Elasticsearch - You know, for Search

A presentation at DigitalOcean Webinar Series in June 2018 in by Aravind Putrevu

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Elasticsearch Search Engine on your server Aravind Putrevu Developer | Evangelist @aravindputrevu | aravindputrevu.in elastic.co/community 1

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Agenda 2 1 Terms 2 Talking to Elasticsearch 3 Mappings 4 Analyzers and Aggregations 5 Capacity Planning

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Agenda 3 1 Terms 2 Talking to Elasticsearch 3 Mappings 4 Analyzers and Aggregations 5 Capacity Planning

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Agenda 4 1 Terms 2 Talking to Elasticsearch 3 Mappings 4 Analyzers and Aggregations 5 Capacity Planning

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Agenda 5 1 Terms 2 Talking to Elasticsearch 3 Mappings 4 Analyzers and Aggregations 5 Capacity Planning

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Agenda 6 1 Terms 2 Talking to Elasticsearch 3 Mappings 4 Analyzers and Aggregations 5 Capacity Planning

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Security Alerting Monitoring Elastic Stack No enterprise edition All new versions with 6.2 X-Pack Reporting Machine Learning Graph 7

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Why it is Popular? Speed 8 Scale Relevance

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Terms An index is a stores collection documents that A cluster is a collection of one or more nodes A node (servers) is a single server that is part of your cluster, yourofdata, and have somewhat similar characteristics participates in the cluster’s indexing and search capabilities Index Node Cluster Type Deprecated in 6.0.0 A type used to be a logical category/partition of your index to allow you to store different types of documents in the same index Document A document is a basic unit of information that can be indexed. This document is expressed in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) which is a ubiquitous internet data interchange format. Elasticsearch provides the ability to subdivide your index into multiple pieces called shards Shard 9 Replica To this end, Elasticsearch allows you to make one or more copies of your index’s shards into what are called replica shards, or replicas for short https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/glossary.html

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Elasticsearch Node Types Nodes can play one or more roles, for workload isolation and scaling Elasticsearch • – • • Coordinating (X) • Machine Learning (2+) • Route requests, handle search reduce phase, distribute bulk indexing All nodes function as coordinating nodes Ingest Nodes – Ingest (X) Hold indexed data and perform data related operations Differentiated Hot and Warm Data nodes can be used Coordinating Nodes – – Data – Warm (X) Control the cluster, requires a minimum of 3, one is active at any given time Data Nodes – – Master (3) Data – Hot (X) Master Nodes Use ingest pipelines to transform and enrich before indexing Machine Learning Nodes – Run machine learning jobs X-Pack 10 All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners and are used only for identification purposes. This is not an endorsement.

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What powers Elasticsearch? ● A Java library ● Great for full-text search But 11 ● Challenging to use ● Not designed for scale https://www.elastic.co/blog/found-elasticsearch-top-down

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Talking to Elasticsearch 12 https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/index.html

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Indexing a document 13 https://www.elastic.co/blog/how-many-shards-should-i-have-in-my-elasticsearch-cluster

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Inserting data _bulk 14

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Where will my data go? The default value used for _routing is the document’s _id. 0 < shard < number_of_primary_shards - 1 15 https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-routing-field.html

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Mappings 16

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Full Text Analysis Inverted Index 17

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Analyzer Helps in converting text into tokens for better search capability 1 Character filters 18 2 Tokenizer 3 Token Filters

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Aggregations 19 ● Metrics ● Bucket ● Pipeline ● and so on...

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Querying Data 20 ● Full Text Queries ● Term Level Queries ● Compound Queries ● Geo Queries

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Query DSL Match Query 21

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Query DSL Term Queries 22

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Query DSL Nested queries 23

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Query DSL Geo queries 24

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Beats Elasticsearch Master Nodes (3) Log Files Metrics Custom UI Logstash Ingest Nodes (X) Wire Data Kibana your{beat} Data Nodes – Hot (X) Kafka Instances (X) Datastore Web APIs Redis Social Sensors Messaging Queue Data Notes – Warm (X) Nodes (X) X-Pack LDAP Hadoop Ecosystem 25 ES-Hadoop AD X-Pack SSO Authentication Notification

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Capacity Planning It depends... 26 https://www.elastic.co/elasticon/conf/2016/sf/quantitative-cluster-sizing

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Capacity Planning What is your use case? ● Full text search ● Logging/Metrics ● Complex Aggregations with lot of users Each use case needs a different cluster configuration. 27 https://www.elastic.co/elasticon/conf/2016/sf/quantitative-cluster-sizing

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Capacity Planning Let us take Logging.. ● Inflow of data per day ○ ○ ○ ● 28 15 days High Availability (Replication factor) ○ ● Master Node : X Data Retention ○ ● Per day : 10GB Per Month : 300GB Per Year: 3600GB Data Node : X 1 i.e., 7200GB Per Year Type of Queries https://www.elastic.co/elasticon/conf/2016/sf/quantitative-cluster-sizing

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Capacity Planning Hardware Recommendations 29 ● SSD’s are the best ● Local Disk is king! ● Prefer Medium size machine’s over Large size machine’s ● Only 50% of your RAM to Elasticsearch ● Don’t Cross 32GB Java Heap Space https://www.elastic.co/elasticon/conf/2016/sf/quantitative-cluster-sizing

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Beats Elasticsearch Master Nodes (3) Log Files Metrics Custom UI Logstash Ingest Nodes (X) Wire Data Kibana your{beat} Data Nodes – Hot (X) Kafka Instances (X) Datastore Web APIs Redis Social Sensors Messaging Queue Data Notes – Warm (X) Nodes (X) X-Pack LDAP Hadoop Ecosystem 30 ES-Hadoop AD X-Pack SSO Authentication Notification https://www.elastic.co/blog/hot-warm-architecture-in-elasticsearch-5-x

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training.elastic.co 31

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Resources • https://www.elastic.co/learn • https://www.elastic.co/blog/category/engineering • https://discuss.elastic.co/ • https://fb.com/groups/ElasticIndiaUserGroup • https://elastic.co/community 32

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Fin! discuss.elastic.co | aravind@elastic.co | @aravindputrevu 33