The How and Why of OpenAPI

A presentation at Web Summer Camp 2024 in July 2024 in Opatija, Croatia by Rob Allen

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The How and Why of OpenAPI Rob Allen Web Summer Camp, July 2024

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APIs Power the Internet Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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APIs Power the Internet API Descriptions Power APIs Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, programming language-agnostic interface description for HTTP APIs, which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of a service Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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It’s about documentation Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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It’s about design-first Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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It’s about communicating changes Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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It’s about development workflows Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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It’s about standardisation Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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It’s about a contract Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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“Using a consistent API description will help increase adoption of APIs across government by reducing time spent in understanding different APIs. Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Anatomy of the specification Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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openapi.yaml openapi: “3.1.0” info: # … servers: # … paths: # … webhooks: # … components: # … security: # … tags: # … externalDocs: # … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Metadata info: title: Rock-Paper-Scissors version: “1.0.0” description: An implementation of Rock-Paper-Scissors. contact: name: “Rob Allen” license: name: The MIT License servers: - url: description: “RPS production API” Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Endpoints paths: ‘/games’: get: # … post: # … ‘/games/{game_id}/moves’: post: # … ‘/games/{game_id}/judgement’: get: # … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Endpoints paths: ‘/games’: post: operationId: createGame summary: Create a new game description: Create a new game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. requestBody: # … responses: # … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Endpoints paths: ‘/games’: post: operationId: createGame summary: Create a new game description: Create a new game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. requestBody: # … responses: # … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Endpoints paths: ‘/games’: post: operationId: createGame summary: Create a new game description: Create a new game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. requestBody: # … responses: # … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Endpoints paths: ‘/games’: post: operationId: createGame summary: Create a new game description: Create a new game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. requestBody: # … responses: # … Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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RequestBody requestBody: description: Game to add required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/NewGameRequest’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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RequestBody requestBody: description: Game to add required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/NewGameRequest’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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RequestBody requestBody: description: Game to add required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/NewGameRequest’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Reuse of objects $ref allows us to define once & use in many places components: schemas: GameId: type: string format: “uuid” examples: - “2BC08389-885A-4322-80D0-EF0DE2D7CD37” Player: type: string example: “Lucy” Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Reuse of objects $ref allows us to define once & use in many places components: schemas: GameId: type: string format: “uuid” examples: - “2BC08389-885A-4322-80D0-EF0DE2D7CD37” Player: type: string example: “Lucy” Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Reuse of objects $ref allows us to define once & use in many places components: schemas: GameId: type: string format: “uuid” examples: - “2BC08389-885A-4322-80D0-EF0DE2D7CD37” Player: type: string example: “Lucy” Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Reuse of objects $ref allows us to define once & use in many places components: schemas: GameId: type: string format: “uuid” examples: - “2BC08389-885A-4322-80D0-EF0DE2D7CD37” Player: type: string example: “Lucy” Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Reuse of objects $ref allows us to define once & use in many places components: schemas: GameId: type: string format: “uuid” examples: - “2BC08389-885A-4322-80D0-EF0DE2D7CD37” Player: type: string example: “Lucy” Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Reuse of objects $ref allows us to define once & use in many places components: schemas: GameId: type: string format: “uuid” examples: - “2BC08389-885A-4322-80D0-EF0DE2D7CD37” Player: type: string example: “Lucy” Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Build on top of other components schemas: NewGameRequest: properties: player1: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ player2: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ required: - player1 - player2 examples: - ‘{“player1”:”Lucy”, “player2”:”Dave”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Build on top of other components schemas: NewGameRequest: properties: player1: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ player2: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ required: - player1 - player2 examples: - ‘{“player1”:”Lucy”, “player2”:”Dave”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Build on top of other components schemas: NewGameRequest: properties: player1: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ player2: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ required: - player1 - player2 examples: - ‘{“player1”:”Lucy”, “player2”:”Dave”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Build on top of other components schemas: NewGameRequest: properties: player1: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ player2: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ required: - player1 - player2 examples: - ‘{“player1”:”Lucy”, “player2”:”Dave”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Build on top of other components schemas: NewGameRequest: properties: player1: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ player2: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/Player’ required: - player1 - player2 examples: - ‘{“player1”:”Lucy”, “player2”:”Dave”}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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RequestBody requestBody: description: Game to add required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/NewGameRequest’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Responses responses: ‘201’: $ref: ‘#/components/responses/NewGameResponse’ ‘400’: $ref: ‘#/components/responses/NewGameError’ ‘500’: $ref: ‘#/components/responses/InternalServerError’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Responses responses: ‘201’: $ref: ‘#/components/responses/NewGameResponse’ ‘400’: $ref: ‘#/components/responses/NewGameError’ ‘500’: $ref: ‘#/components/responses/InternalServerError’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Responses responses: ‘201’: $ref: ‘#/components/responses/NewGameResponse’ ‘400’: $ref: ‘#/components/responses/NewGameError’ ‘500’: $ref: ‘#/components/responses/InternalServerError’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Writing your spec Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Editing It’s just text! Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Editing GUI tools: Stoplight, OpenAPI-GUI, Swagger Editor Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Linting & validation CLI tools: Spectral, openapi-spec-validator, etc. $ spectral lint openapi.yaml No results with a severity of ‘error’ or higher found! Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation error $ spectral lint openapi.yaml …/slim4-rps-api/doc/openapi.yaml 3:6 warning info-contact Info object must have “contact” object. info × 1 problem (0 errors, 1 warning, 0 infos, 0 hints) Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Coding Time! Write an OpenAPI spec Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Docs Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Docs Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Docs Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Docs Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Docs Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Docs Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Demo Time! Generating docs Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Developers Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Mock server $ prism mock openapi.yaml Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Make API calls $ curl -d ‘{}’ Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Make API calls $ curl -d ‘{}’ {“message”:”Must provide both player1 and player2”} Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Make API calls $ curl -d ‘{}’ {“message”:”Must provide both player1 and player2”} Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Demo Time! Using a mock server Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation The schema section can be used to validate the request and response • Validate early and return a 422 • Validate that we return what we say we will • Put it in CI to prevent regressions Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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But I already have validation! Your code: • isn’t good enough! • isn’t reusable! • doesn’t match the docs! Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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But I already have validation! Your code: • isn’t good enough! • isn’t reusable! • doesn’t match the docs! However… Business logic validation still needed! Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation in PHP • league/openapi-psr7-validator • opis/json-schema Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Test Request Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Request is invalid Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Request is invalid Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Test Request Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Request is valid Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Test Response Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Response is invalid Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Response is invalid Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Successful validation Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Successful validation Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware class OpenApiValidationMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { public function __construct(string $oasFilename, Cache $cache) { $builder = new ValidatorBuilder(); $builder->fromYamlFile($oasFilename); $builder->setCache($cache)->overrideCacheKey(‘openapi’); $this->reqValidator = $builder->getServerRequestValidator(); $this->respValidator = $builder->getResponseValidator(); } public function process($request, $handler) { try { // validate request $match = $this->reqValidator->validate($request); } catch (ValidationFailed $e) { throw new HttpException($request, 422, $e); } // process $response = $handler->handle($request); try { // validate response $this->respValidator->validate($match, $response); return $response; } catch (ValidationFailed $e) { throw new HttpException($request, 500, $e); } } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function __construct(string $oasFilename, Cache $cache) { $builder = new ValidatorBuilder(); $builder->fromYamlFile($oasFilename); $builder->setCache($cache)->overrideCacheKey(‘openapi’); $this->reqValidator = $builder->getServerRequestValidator(); $this->respValidator = $builder->getResponseValidator(); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function __construct(string $oasFilename, Cache $cache) { $builder = new ValidatorBuilder(); $builder->fromYamlFile($oasFilename); $builder->setCache($cache)->overrideCacheKey(‘openapi’); $this->reqValidator = $builder->getServerRequestValidator(); $this->respValidator = $builder->getResponseValidator(); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function __construct(string $oasFilename, Cache $cache) { $builder = new ValidatorBuilder(); $builder->fromYamlFile($oasFilename); $builder->setCache($cache)->overrideCacheKey(‘openapi’); $this->reqValidator = $builder->getServerRequestValidator(); $this->respValidator = $builder->getResponseValidator(); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function __construct(string $oasFilename, Cache $cache) { $builder = new ValidatorBuilder(); $builder->fromYamlFile($oasFilename); $builder->setCache($cache)->overrideCacheKey(‘openapi’); $this->reqValidator = $builder->getServerRequestValidator(); $this->respValidator = $builder->getResponseValidator(); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function process($request, $handler) { try { // validate request $match = $this->reqValidator->validate($request); } catch (ValidationFailed $e) { throw new HttpException($request, 422, $e); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function process($request, $handler) { try { // validate request $match = $this->reqValidator->validate($request); } catch (ValidationFailed $e) { throw new HttpException($request, 422, $e); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function process($request, $handler) { try { // validate request $match = $this->reqValidator->validate($request); } catch (ValidationFailed $e) { throw new HttpException($request, 422, $e); } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function process($request, $handler) { … // process $response = $handler->handle($request); Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function process($request, $handler) { … try { // validate response $this->respValidator->validate($match, $response); return $response; } catch (ValidationFailed $e) { throw new HttpException($request, 500, $e); } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function process($request, $handler) { … try { // validate response $this->respValidator->validate($match, $response); return $response; } catch (ValidationFailed $e) { throw new HttpException($request, 500, $e); } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Validation middleware public function process($request, $handler) { … try { // validate response $this->respValidator->validate($match, $response); return $response; } catch (ValidationFailed $e) { throw new HttpException($request, 500, $e); } } Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Coding Time! Validating a PHP API Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Compliance Testing Schemathesis reads your OpenAPI spec and tests your API against it pip install schemathesis schemathesis run —stateful=links —checks all \ —base-url=http://localhost:8888 \ doc/openapi.yaml Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Compliance Testing Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Other Interesting Tools • • • • Optic: BC Break Detection php-openapi-faker: Create fake data from OpenAPI spec Response2Schema: Generate OpenAPI spec from JSON object Laravel OpenAPI: Generate OpenAPI spec from a Laravel app Many more at Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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To sum up Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Resources • • • • Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Thank you! Rob Allen ~ @akrabat

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Photo credits - Scaffolding: - Writing: - Books: - Computer code: - Rocket launch: - Stars: Rob Allen ~ @akrabat