Lower Back Pain: What Are The Treatment Options. Back pain in general is a pain in the back that is usually produced by heavy lifting, twisting, and improper posture. Low back pain is the most frequent ailment when one age, or when one is motionless and has been driving for long hours. Since low back pain is never a cause of life-threatening conditions, it is still thought of as a health problem for most people. However, in today’s age, there has been a decrease in back injuries in the workplace because of the increased awareness of this problem. If you have a back injury visit Back Center. There are various precautionary measures and there are improved treatments for low back pain, ranging from self-care at home, medications, and medical management. Visit Back Center Nj to know your option. Utilizing simple but significant changes to your lifestyle and presenting yourself for treatment at Back Center New Jersey can bring about major improvements in your low back pain. 1) Self-Care at Home - an initial lower back pain treatment. Sleeping: ● People with low back pain are recommended to sleep with a pillow between the knees while lying on one side.