Things designers and developers should know

A presentation at Web Directions Summit in June 2024 in Sydney NSW, Australia by Ben Buchanan (200ok)

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Things Designers and Developers Should Know Ben Buchanan @200okpublic,

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Design Dev Creativity, problem solving ⬌ Creativity, problem solving Design critique ⬌ Code review Sketching, discovery ⬌ Spikes, PoC Oh it’s easy, my nephew designed a website! ⬌ Oh it’s easy, my nephew built a website!

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Knowing to understand empathy and respect Knowing to do execution

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Golden rule of collaborative knowledge Learn about others as you’d have them learn about you.

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Corollary Be a guide for others to find the joy you found.

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The inevitable question… Should designers code? Should developers design?

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It’s nonsense! Design and development are interlinked.

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Would we ask…? Should we be good at our jobs? Should we build empathy with coworkers?

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To what level should you code/design? None at all Understand but don’t do Do to non-production standard Do to production standard

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Levels of knowledge None at all part of the job Understand but don’t do Do to non-production standard Do to production standard

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Levels of knowledge None at all part of the job Understand but don’t do Do to non-production standard Do to production standard career change

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Data! Surveyed 176 people on design and development collaboration.

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Results How much code should designers know or do? 52.3% 42% 2.8% None at all 2.8% Know how code works, but not write any code Be able to write code, but not to production standard Be able to code to production level

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Results How much design should developers know or do? 47.7% 48.3% 2.8% 1.1% None at all Know how design works, but don’t do any design Be able to do some design, but not to production standard Be able to design to production level

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Levels (now with data for extra shine!) None at all Understand but don’t do Do to non-production standard Do to production standard

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What should you learn, then? Roles and process ‘The basics’ History and schools of the craft

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How important is it to understand roles, process and principles? 1 (not important) 2 3 4 (critical)

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Results How important is it to understand history and schools? 1 (not important) 2 3 4 (critical)

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We are part of history

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Recent history

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Schools Design Movements Minimalism, Bauhaus, Modernism, Postmodernism Programming Paradigms Procedural, Literate, Object Oriented, Functional

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Back to roles, process, basics 1 (not important) 2 3 4 (critical)

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Roles & Process

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Design Roles Research does it solve the problem? UX how it feels and flows Interaction design how it behaves Visual design how it looks

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Development Roles Frontend/UI code for rendering things Backend/Application code to apply business rules Data code to supply content DevOps code to deploy the other code QA code to make sure the other code is still working

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Would you believe developers haven’t produced lovely infographics about their roles?

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Process While every team differs, there are common shapes.

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The Basics™ for designers The medium HTML, CSS, JS Where design breaks code accessibility, performance Working together versioning

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CSS layout

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“Versions” draft_2.psd draft_2_right-font.psd final.psd final_fixed-colour.psd final_fixed-colour_updates-from-client.psd first_draft.psd

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“Versions” draft_2.sketch draft_2_right-font.sketch final.sketch final_fixed-colour.sketch final_fixed-colour_updates-from-client.sketch first_draft.sketch

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Datestamps 20181020_first_draft.sketch 20181021_draft_2.sketch 20181022_fix-font.sketch 20181023.1_final.sketch 20181023.2_fixed-colour.sketch 20181023.3_client-updates.sketch

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SemVer project_0.1.0.sketch project_0.2.0.sketch project_0.2.1.sketch project_1.0.0.sketch project_1.0.1.sketch project_1.2.0.sketch

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Cloud systems need versions too

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Then… Keep learning code! CLI basics Data structures AI concepts

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The Basics™ for developers Design is not random fundamentals Design language fundamentals Design as problem solving research, Design Thinking

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Colour theory

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Colour psychology

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Type psychology

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Voice & Tone

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Then… User research Sketching Design Thinking

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Golden rule of collaborative knowledge Learn about others as you’d have them learn about you. Corollary Be a guide for others to find the joy you found.

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Lead by understanding Lead by doing

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Thank you. Thanks to all those who shared the joy of design with me.

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Links Learn to Code HTML & CSS Chris Coyier: Hey designers, if you only know one thing about JavaScript, this is what I would recommend WAI: Accessibility for designers Webaim: Accessibility for designers Paciello Group CCA Yesenia Perez-Cruz: Design decisions through the lens of performance Brad Frost: performance budget builder

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Links Understanding colour theory Canva: learn design The illusion of life (animation) Voice and Tone Voice and Tone guides Spectrum of design roles

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Image credits Created by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project Created by Lakshisha from the Noun Project

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Created by BomSymbols from the Noun Project Created by Aly Dodds from the Noun Project Created by B Barrett from the Noun Project

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Created by Nikita Kozin from the Noun Project Created by Grégory Montigny from the Noun Project Created by Trevor Dsouza from the Noun Project

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Created by Maxim Kulikov from the Noun Project Created by GD Creativ from the Noun Project

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Image credits Squiggle from Some I could not find a definitive source to credit.