Enhancing Public Sector Compensation: An Overview of the 2025 Salary Grade Adjustments

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In the Philippines, the government has implemented the Salary Standardization Law (SSL) to improve compensation for public-sector employees. As part of this initiative, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. approved a series of salary adjustments starting in 2024. These adjustments are structured into four annual tranches: the first began in January 2024, followed by the second in 2025, the third in 2026, and the fourth in 2027. Each tranche introduces a new salary grade table that incrementally increases official salaries every January.

Understanding the Salary Grade System

The Philippine government’s Salary Grade (SG) system is organized into 33 levels, each reflecting an increase in responsibility, required qualifications, and job complexity—from entry-level positions to top leadership roles. Each grade is divided into eight steps (except SG 33, which provides data for Steps 1 and 2). As employees gain experience and perform well, they progress within their grade from Step 1 to Step 8.

Highlights of the 2025 Salary Adjustments

The 2025 update is the second tranche of the salary adjustment plan, effective January 1, 2025. It builds on the increase given in 2024, pushing government salaries even higher. This update ensures that all government employees receive another pay raise in 2025.

Salary Grades 1 to 9: Roles and Compensation

To illustrate the impact of these adjustments, here’s an overview of Salary Grades 1 to 9, highlighting the monthly salary ranges and typical job roles associated with each level:

Salary Grade 1: ₱14,061 to ₱14,862

Roles: Entry-level support staff, clerical assistants Salary Grade 2: ₱14,925 to ₱15,714

Roles: Junior clerks, support roles Salary Grade 3: ₱15,852 to ₱16,693

Roles: Administrative assistants, technical support personnel Salary Grade 4: ₱16,833 to ₱17,724

Roles: Junior technicians, operators Salary Grade 5: ₱17,866 to ₱18,813

Roles: Skilled support staff, junior specialists Salary Grade 6: ₱18,957 to ₱19,963

Roles: Senior technical assistants, assistant supervisors Salary Grade 7: ₱20,110 to ₱21,175

Roles: Supervisors, senior administrative staff Salary Grade 8: ₱21,313 to ₱22,447

Roles: Mid-level managers, coordinators Salary Grade 9: ₱22,603 to ₱23,797

Roles: Department heads, senior managers These adjustments aim to ensure that government employees are compensated fairly, reflecting their roles and responsibilities.


The 2025 Salary Grade adjustments represent a continued commitment by the Philippine government to enhance public sector compensation. By understanding these changes, government employees can better navigate their career paths and anticipate future developments in their compensation structures.