Becoming an accessibility-focused developer

A presentation at Edinburgh React Meetup in February 2020 in Edinburgh, UK by Suzanne Aitchison

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Becoming an accessibility-focused developer

Suzanne Aitchison twitter: @s_aitchison

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Accessibility is everyone’s responsibility

including everyone in your organisation

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Accessibility needs to be considered at every stage of the product development lifecycle

but that is a lot of people for you to convince

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We work in imperfect organisations

You will hear some very bad takes, like:

“accessibility isn’t part of MVP”

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We work in imperfect organisations

“just put a ticket in the backlog”

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We work in imperfect organisations

“we don’t have any disabled users”

These are very common comments, unfortunately and also very ableist. It’s a privilege to be able to be so dismissive about accessibility.

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Our sphere of control

But we do have control over our small piece of the puzzle: the implementation i.e. our daily development work.

The focus of the talk is what you can do yourself to learn more about accessibility and start making positive changes in your code

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Habits to build

  • detect common issues
  • boost with some quick-win refactoring
  • learn by finding bugs in the browser

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add accessibility linting with eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y

add accessibility linting with the NPM package eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y

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catch common errors, e.g:

• meaningful alt text on images • association of labels with inputs • no non-interactive elements with click listeners

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jsx-a11y example

image of example jsx-a11y lint output

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Commit to 2 key pieces of refactoring

Before you push code to review, try to get in the habit of reviewing these two aspects, for some quick accessibility boosts

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Replace divs with semantic alternatives

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Why not a div?

Authors are strongly encouraged to view the <div> element as an element of last resort, for when no other element is suitable - W3C

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Some of your divs can be replaced by landmarks. Using landmarks correctly allows screen reader users to find and skip to relevant content more easily

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Landmarks - HTML sectioning elements

<header> <footer> <nav> <main> <aside> <section>

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<header> = banner landmark
  • only one at the top level of your structure

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<footer> = contentinfo landmark
  • only one at the top level of your structure

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<nav> = navigation landmark
  • wrap lists of links
  • can have more than one nav, but if you do, give a label to each so a user can find which one they are looking for

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<main> = main landmark
  • only one
  • contains the main content of your page

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<aside> = complementary landmark
  • Outside of the main content, but contains complementary information, e.g. lists of useful links or resources, “other stories related to this..”

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<section> = region landmark (only if labelled/titled)
  • Only a landmark if labelled

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ensure lists are marked up using <ul> and <li> to give screen reader users context

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if you used .map() to create a set of elements for display, they should probably be <li> elements and displayed in a list

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Audit your headings

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Why audit your headings

68.8% of respondents said their first action on a web page is to navigate by heading levels - WebAIM 2019 screen reader user survey

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Headings navigation example

example of heading levels surfaced by the VoiceOver rotor

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Headings when there's none in the design

an invisible heading is better than no headings at all

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Visually hidden CSS

CSS that can be used to hide elements visually

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Heading levels - structure, not style

think of heading levels in terms of structure, not style

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Heading structure - example 1

heading structure • Find a pet for adoption <h1> • Meet our dogs <h2> • Meet our cats <h2> • New arrivals! <h2> =😸+🐶+?

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Heading structure - example 2

• Find a pet for adoption <h1> • Meet our dogs <h2> • Meet our cats <h2> • New arrivals! <h3> =😸

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Rules for headings

  • only one <h1> per page
  • only increase by one level at a time

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Verify your code in the browser

verify your code in the browser with an accessibility checker, e.g. axe or wave

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axe / wave catch common errors, e.g: • colour contrast • heading levels skipped • duplicate or missing landmarks

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Example Axe output

example axe extension output showing accessibility errors

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Check your work is operable by keyboard alone

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Keyboard operability

• verify you can tab to every interactive element (shift + tab to go backwards) • check the current focus is clearly visible • ensure the tab order is logical • test interacting with elements

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Check your code works for screen reader users

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How often should we check with a screen reader?

a reasonable minimum: if you used an aria attribute, you should check your code with a screen reader

  • aria attributes can override other semantics in the HTML
  • if you use aria attributes but don’t check with a screen reader - how are you checking your code works?
  • websites with higher use of aria, have higher incidences of accessibility failings

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Screen reader / browser combos

• Windows: NVDA + Firefox • MacOS: VoiceOver + Safari

Based on user behaviour reported in the WebAIM 2019 Screen Reader User Survey

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Key screen reader skills - switch on/off

• switch on and off: ⌘ + F5

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Key screen reader skills - read parts of page

• switch on and off • read parts of the page: ctrl +⌥ + right/left arrow

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Key screen reader skills - interact with items

• switch on and off • read parts of the page • interact with items: ctrl +⌥ + spacebar

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Your new pre-push checklist

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Pre-push checklist

✅ refactor for semantics & heading structure ✅ verify in axe/wave ✅ check with keyboard ✅ check with screen reader *

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Further reading

slides + resource links Up Your A11y: