A presentation at Web Directions Summit in December 2022 in Sydney NSW, Australia by Anton Ball

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Sync to Async Web Directions Summit 2022 Anton Ball @antonjb

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40+ countries 10+ timezones 100+ employees

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asynchronous communication is when you send a message without expecting an immediate response

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synchronous communication is when you send a message and the recipient processes the information and responds immediately

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Why async?

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Ana - Head of design

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Rasto - Head of Android

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Amir - CEO

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253% increase in meetings since the pandemic Microsoft Work Trend Index 2022:

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80% knowledge worker’s day spent communicating Future Forum:

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23 mins to regain focus Professor Michael Posner: University of Oregon

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Dr. Glenn Wilson: King’s College London University

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Vision, Mission and Values Default to trust Autonomy and responsibility Transparency by default Focus hard, disconnect fully Hands-on management Outcomes over hours worked Everyone is a writer Not async-only

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Vision, Mission and Values

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Ambition Mastery You aspire to put a dent in the universe. You set high standards for yourself and those around you. You solve issues that have a high impact on our customers and our company. You care deeply about the quality of your work. You’re continuously learning and pushing yourself to the limits of your ability. As a champion of your craft, you are also a champion of your well-being – you work intensely, then disconnect completely. Independence Others can trust that you’ll deliver on time. You keep your word and trust your teammates to do the same. You are proactive, take ownership, and remain accountable with little or no direction. Communication Your communication is clear, concise, and engaging. You keep others in the loop and never go radio silent. You speak respectfully and foster warm relationships through your interactions. You’re culturally and socially aware and can appropriately navigate social situations.

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Build the future of work

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Slide 26 Onboarding International Employees: The Essential Guide Chase Warrington

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Default to trust

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“Another concept […] is a trust battery. It’s charged at 50 percent when people are first hired. And then every time you work with someone … the trust battery between the two of you is either charged or discharged…” Tobi Lütke, Shopify

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24 hour maximum to respond

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Slide 32 How to Build Trust in the Remote “Workplace” Brenna Loury

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Autonomy and responsibility

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Transparency by default

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Slide 40 The importance of a handbook-first approach to documentation Darren Murph

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Everyone is a writer

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All the things you meant to say in the meeting

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• Over-communicate • Plan ahead to give people time to consider your message • Before meetings, start a thread or document • After meetings, document discussions and outcomes

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Focus hard, disconnect fully

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Do you have a minute? Hey… Psssst

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Turn off notifications

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Remove the apps?

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[…] a member of the ! Vacation Police (anyone at Doist) may help you with a friendly warning and encouragement to get back to your time away. Doist Hanbook

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Outcomes over hours worked

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Hands-on management

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Hands-on management

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Not async-only

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Vision, Mission and Values Default to trust Autonomy and responsibility Transparency by default Focus hard, disconnect fully Hands-on management Outcomes over hours worked Everyone is a writer Not async-only

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Individual • Over-communicate • Plan ahead to give people time to consider your message • Say no to unnecessary meetings • Before meetings, start a thread or document • After meetings, document discussions and outcomes • Turn off notifications – try removing work apps from your phone altogether • Use waiting time productively • Always check your document sharing settings

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Team lead • Promote writing and communication as core skills • Evaluate people based on their output and results • Abolish required work hours or the requirements to come into an office • Emphasise trust, independence, and accountability • Set reasonable, team-wide expectations for acceptable response times • Make transparency and documentation a priority • Use tools that promote transparency, deep work, and async communication • For communication-heavy roles, implement a rotating coverage system • Hero and housekeeping time • Have communication channels for emergencies

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Anton Ball @antonjb