Allison Ravenhall

Allison Ravenhall

Allison Ravenhall has worked in enough IT roles to fill a bakery: tester, web dev, team lead, tech architect, usability and UX consultant, tech writer, training facilitator, speaker, and accessibility consultant.

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More presentations
Mobile app accessibility NDC Melbourne June 2022
Don’t believe the hype A11y Camp 2021 November 2021
How to label text fields with ARIA DDD By Night April 2021
How to present inclusively global diversity CFP day January 2021
Personalised technical accessibility training: a case study CSUN 2020 March 2020
Let’s make more inclusive Android apps A11y Camp November 2019
Let’s make more inclusive apps Google DevFest 2019 November 2019
WCAG 2.1 - What’s it all about? Melbourne Web A11y meetup November 2018
Make <input> more accessible with metadata Web Directions: What Do You Know? June 2018
Digital accessibility 101 The Web Meetup May 2017

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