Building Modern APIs

A presentation at PHPUK in February 2020 in London, UK by Rob Allen

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Building Modern APIs with Slim Framework Rob Allen, February 2020 Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Today’s plan • Learn a bit about Slim for context • Learn the features of a good API • Put them into practice within a Slim application • Coffee & cake! Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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What do you know about APIs? Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Rock-Paper-Scissors An API to play Rock-Paper-Scissors 1. Create a new game 2. Make first player’s move 3. Make second player’s move 4. Get result Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Create a game $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ http://localhost:8888/games \ -d ‘{“player1”: “Rob”, “player2”: “Jon”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Create a game $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ http://localhost:8888/games \ -d ‘{“player1”: “Rob”, “player2”: “Jon”}’ { “_links”: { “makeNextMove”: { “href”: “/games/2ab83e2a-98d0-4110-b3ae-90d6fbf5/moves”, “description”: “Make a player’s move” } } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Make a move $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ http://localhost:8888/games/2ab83e2a-98d0-4110-b3ae-90d6fbf5/moves -d ‘{“player”: “Rob”, “move”: “rock”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Make a move $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ http://localhost:8888/games/2ab83e2a-98d0-4110-b3ae-90d6fbf5/moves -d ‘{“player”: “Rob”, “move”: “rock”}’ { “_links”: { “makeNextMove”: { “href”: “/games/2ab83e2a-98d0-4110-b3ae-90d6fbf5/moves”, “description”: “Make player 2’s move” } } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Make other move $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ http://localhost:8888/games/2ab83e2a-98d0-4110-b3ae-90d6fbf5/moves -d ‘{“player”: “Jon”, “move”: “rock”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Make other move $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ http://localhost:8888/games/2ab83e2a-98d0-4110-b3ae-90d6fbf5/moves -d ‘{“player”: “Jon”, “move”: “rock”}’ { “result”: “Draw. Both players chose rock”, “_links”: { “newGame”: { “href”: “/games/”, “description”: “Start a new game” } } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Slim The C in MVC Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Slim Framework • Created by Josh Lockhart ( • PSR-4 autoloading • PSR-7 Request and Response objects • PSR-15 Middleware and Request Handlers • PSR-11 DI container support Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Bring your own components Slim provides the router and dispatcher: You provide: • PSR-7 component • PSR-11 DI container • View layer (templates) • Model layer (Database/ORM) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Getting started $ composer create-project akrabat/slim4-starter hello-api Slim4-Starter provides: • Slim 4 • Slim-Psr7 • PHP-DI • Monolog Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Getting started Start a web server $ php -S -t public/ PHP 7.4.2 Development Server ( started Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Getting started Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Getting started Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Directory structure ├── │ │ │ │ ├── │ ├── │ │ config/ ├── dependencies.php ├── middleware.php ├── routes.php └── settings.php public/ └── index.php src/ └── Handler/ └── HomePageHandler.php ├── │ │ ├── ├── └── var/ ├── cache/ └── log/ vendor/ composer.json composer.lock Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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How does Slim work? 1. Bootstrap application 2. Execute routing 3. Dispatch route handler 4. Return response Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Routing 1. Inspect URL and matches segments 2. On match: • Add Route object to Request attribute (route) • Dispatch associated route handler Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Route handlers • Manage business logic operations • Receive a PSR-7 ServerRequest • Return a PSR-7 Response • Implemented as PSR-15 RequestHandler Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HomePageHandler class HomePageHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, ) : ResponseInterface { $response = new Response(); $response->getBody()->write(“Hello $name”); } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Coding time Create a Slim app Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HTTP is the foundation Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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It’s all about HTTP HTTP is a stateless request/response protocol that operates by exchanging messages. RFC 7230 Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Client request POST /v2.1/events/18/comments HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/7.54.0 Accept: application/xml; q=0.8, application/json Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 59 {“comment”:”Great Talk. Nothing wrong with it!”,”rating”:5} Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Server response HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Status: 400 Content-Length: 32 Connection: close Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8 [“Invalid Authorization Header”] Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PSR-7 OO interfaces to model HTTP • RequestInterface (& ServerRequestInterface) • ResponseInterface • UriInterface • UploadedFileInterface Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Key feature 1: Immutability Request, Response, Uri & UploadFile are immutable $uri = new Uri(‘’); $uri2 = $uri->withQuery(‘?filter=upcoming’); $uri3 = $uri->withQuery(‘?filter=cfp’); with() methods return a new object with the new information Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Key feature 1: Immutability // This does not work $response = new Response(); $response->withStatus(200); $response->withHeader(‘Content-type’, ‘text/xml’); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Key feature 1: Immutability // This does not work $response = new Response(); $response->withStatus(200); $response->withHeader(‘Content-type’, ‘text/xml’); // This works: Reassign returned object $response = new Response(); $response = $response->withStatus(200); $response = $response->withHeader(‘Content-type’, ‘text/xml’); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Key feature 2: Streams Message bodies are streams $body = new Stream(); $body->write(‘<p>Hello’); $body->write(‘World</p>’); $response = (new Response()) ->withStatus(200, ‘OK’) ->withHeader(‘Content-Type’, ‘text/html’) ->withBody($body); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Let’s talk APIs Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Features of a good API • Correctness • Malleability • Error handling • Documentation Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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tl;dr Ensure your API is maintainable and developer-friendly

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Get it right! Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Embrace HTTP methods Method GET PUT DELETE POST PATCH Used for Retrieve data Change data Delete data Change data Update data Idempotent? Yes Yes Yes No No (HTTP methods are also known as verbs) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HTTP method negotiation If a given resource (URI) doesn’t support the requested HTTP verb, then return: 405 Method Not Allowed Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HTTP method negotiation If a given resource (URI) doesn’t support the requested HTTP verb, then return: 405 Method Not Allowed $ curl -i -X PUT -H “Accept: application/json” http://localhost:8888 HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed Allow: GET Content-type: application/json { “message”: “405 Method Not Allowed”, } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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URLs matter • Be consistent • Prefer nouns for resource names • Plural names work best for collections • Unique URL for each resource (/users/123) • Resources can be named after business processes too (e.g. customer-enrolment, money-transfer, merges) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Status codes Send the right one for the right situation! 1xx 2xx 3xx 4xx 5xx Informational Success Redirection Client error Server error (We’re still working) (All done) (Go elsewhere) (Your fault) (Our fault) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Rock-Paper-Scissors Verb URL GET POST GET POST /games /games /games/123 /games/123/moves Purpose List all games Start a new game Find out about game 123 Play a move in game 123 Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Routing Uris in Slim config/routes.php: $app->get( ‘/games’, App\Handler\ListGames::class )->setName(‘games’); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Routes have a method config/routes.php: $app->get( ‘/games’, App\Handler\ListGames::class )->setName(‘games’); // Method Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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$app method => HTTP verb $app->get() $app->post() $app->put() $app->patch() $app->delete() Multiple methods: $app->any() $app->map([‘GET’, ‘POST’], …); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Routes have a pattern config/routes.php: $app->get( ‘/games’, App\Handler\ListGames::class )->setName(‘games’); // Patten Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Route pattern // literal $app->get(‘/games’, $handler); // placeholder within { & } (access as request attribute) $app->get(‘/games/{id}’, $handler); // constrain using regex $app->get(‘/games/{id:\d+}’, $handler); // optional segments use [ & ] $app->get(‘/games[/{id:\d+}]’, $handler); $app->get(‘/news[/{y:\d{4}}[/{m:\d{2}}]]’, $handler); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Routes have a handler config/routes.php: $app->get( ‘/games’, App\Handler\ListGames::class )->setName(‘games’); // Handler Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Route handlers • Manage business logic operations • Receive a PSR-7 ServerRequest • Return a PSR-7 Response • Implemented as PSR-15 RequestHandler Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Responses in Slim Create a new Response object and use the with methods: $response = new Response(); // status code $response = $response->withStatus(404); // headers $response = $response->withHeader(‘Content-Type’,’application/json’); // body $response->getBody()->write(json_encode([‘foo’ => ‘bar’]))); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Coding time Handlers Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Incoming data Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Content-Type handling The Content-Type header specifies the format of the incoming data $ curl http://localhost:8888/games \ -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ -d ‘{“player1”: “Rob”, “player2”: “Jon”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Read with getBody() $app->post(‘/games’, function ($request, $response) { $data = $request->getBody(); $response->getBody()->write(print_r($data, true)); return $response; } ); Output is a string: ‘{“player1”: “Rob”, “player2”: “Jon”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Read with getParsedBody() Add Slim’s body-parsing middleware to your app: $app->addBodyParsingMiddleware(); Use in your handler: $app->post(‘/games’, function ($request, $response) { $data = $request->getParsedBody(); return $response->write(print_r($data, true)); } ); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Read with getParsedBody() $ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ -d ‘{“player1”: “Rob”, “player2”: “Jon”}’ Output is an array: Array ( [player1] => Rob, [player2] => Jon ) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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This also works with XML $ curl “http://localhost:8888/games” \ -H “Content-Type: application/xml” \ -d “<game><player1>Rob</player1><player2>Jon</player2></game>” Output: Array ( [player1] => Rob, [player2] => Jon ) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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And form data curl “http://localhost:8888/games” \ -H “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” \ -d “player1=Rob’ -d ‘player2=Jon” Output: Array ( [player1] => Rob, [player2] => Jon ) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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addBodyParsingMiddleware() ? Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Middleware Middleware is code that exists between the request and response, and which can take the incoming request, perform actions based on it, and either complete the response or pass delegation on to the next middleware in the queue. Matthew Weier O’Phinney Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Middleware Take a request, return a response Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Middleware LIFO stack: $app->add(ValidationMiddleware::class); $app->add(AuthMiddleware::class); $app->add(AuthMiddleware::class); $app->addBodyParsingMiddleware(); $app->addErrorMiddleware(true, true, true); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PSR-15 MiddlewareInterface namespace Psr\Http\Server; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; interface MiddlewareInterface { public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler ) : ResponseInterface; } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PSR-15 MiddlewareInterface namespace Psr\Http\Server; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; interface MiddlewareInterface { public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler ) : ResponseInterface; } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PSR-15 MiddlewareInterface namespace Psr\Http\Server; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; interface MiddlewareInterface { public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler ) : ResponseInterface; } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PSR-15 MiddlewareInterface namespace Psr\Http\Server; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; interface MiddlewareInterface { public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler ) : ResponseInterface; } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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TimerMiddleware class TimerMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { public function process($request, $handler) { $start = microtime(true); $response = $handler->handle($request); $taken = microtime(true) - $start; return $response->withHeader(‘Time-Taken’, $taken); } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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TimerMiddleware class TimerMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { public function process($request, $handler) { $start = microtime(true); $response = $handler->handle($request); $taken = microtime(true) - $start; return $response->withHeader(‘Time-Taken’, $taken); } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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TimerMiddleware class TimerMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { public function process($request, $handler) { $start = microtime(true); $response = $handler->handle($request); $taken = microtime(true) - $start; return $response->withHeader(‘Time-Taken’, $taken); } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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TimerMiddleware class TimerMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { public function process($request, $handler) { $start = microtime(true); $response = $handler->handle($request); $taken = microtime(true) - $start; return $response->withHeader(‘Time-Taken’, $taken); } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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TimerMiddleware class TimerMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { public function process($request, $handler) { $start = microtime(true); $response = $handler->handle($request); $taken = microtime(true) - $start; return $response->withHeader(‘Time-Taken’, $taken); } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Route Handlers The other half of PSR-15! Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Route Handlers Any callable! $app->add(‘/’, $app->add(‘/’, $app->add(‘/’, $app->add(‘/’, $app->add(‘/’, function ($request, $response) { … }); [‘RootController’, ‘aStaticFunction’]); [new RootController(), ‘aFunction’]); RootController::class.’:pingAction’); RootHander::class); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Use the PSR-15 one $app->add(‘/’, RootHandler::class); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PSR-15 RouteHandlerInterface namespace Psr\Http\Server; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; interface RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle( ServerRequestInterface $request ): ResponseInterface; } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PSR-15 RouteHandlerInterface namespace Psr\Http\Server; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; interface RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle( ServerRequestInterface $request ): ResponseInterface; } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PSR-15 RouteHandlerInterface namespace Psr\Http\Server; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; interface RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle( ServerRequestInterface $request ): ResponseInterface; } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PSR-15 RouteHandlerInterface namespace Psr\Http\Server; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; interface RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle( ServerRequestInterface $request ): ResponseInterface; } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HomePageHandler use use use use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request; Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface; Slim\Psr7\Response; class HomePageHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle(Request $request): ResponseInterface { $response = new Response(); $response->getBody()->write(‘Hello World’); return $response; } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HomePageHandler use use use use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request; Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface; Slim\Psr7\Response; class HomePageHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle(Request $request): ResponseInterface { $response = new Response(); $response->getBody()->write(‘Hello World’); return $response; } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HomePageHandler use use use use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request; Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface; Slim\Psr7\Response; class HomePageHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle(Request $request): ResponseInterface { $response = new Response(); $response->getBody()->write(‘Hello World’); return $response; } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HomePageHandler use use use use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request; Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface; Slim\Psr7\Response; class HomePageHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle(Request $request): ResponseInterface { $response = new Response(); $response->getBody()->write(‘Hello World’); return $response; } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Coding time Reading data Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Malleability Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Decouple your representation Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Hypermedia • Media type used for a representation • Links relationships between representations and states • Decouples client from server • Rename endpoints at will • Re-home endpoints on different domains Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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JSON and Hypermedia JSON does not have a defined way of providing hypermedia links Options: • “Link” header (GitHub approach) • application/collection+json • application/hal+json Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Hypermedia payloads • Links should be fully qualified • Always include self relation • Add links to other related resources & collections Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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application/hal+json { “_links”: { “self”: { “href”: “” }, “warehouse”: { “href”: “” }, “invoice”: { “href”: “” } }, “currency”: “GBP”, “status”: “shipped”, “total”: 123.45 } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Base URL in Slim class BaseUrlMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { public function process($request, $handler) { $uri = $request->getUri(); $scheme = $uri->getScheme(); $authority = $uri->getAuthority(); $rootUrl = ($scheme !== ” ? $scheme . ‘:’ : ”) . ($authority !== ” ? ‘//’ . $authority : ”); $request = $request->withAttribute(‘base_url’, $rootUrl); return $handler->handle($request); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Creating links public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) { $baseUrl = $request->getAttribute(‘base_url’); $listGamesUrl = $baseUrl . ‘/games’; $gameUrl = $baseUrl . ‘/games/’ . $id; // … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HAL payloads: collection $hal = new Hal($baseUrl . ‘/games’); foreach ($games as $game) { $data[‘player1’] = $game->player1(); $data[‘player2’] = $game->player2(); //… $self = $baseUrl . ‘/games/’ . $game->id; $resource = new Hal($self, $data); $hal->addResource(‘game’, $resource); } $hal->setData([‘count’ => count($games)]); $json = $hal->asJson(true); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HAL output $ curl http://localhost:8888/games/0a1846ab-df37-4f7b-8e42-c0ef3ec { “player1”: “Rob”, “player2”: “Jon”, “status”: “Game complete”, “created”: “2019-09-30 08:49:33”, “result”: “Rob wins. rock beats scissors.”, “winner”: “Rob”, “_links”: { … } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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HAL links { … “winner”: “Rob”, “_links”: { “self”: { “href”: “http://localhost:8888/games/0a1846ab-df37-4f7b-8e42… }, “newGame”: { “href”: “http://localhost:8888/games/”, “description”: “Start a new game” } } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Pagination Mobile devices don’t that much memory! • Link relations: first, last, next & prev relations • Include total count of items too Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Coding time Hypermedia Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Error handling Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Error handling • Internal logging of errors for ourselves • Error representations are first class citizens • Code for computers, messages for humans Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Injecting a logger More PSRs! 11 & 3 Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Configure PHP-DI $containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder(); $containerBuilder->addDefinitions([ // Factory for a PSR-3 logger LoggerInterface::class => function (ContainerInterface $c) { $logger = new Logger($settings[‘name’]); $logger->pushHandler(new ErrorLogHandler()); return $logger; }, ]); AppFactory::setContainer($containerBuilder->build()); $app = AppFactory::create(); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Configure PHP-DI $containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder(); $containerBuilder->addDefinitions([ // Factory for a PSR-3 logger LoggerInterface::class => function (ContainerInterface $c) { $logger = new Logger($settings[‘name’]); $logger->pushHandler(new ErrorLogHandler()); return $logger; }, ]); AppFactory::setContainer($containerBuilder->build()); $app = AppFactory::create(); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Configure PHP-DI $containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder(); $containerBuilder->addDefinitions([ // Factory for a PSR-3 logger LoggerInterface::class => function (ContainerInterface $c) { $logger = new Logger($settings[‘name’]); $logger->pushHandler(new ErrorLogHandler()); return $logger; }, ]); AppFactory::setContainer($containerBuilder->build()); $app = AppFactory::create(); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Configure PHP-DI $containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder(); $containerBuilder->addDefinitions([ // Factory for a PSR-3 logger LoggerInterface::class => function (ContainerInterface $c) { $logger = new Logger($settings[‘name’]); $logger->pushHandler(new ErrorLogHandler()); return $logger; }, ]); AppFactory::setContainer($containerBuilder->build()); $app = AppFactory::create(); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Configure PHP-DI $containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder(); $containerBuilder->addDefinitions([ // Factory for a PSR-3 logger LoggerInterface::class => function (ContainerInterface $c) { $logger = new Logger($settings[‘name’]); $logger->pushHandler(new ErrorLogHandler()); return $logger; }, ]); AppFactory::setContainer($containerBuilder->build()); $app = AppFactory::create(); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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PHP-DI autowiring Just type-hint your constructor! class GetGameHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { private $logger; public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Logging class GetGameHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle(Request $request): ResponseInterface this->logger->info(“Fetching game”, [‘id’ => $id]); try { $games = $this->gameRepository->loadById($id); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { this->logger->info(“No game found”, [‘id’ => $id]); throw new HttpNotFoundException($request, ‘No Game’, $e); } … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Logging class GetGameHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { public function handle(Request $request): ResponseInterface this->logger->info(“Fetching game”, [‘id’ => $id]); try { $games = $this->gameRepository->loadById($id); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { this->logger->info(“No game found”, [‘id’ => $id]); throw new HttpNotFoundException($request, ‘No Game’, $e); } … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Rendering errors Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Slim’s error handling Add Slim’s error handling middleware to render exceptions $displayDetails = true; $logErrors = true; $logDetails = true; $app->addErrorMiddleware($displayDetails, $logErrors, $logDetails); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Error rendering $ http -j DELETE http://localhost:8888/game Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Error rendering $ http -j DELETE http://localhost:8888/game HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed Allow: GET Content-type: application/json Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Error rendering $ http -j DELETE http://localhost:8888/game HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed Allow: GET Content-type: application/json { “exception”: [ { “code”: 405, “file”: “…/Slim/Middleware/RoutingMiddleware.php”, “message”: “Method not allowed: Must be one of: GET”, “type”: “Slim\Exception\HttpMethodNotAllowedException” } ], “message”: “Method not