Automate all the things with CI/CD in GitHub Actions

A presentation at phpday 2024 in May 2024 in Verona, VR, Italy by Rob Allen

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Automate all the things with CI/CD in GitHub Actions Rob Allen, May 2024

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How do we test and release software? Rob Allen |

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Workflow to accept a code change 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Checkout the source code Install dependencies Compile (or create container) Run code style checks Run tests Send artifacts (logs, test output, etc.) to dev for debugging Tell dev that it worked (or failed) Rob Allen |

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Workflow to release a new version 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Checkout the source code Compile (or create container) Upload container to registry (exe to Release) Deploy to container orchestration platform Publish release Notify Slack Rob Allen |

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We never get this right every time! Rob Allen |

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Humans are bad at repetitive tasks Rob Allen |

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Humans are bad at repetitive tasks That’s why we invented computers Rob Allen |

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Tests ensure our software works CI ensures that we run them CD releases it reliably Rob Allen |

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Our repository is the centre of our development world Rob Allen |

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GitHub Actions runs scripts when an event happens Rob Allen |

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YAML all the way down! sorry! Rob Allen |

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.github/workflows/ci.yml name: CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: qa: name: QA checks runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: “Say Hello” run: echo “Hello World” - name: “Say Goodbye” run: echo “All done” Rob Allen |

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.github/workflows/ci.yml name: CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: qa: name: QA checks runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: “Say Hello” run: echo “Hello World” - name: “Say Goodbye” run: echo “All done” Rob Allen |

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.github/workflows/ci.yml name: CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: qa: name: QA checks runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: “Say Hello” run: echo “Hello World” - name: “Say Goodbye” run: echo “All done” Rob Allen |

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Events Rob Allen |

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.github/workflows/ci.yml name: CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: qa: name: QA checks runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: “Say Hello” run: echo “Hello World” - name: “Say Goodbye” run: echo “All done” Rob Allen |

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.github/workflows/ci.yml name: CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: qa: name: QA checks runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: “Say Hello” run: echo “Hello World” - name: “Say Goodbye” run: echo “All done” Rob Allen |

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Success Rob Allen |

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Failure Rob Allen |

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PHP quality checks Rob Allen |

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Set up the pipeline name: PHP Checks on: [pull_request] jobs: php-checks: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Create .env file run: cp .env Rob Allen |

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Set up the pipeline name: PHP Checks on: [pull_request] jobs: php-checks: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Create .env file run: cp .env Rob Allen |

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Set up the pipeline name: PHP Checks on: [pull_request] jobs: php-checks: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Create .env file run: cp .env Rob Allen |

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Grab PHP - name: Install PHP uses: “shivammathur/setup-php@v2” with: coverage: “pcov” php-version: “8.3.4” tools: composer:v2, cs2pr Rob Allen |

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Dependencies - name: Run composer run: composer install —prefer-dist —no-progress —no-ansi —no-interaction - name: Install npm run: npm install Rob Allen |

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Code quality - name: Check code style run: vendor/bin/phpcs -q —report=checkstyle | cs2pr Rob Allen |

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Code quality - name: Check code style run: vendor/bin/phpcs -q —report=checkstyle | cs2pr - name: Run static analysis checks run: vendor/bin/phpstan analyse Rob Allen |

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Code quality - name: Check code style run: vendor/bin/phpcs -q —report=checkstyle | cs2pr - name: Run static analysis checks run: vendor/bin/phpstan analyse - name: Run unit tests run: vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit-ci.xml —testsuite=unit Rob Allen |

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Other checks - name: Check licenses of PHP dependencies # (see run: php bin/check-licenses.php Rob Allen |

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Other checks - name: Check licenses of PHP dependencies # (see run: php bin/check-licenses.php - name: Check we can cache routes run: php bash -c “php artisan route:cache && php artisan route:clear” Rob Allen |

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Other checks - name: Check licenses of PHP dependencies # (see run: php bin/check-licenses.php - name: Check we can cache routes run: php bash -c “php artisan route:cache && php artisan route:clear” - name: Check tailwind-build has been run. run: npm run tailwind-build && [ -z “$(git status —porcelain)” ] Rob Allen |

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Use Docker? Run in Docker! - name: Docker Compose Pull run: docker compose pull Rob Allen |

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Use Docker? Run in Docker! - name: Docker Compose Pull run: docker compose pull # Cache Docker layers - uses: jpribyl/action-docker-layer-caching@v0.1.1 continue-on-error: true Rob Allen |

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Use Docker? Run in Docker! - name: Docker Compose Pull run: docker compose pull # Cache Docker layers - uses: jpribyl/action-docker-layer-caching@v0.1.1 continue-on-error: true - name: Start the containers run: docker compose up —build -d Rob Allen |

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Tests that need the database - name: Ensure MySQL is available # (uses raphaelahrens/wait-for-it) run: docker-compose exec -T php ./wait-for-it -t 10 db:3306 Rob Allen |

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Tests that need the database - name: Ensure MySQL is available # (uses raphaelahrens/wait-for-it) run: docker-compose exec -T php ./wait-for-it -t 10 db:3306 - name: Run migrations run: docker-compose exec -T php bash -c “php artisan migrate:fresh —seed” Rob Allen |

