Faster Java Apps with Opensource APM

A presentation at Bangalore Java User Group August Meetup in August 2019 in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India by Aravind Putrevu

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Monitor your Java Apps Elastic APM Aravind Putrevu| Dev Adv | Elastic | @aravindputrevu

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What’s Up 2 ● The Stack ● What is APM? ● Why APM? ● What it can do? ● Demo

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Elastic Stack SOLUTIONS Elastic Stack Kibana Visualize & Manage Elasticsearch Store, Search, & Analyze Beats SaaS Elastic cloud 3 Logstash SELF-MANAGED Elastic cloud Enterprise Standalone Ingest

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Solutions Elastic Stack Logging Metrics APM Security Analytics App Search Site Search Enterprise Search Business Analytics FUTURE Kibana Visualize & Manage Elasticsearch Store, Search, & Analyze Beats SaaS Logstash SELF-MANAGED Ingest

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What is APM? In the fields of information technology and systems management, application performance management (APM) is the monitoring and management of performance and availability of software applications. APM is “the translation of IT metrics into business meaning ([i.e.] value).” -Wikipedia 5

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.. and when this happens… 7

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you open these… 8

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What is APM? Application Performance Monitoring 11

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Why APM? • APM records traces for database queries, external HTTP requests, and other slow operations that happen during requests to your application ‒ easier to see where your application is spending time • It collects not handled errors and exceptions ‒ easier to debug errors • • 12 Find performance bottlenecks and errors before your customers face them Increase the productivity of your development team

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● 100% Open Source ● Readymade UI in Kibana ● Language Agents alpha 13 beta

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How it works

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Elastic APM Terminology • Service ‒ Set in the APM agent configuration to identify a particular group of APM agents as a single service, a way to logically identify a group of transactions. • Transaction ‒ The requests and responses that compose a service, e.g. the login API call, each made up of individual spans. • Span ‒ A single event within a Transaction such as a Method call, Database query, or Cache insert or retrieval, i.e. anything that takes time to complete. • Errors ‒ Groups of exceptions with matching exception or log messages. 15

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Elastic APM Terminology Transaction, trace & span 16

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Distributed Tracing 17

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APM conceptual allegory Fence jump service: Transaction: 6.5 seconds • • • • 18 fence 1: 1 second fence 2: 2 seconds fence 3: 2 seconds fence 4: 2.5 seconds

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APM conceptual allegory Fence jump service: Transaction: 1 second • 19 fence 1 - 1 second and error captured

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How to instrument java apps?

  • javaagent java -javaagent:/path/to/elastic-apm-agent-<version>.jar -Delastic.apm.service_name=my-cool-service \ -Delastic.apm.application_packages=org.example,org.another.example -Delastic.apm.server_urls=http://localhost:8200 \ -jar my-application.jar
    20 \

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How to instrument java apps?

  • apm-agent-attach.jar java -jar apm-agent-attach.jar —pid <pid> [—args <agent_arguments>] 21

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How to instrument java apps? - Programmatic Attach <dependency> <groupId>co.elastic.apm</groupId> <artifactId>apm-agent-attach</artifactId> <version>${elastic-apm.version}</version> </dependency> ElasticApmAttacher.attach(); service_name=my-cool-service application_packages=org.example,org.another.example server_urls=http://localhost:8200 22

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How it is working? Simple! Byte-code manipulation 23

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What APM can do? 24 • Monitor your application • Trace your code • Reduce overall debugging time

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Elastic Cloud {X} Application

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Azure/GCP/AWS X Language Application in AKS/GKE/EKS

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Elasticsearch on Kubernetes Cluster Any language Application

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What you can’t do with APM? • Infrastructure Monitoring • Log analytics • Detect Security Attacks

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How Elastic Stack can help you? 29

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References • • • •

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Fin! @aravindputrevu