allowed: Must be one of: GET” } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Convert errors to HTTP exceptions public function handle(Request $request): ResponseInterface { $id = $request->getAttribute(‘id’); try { $game = $this->gameRepository->loadById($id); } catch (GameNotFoundException $e) { throw new HttpNotFoundException($request, ‘No Game’, $e); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new HttpInternalServerErrorException($request, ‘An unknown error occurred’, $e); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Not found error public function handle(Request $request): ResponseInterface { $id = $request->getAttribute(‘id’); try { $game = $this->gameRepository->loadById($id); } catch (GameNotFoundException $e) { throw new HttpNotFoundException($request, ‘No Game’, $e); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new HttpInternalServerErrorException($request, ‘An unknown error occurred’, $e); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Not found error $ http -j http://localhost:8888/games/1234 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-type: application/json { “message”: “No Game” } (Production mode: $displayDetails = false) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Generic error public function handle(Request $request): ResponseInterface { $id = $request->getAttribute(‘id’); try { $game = $this->gameRepository->loadById($id); } catch (GameNotFoundException $e) { throw new HttpNotFoundException($request, ‘No Game’, $e); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new HttpInternalServerErrorException($request, ‘An unknown error occurred’, $e); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Generic error $ http -j http://localhost:8888/games/abcd HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Content-type: application/json { “exception”: [ { “code”: 500, “file”: “…/src/Handler/GetGameHandler.php”, “line”: 43, “message”: “An unknown error occurred”, “type”: “Slim\Exception\HttpInternalServerErrorException” }, Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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{ “code”: 40, “file”: “…/lib/Assert/Assertion.php”, “line”: 2752, “message”: “Value “abcd” is not a valid integer.”, “type”: “Assert\InvalidArgumentException” } ], “message”: “An unknown error occurred” } (Development mode: $displayDetails = true) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Coding time Error responses Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Documentation Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Documentation • Tutorials • Reference Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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OpenAPI Specification • Spec-first API design • Tooling: • Reference website: ReDoc • Linting/validation: Spectral • Mock server: Prism Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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OpenAPI Specification openapi: “3.0.2” info: title: Rock-Paper-Scissors version: “1.0.0” description: An implementation of Rock-Paper-Scissors contact: name: Rob Allen servers: - url: Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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OpenAPI Specification paths: /games: post: summary: Create a new game description: Create a new game of Rock-Paper-Scissors operationId: createGame tags: - Game requestBody: description: Game to add content: application/json: schema: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/NewGameRequest’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Test with prism $ npm install -g @stoplight/prism-cli $ prism mock rps-openapi.yaml › › › › [CLI] [HTTP [CLI] [CLI] … awaiting Starting Prism… SERVER] info Server listening at info POST info POST Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Test with prism $ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:4010/games HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request content-type: application/json {“message”:”Must provide both player1 and player2”} Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Test with prism $ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:4010/games HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request content-type: application/json {“message”:”Must provide both player1 and player2”} › › › › › › › [HTTP SERVER] post /games info Request received [NEGOTIATOR] info Request contains an accept header: / [VALIDATOR] warning Request did not pass the validation rules [NEGOTIATOR] success Found response 400. [NEGOTIATOR] success The response 400 has a schema. [NEGOTIATOR] success Responding with status code 400 [VALIDATOR] error Violation: request Body parameter is required Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Demo The RPS OpenAPI Spec Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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To sum up Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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To sum up • HTTP method negotiation • Content-type negotiation • Hypermedia • Error handling • Documentation Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Resources • • • • • • Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Thank you! Rob Allen - Independent API developer - @akrabat Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Photo credits - The Fat Controller: HiT Entertainment - Foundation: - APIs: - Incoming Data: - Computer code: - Road sign: - Car crash: EuroNCAP - Writing: - Error screen: - Books: - Pattery wheel: - Rocket launch: - Stars: Rob Allen ~ @akrabat