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Tests that need the database - name: Ensure MySQL is available # (uses raphaelahrens/wait-for-it) run: docker-compose exec -T php ./wait-for-it -t 10 db:3306 - name: Run migrations run: docker-compose exec -T php bash -c “php artisan migrate:fresh —seed” - name: Execute tests run: docker-compose exec -T vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit-ci.xml —testsuite=integration Rob Allen |

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Upload assets - name: Upload test output uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: failure() with: name: failed-tests path: tests/output retention-days: 8 Rob Allen |

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Upload assets - name: Upload test output uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 if: failure() with: name: failed-tests path: tests/output retention-days: 8 Rob Allen |

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Upload assets - name: Upload test output uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 if: failure() with: name: failed-tests path: tests/output retention-days: 8 Rob Allen |

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Everything we run in CI we also run locally Rob Allen |

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Tag and Release Rob Allen |

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When a milestone is closed… on: milestone: types: [closed] Rob Allen |

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do a full checkout… steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: main fetch-depth: 0 Rob Allen |

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so we can create & push a tag… - name: Create Tag uses: rickstaa/action-create-tag@v1 id: create-tag with: tag: “${{ github.event.milestone.title }}” message: “Tag ${{ github.event.milestone.title }}” Rob Allen |

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and create a GitHub Release - name: Create GitHub Release uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | await{ generate_release_notes: true, name: “${{github.event.milestone.title}}”, tag_name: “${{github.event.milestone.title}}” }); Rob Allen |

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and create a GitHub Release - name: Create GitHub Release uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | await{ generate_release_notes: true, name: “${{github.event.milestone.title}}”, tag_name: “${{github.event.milestone.title}}” }); Rob Allen |

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along with a new Milestone - name: ‘Get next minor version’ id: semvers uses: “WyriHaximus/github-action-next-semvers@v1” with: version: ${{github.event.milestone.title}} - name: ‘Create new milestone’ uses: “WyriHaximus/github-action-create-milestone@v1” with: title: ${{ steps.semvers.outputs.patch }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: “${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}” Rob Allen |

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along with a new Milestone - name: ‘Get next minor version’ id: semvers uses: “WyriHaximus/github-action-next-semvers@v1” with: version: ${{github.event.milestone.title}} - name: ‘Create new milestone’ uses: “WyriHaximus/github-action-create-milestone@v1” with: title: ${{ steps.semvers.outputs.patch }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: “${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}” Rob Allen |

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along with a new Milestone - name: ‘Get next minor version’ id: semvers uses: “WyriHaximus/github-action-next-semvers@v1” with: version: ${{github.event.milestone.title}} - name: ‘Create new milestone’ uses: “WyriHaximus/github-action-create-milestone@v1” with: title: ${{ steps.semvers.outputs.patch }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: “${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}” Rob Allen |

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along with a new Milestone - name: ‘Get next minor version’ id: semvers uses: “WyriHaximus/github-action-next-semvers@v1” with: version: ${{github.event.milestone.title}} - name: ‘Create new milestone’ uses: “WyriHaximus/github-action-create-milestone@v1” with: title: ${{ steps.semvers.outputs.patch }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: “${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}” Rob Allen |

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Compile & upload binaries Rob Allen |

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When a release is published… on: release: types: - published Rob Allen |

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build the binaries… steps: # checkout, setup Go etc… - name: Build the Rodeo executables # ( run: ./ ${{ github.ref_name }} Rob Allen |

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and upload them - name: Upload the Rodeo binaries uses: actions/svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2 with: repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} tag: ${{ github.ref }} file: ./release/rodeo-* file_glob: true Rob Allen |

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Build and push to ECR Rob Allen |

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Build container… on: release: types: - published Rob Allen |

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Build container… on: release: types: - published steps: # checkout, etc…

  • name: Build Docker Image run: docker build —tag img-name:${{ github.ref_name }} . Rob Allen |

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and push to ECR - name: Push to ECR uses: jwalton/gh-ecr-push@v1 with: access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} region: us-east-2 local-image: img-name:${{ github.ref_name }} image: img-name:${{ github.ref_name }}, img-name:latest Rob Allen |

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and push to ECR - name: Push to ECR uses: jwalton/gh-ecr-push@v1 with: access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} region: us-east-2 local-image: img-name:${{ github.ref_name }} image: img-name:${{ github.ref_name }}, img-name:latest Rob Allen |

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and push to ECR - name: Push to ECR uses: jwalton/gh-ecr-push@v1 with: access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} region: us-east-2 local-image: img-name:${{ github.ref_name }} image: img-name:${{ github.ref_name }}, img-name:latest Rob Allen |

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More! Rob Allen |

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More! • • • • • • Secrets live in GitHub, not git! Use conditionals to save time & resources Don’t like bash? Use Python with shell: python The GitHub cli (gh) is preinstalled Building a library? Use matrices to test on multiple PHPs Pre-built: Rob Allen |

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Laminas Automatic Releases Rob Allen |

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To sum up Rob Allen |

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“a deployment pipeline is an automated manifestation of your process for getting software from version control into the hands of your users.” David Farley Rob Allen |

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Thank you! Rob Allen |