What you see is what you get for AWS infrastructure

A presentation at DevOpsDays New York City 2019 in January 2019 in New York, NY, USA by Anton Babenko

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What you see is what you get… for AWS infrastructure by Anton Babenko January 2019

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Anton Babenko Terraform AWS fanatic. HUG, AWS, DevOps, DevOpsDays in Oslo, Norway. I 💚 open-source: terraform-community-modules + terraform-aws-modules github.com/antonbabenko — pre-commit-terraform, terraform-docs-as-pdf and more www.terraform-best-practices.com medium.com/@anton.babenko twitter.com/antonbabenko

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Cloud Architect Cloud architect plans and designs cloud environments, and typically provides guidance throughout the life of a development or deployment project.

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Assumption Statement Cloud architects and DevOps engineers want to have a faster conversion from idea to product.

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Tools for Cloud Architects https://aws.amazon.com/architecture/icons/

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cloudcraft.co features • Manage components in browser (EC2 instances, autoscaling groups, RDS, etc) • Connect components • Import live AWS infrastructure • Calculate the budget • Share link to a blueprint • Export as image • Embed drawing to wiki, Confluence, etc

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Infrastructure as code makes DevOps possible Key benefits: • Treat infrastructure like application code • Always know what changed • Validate infrastructure before deployment https://dzone.com/articles/infrastructure-as-code-the-benefits

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Plus 100+ more providers Write, plan, and create infrastructure as code www.terraform.io

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Collection of Terraform AWS modules supported by the community (VPC, Autoscaling, RDS, Security Groups, ELB, ALB) github.com/terraform-aws-modules registry.terraform.io/modules/terraform-aws-modules

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✓ cloudcraft.co — design, plan and visualize ✓ terraform-aws-modules — building blocks of AWS infrastructure ✓ Terraform — infrastructure as code

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Infrastructure as code generator — from visual diagrams to Terraform https://github.com/antonbabenko/modules.tf-lambda

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Try it yourself! 1. Go to cloudcraft.co 2. Sign up, sign in (free account) 3. Draw your AWS infrastructure 4. Click "Export" 5. Click "Terraform code export"

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modules.tf — generated code ✓ Potentially ready-to-use Terraform configurations ✓ Suits best for bootstrapping ✓ Enforces Terraform best-practices ✓ Batteries included (terraform-aws-modules, terragrunt, pre-commit) ✓ 100% free and open-source (https://github.com/antonbabenko/ modules.tf-lambda) ✓ Released under MIT license

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modules.tf — generated code ✓ Potentially ready-to-use Terraform configurations ✓ Suits best for bootstrapping ✓ Enforces Terraform best-practices ✓ Batteries included (terraform-aws-modules, terragrunt, pre-commit) ✓ 100% free and open-source (https://github.com/antonbabenko/ modules.tf-lambda) ✓ Released under MIT license

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Summary ✓ A picture's worth a thousand words ✓ Do infrastructure is code ✓ Standing on the shoulders of giants — use open-source

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Thank you! github.com/antonbabenko twitter.com/antonbabenko PS: Did I tell you that modules.tf is a web-site?