React and the Three Layers of Testing

A presentation at React Amsterdam Meetup in October 2017 in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Bart Waardenburg

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The three layers of testing @bartwaardenburg

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“We want to deliver high quality applications for our users while regularly releasing new features”

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00 Static analysis

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Static analysis

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“Static analysis is the analysis of software that is performed without actually executing programs”

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“Using Flow or TypeScript could have prevented 15% of the public bugs for public projects on GitHub” http:// /projects/ type_study /documents/ type_study.pdf

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type MyCustomButtonProps = { text : string }; const MyCustomButton = ({ text }: MyCustomButtonProps ) => ( <button> { text } </button> ); const ButtonContainer = () => ( < MyCustomButton text

{ [ 'I' , 'like' , 'turtles' ] } /> );

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“ You can have every single variable and function completely typed and linted but still have none of your functions doing what they should be doing”

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const a : number

1 ; const b : number

2 ; const multiply = ( a : number , b : number ): number => a + b ; multiply ( a , b );

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01 00 Static analysis Unit testing

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Unit testing

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“A unit test is a way of testing a unit

the smallest piece of code that can be logically isolated in a system”

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const multiply = ( a : number , b : number ): number => a + b ; test ( 'Multiply should return the arguments multiplied' , () => { expect ( multiply ( 4 , 3 )). toBe ( 12 ); )};

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expect( received ). toBe ( expected ) Expected value to be (using ===): 12 Received: 7

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“ A snapshot test verifies that a piece of functionality works the same as it did when the snapshot was created ”

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const Button = ({ type }: ButtonProps ) => ( <button className

{ ` btn

${ type }` } /> ); test ( 'The Button component renders correctly' , () => { const component

renderer . create ( <Button type

”good" /> ). toJSON (); expect ( component ). toMatchSnapshot (); });

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PASS src / unit

test.spec.js ✓ The Button component renders correctly (11ms)

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FAIL src / unit

test.spec.js ✕ The Button component renders correctly (15ms) ● The Button component renders correctly expect( value ). toMatchSnapshot () Received value does not match stored snapshot 1 .


  • Received <button

className =" btn

good" + className =" btn

bad" />

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“ You can have every single component and function unit test passing but still have none of your functions working together like they should”

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const multiply = ( a : number , b : number ): number => a * b ; const alertNumber = ( value : number ): void => alert ( value ); const ButtonWhichShouldAlertOnClick = () => ( <button onClick

{ () => multiply ( 1 , 2 ) } onMouseEnter

{ () => alertNumber ( multiply ( 1 , 2 )) }

Multiply </button> );

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01 02 00 Static analysis Unit testing Integration testing

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Integration testing

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“Integration testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group”

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import { mount } from 'enzyme' ; const ButtonWhichShouldAlertOnClick = () => ( < button onClick

{ () => multiply ( 1 , 2 ) } onMouseEnter

{ () => alertNumber ( multiply ( 1 , 2 )) }

Multiply </button> ); alertNumber

jest . fn (); test ( 'The Button component should run a function on click' , () => { const component

mount ( <Button type

"test" /> ); component . find ( 'button' ). simulate ( 'click' ); expect ( alertNumber ). toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 1 ); });

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FAIL src / integration

test.spec.js ✕ The Button component should run a function on click (22ms) ● The Button component should run a function on click expect( jest.fn () ). toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 1 ) Expected mock function to have been called one time , but it was called zero times .

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“ You can have everything working together completely as intended but still have an empty screen for an application”

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const multiply = ( a : number , b : number ): number => a * b ; const alertNumber = ( value : number ): void => alert ( value ); const Button = () => ( <button onClick

{ () => alertNumber ( multiply ( 1 , 2 )) }

Multiply </button> ); document . querySelector (‘ body' ). style . cssText

'display: none' ;

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01 02 03 00 Static analysis Unit testing Integration testing User interface testing

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User interface testing

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“User interface testing is the process of testing a product's graphical user interface to ensure it meets its specifications”

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t ools • Protractor • Cypress • Puppeteer • Codecept • Navalia • Chromeless • Selenium • Nightmare • Nightwatch • Te s t C a f e • CasperJS • Te s t C a f e

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import { Chrome } from ' navalia ' ; import { toMatchImageSnapshot } from 'jest


snapshot' ; expect . extend ({ toMatchImageSnapshot }); const chrome

new Chrome (); test ( 'The routing input component should display as expected' , async () => { await chrome . goto ( 'https:// / verkeer / routeplanner ' ); await chrome . wait ( '.ROVE


input' ); const screenshot

await chrome . screenshot ( '.ROVE


input' ); await chrome . done (); expect ( screenshot ). toMatchImageSnapshot (); });

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PASS src /components/routing


address/tests/ RoutingInputAddress.ui

test.js ( 7.153s ) ✓ The routing input component should display as expected (3671ms)

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FAIL src /components/routing

input/tests/ RoutingInput.ui

test.js ( 9.909s ) ✕ The routing input component should display as expected (9033ms) ● The routing input component should display as expected Expected image to match or be a close match to snapshot. See diff for details: /Users/p279825/Sites/ANWB/traffic/ src /components/routing

input/tests/__ image_snapshots / diff_output __/routing















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import { Chromeless } from ' chromeless ' ; const chromeless

new Chromeless (); const screenshot

await chromeless . goto ( 'https://www / verkeer / routeplanner ' ) . screenshot ( '#routing' , { base64 : true , }); const file

new Buffer ( screenshot , 'base64' ); expect ( file ). toMatchImageSnapshot (); await chromeless . end ();

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const chromeless

new Chromeless ({ remote : { endpointUrl : 'https://XXXXXXXXXX.execute

west’, apiKey : 'your



here’, }, });

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“With chromeless you can run hundreds of browsers in parallel”

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“You can easily execute > 100.000 tests for free in the free tier ”

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01 02 03 00 Static analysis Unit testing Integration testing User interface testing

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t hanks & happy testing @bartwaardenburg