software is a combination of Input-Output (I/O) operations

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I/O everywhere? I I I I I Filesystem interactions Database interactions Reading from Standard Input (STDIO) Writing to Standard Output (STDOUT) API calls (REST, SOAP)

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I/O is slow Access type L1 cache reference Send packet CA->Holland->CA Latency (ns) 0.5 150,000,000 Fun fact If you multiply the durations by a billion, the former’s latency is the equivalent of one heartbeat, and the latter’s approximates an entire Bachelor’s degree program. Source: Latency numbers every programmer should know

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Traditional PHP is, despite recent improvements, not immune to this problem

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Blocking I/O Galore I Sequential execution of function calls I Multiple idle periods between successive executions I Direct result-to-variable binding

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Conventional HTTP configuration with PHP I Traditional LAMP stack

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Conventional HTTP configuration with PHP I Traditional LAMP stack I Often tuned up with PHP-FPM

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Conventional HTTP configuration with PHP I Traditional LAMP stack I Often tuned up with PHP-FPM I Still works!

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I/O’s only gotten more arduous I Live data

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I/O’s only gotten more arduous I Live data I Server-Sent Events (SSE)

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I/O’s only gotten more arduous I Live data I Server-Sent Events (SSE) I Robust HTTP APIs

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I/O’s only gotten more arduous I I I I Live data Server-Sent Events (SSE) Robust HTTP APIs & more

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Asynchrony is a potent answer to I/O-related problems

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So, what is it? The ability to run multiple processes, independent of main program flow - by interleaving them in a single execution thread.

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What are the requirements? I An event loop

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What are the requirements? I An event loop I A proxy mechanism for handling undetermined values

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What are the requirements? I An event loop I A proxy mechanism for handling undetermined values I A lot of un-buffered data

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What are the requirements? I I I I An event loop A proxy mechanism for handling undetermined values A lot of un-buffered data A single-threaded runtime

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All the way asynchronous Pretty popular

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But PHP is well-suited to the needs of asynchrony despite not offering it out-of-the-box

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The asynchronous PHP landscape Tool Distribution ReactPHP Composer Amp Composer Swoole PECL Resemblances Node.JS Go, Node.JS Go, Node.JS

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The original React

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What is React? A suite of packages - based on the Reactor pattern - intended to enable event-driven programming in PHP. I Event loop

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What is React? A suite of packages - based on the Reactor pattern - intended to enable event-driven programming in PHP. I Event loop I Stream abstraction

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What is React? A suite of packages - based on the Reactor pattern - intended to enable event-driven programming in PHP. I Event loop I Stream abstraction I HTTP client and server

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What is React? A suite of packages - based on the Reactor pattern - intended to enable event-driven programming in PHP. I Event loop I Stream abstraction I HTTP client and server I Child processes

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At the core of many event-driven systems is the event loop.

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The event loop I A low-level dispatcher I A quasi-scheduler I Monitors an execution context for events I Dispatches handler to event I Can be written in PHP

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The event loop I Listens for events and dispatches actions to process them I Renders everything in its context non-blocking I Runs until the point of event completion or stoppage

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Want more power? Plug in a suitable extension! I ext-ev I ext-uv I ext-event

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How is data conveyed in an event-driven system?

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How is data conveyed in an event-driven system? Usually, as a stream…

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Streams I Typically un-buffered sequences of data I Can be connected in pipelines I Readable (like STDIN)

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Streams I Typically un-buffered sequences of data I Can be connected in pipelines I Writable (like STDOUT)

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Streams I Typically un-buffered sequences of data I Can be connected in pipelines I Duplex (like TCP/IP or file in read/write mode)

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What about data propagation and action chains?

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What about data propagation and action chains? How about promises?

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Promises I Placeholders for values yet to be computed I Possess two tracks (resolve, reject) I Algebraic structures

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How about something practical?

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How about something practical? Like a simple socket-powered chat?

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Sockets I Suitable for network communications I Useful in client-server setups I Data typically conveys as a duplex stream telnet <addresss> <port>

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Trying to set up an HTTP server? PHP is all you need.

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Server I Pure PHP I PSR-compliant software I Reliably fast I Multiple integrations with existent PHP packages

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Client I Promise-driven HTTP client I Akin to JavaScript’s fetch API I Easy to use I Also PSR-compliant

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A neat microframework built atop ReactPHP

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framework-x I Created and maintained by I Process all kinds of data (.json, .csv, .xml etc) I Run in any environment I Go from RAD to production in minutes

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Symfony & React

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DriftPHP I Created and maintained by Marc Morera I Non-blocking Symfony kernel I Promise-driven controllers I Asynchronous components (command bus, file watcher etc)

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So, you want to run blocking code in an event-driven system?

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So, you want to run blocking code in an event-driven system? This is conventionally a no-no but…

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So, you want to run blocking code in an event-driven system? This is conventionally a no-no but…

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Synchronous to asynchronous I Works on many non-blocking PHP functions I Utilizes child-process I/O I Supports FP and traditional OO approaches

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How about applications that run in the console? Also considered user-facing software

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Shells I Text input-driven I Read->Evaluate->Print>Loop I Can benefit from the potency of non-blocking I/O

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ReactPHP has a vibrant ecosystem Check out the ReactPHP wiki

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ReactPHP has a vibrant ecosystem Check out the ReactPHP wiki I It is growing

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ReactPHP has a vibrant ecosystem Check out the ReactPHP wiki I It is growing I Package updates are regularly released

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Additional Material I I I I ReactPHP documentation Asynchronous Programming in PHP Learning Event-Driven PHP with ReactPHP Entries in Sergey Zhuk’s blog

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Please give asynchronous PHP a try. You likely won’t regret it!

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Please give asynchronous PHP a try. You likely won’t regret it! I Write a simple REST API

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Please give asynchronous PHP a try. You likely won’t regret it! I Write a simple REST API I Write a simple shell

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Please give asynchronous PHP a try. You likely won’t regret it! I Write a simple REST API I Write a simple shell I Write a basic asynchronous I/O script

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Thank you