CSS Grid: the new layout system of the web

A presentation at Fenders Perth in January 2018 in Perth WA, Australia by Anton Ball

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Anton Ball Fenders, January 2018

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Anton Ball Senior UI Integrator at Velpic

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What’s Grid? CSS Grid Layout is a CSS layout method designed for the two-dimensional layout of items on a webpage or application. Rachel Andrew

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Basic grid

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What’s this?

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What’s this?

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What’s this?

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What’s this?

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Example HTML

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So what’s new? • display: grid • grid-template-columns/grid-template-rows • grid-gap Where the magic happens. All children to grid items The number and size of the columns/rows. There’s shorthand syntax…but I wont use it Essentially the margin between cells. You’ll know gutter if you have used a grid framework before.

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That’s interesting… if you’re making a static gallery Lets look at new units and CSS functions and make our grid fluid

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New unit on the block, fraction (fr)

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Setting up rows and columns is repetitive If we had a lot more columns than we are currently making, this will get painful. Enter repeat.

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Cells could get tiny, so minmax() Sets the sizes no smaller than the min and no greater than the max. You can get a long way with this without needing media queries!

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All together now You aren’t limited to just one of the units we have discussed. You can mix them all together.

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All together now

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Row/Column further reading • grid-column: span • grid-template-column: auto/auto-fit • grid-auto-rows/columns You can define how many columns to span Enables a lot of responsiveness without media queries Create implicit grid tracks

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Positioning areas

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Positioning areas

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Grid column/row

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Overlap 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5

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The holy grail at least it was.

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The holy grail

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We can do better the numbering can be tricky, naming is a nicer option

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The named holy grail

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Named lines You can name each line in a row or column

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Named lines

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Named lines

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Named lines

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Support It’s not bad

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Use in production • There’s no Polyfill • @supports(display: grid) • JS load a fallback Grid is too complex Fallback will likely be Flex - depends on your project There’s efficiency to be gained Stripe does this, but…

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Further Reading • Rachel Andrew • gridbyexample.com/ • Wes Bos is releasing a grid course • mozilladevelopers.github.io/playground/ anything - book, talks, blogs, but especially:

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Thank you Examples on CodePen: https://codepen.io/collection/nLxmgY/