CSS: The Specificity Wars

A presentation at DC Digital Experiences Meetup in May 2016 in Washington, DC, USA by Ben Hong

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CSS : the specificity wars Benjamin Hong Front End Developer @bencodezen

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“Two CSS properties walk into a bar. A bar stool in a completely different bar falls over.” - Thomas Fuchs

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css Crazy Specific styles

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“It doesn’t matter how well-considered your source order is; how well you’re utilizing the cascade; what naming conventions you use; specificity can undo everything.

  • Harry Roberts (@csswizardry)

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what’s specificity?

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main.css 3,000 - 5,000 lines of code

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main.css Credit to @csswizardry

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Nested selector with ID? Nested classes with !important? Specificity An ID? Location in Stylesheet Credit to @csswizardry

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Instead of building beautiful products, you’re wasting time and energy fixing someone’s poorly written code.

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why now? • Why is this so important all of a sudden? • Everything is “agile” • Websites have evolved • Explosion of interest in coding

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all css is not created equally

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p { color: red; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.5; } html body p { color: red; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.5; }

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common mistakes • Defaulting to ID for selecting elements • • #hero instead of .hero Selectors that are more than 3 layers deep • section #hero ul li a.current-page { … } • !important • a:link

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Nested selector with ID? Nested classes with !important? Specificity An ID? Location in Stylesheet Credit to @csswizardry

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Specificity Location in Stylesheet Credit to @csswizardry

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modular architecture

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Architectur e css modular architecture preprocessor Naming convention

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my workflow preprocessor Architectur e Naming convention bem

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my architecture • main.css 1. settings - configuration (i.e., colors, fonts, mixins, etc.) 2. vendor - third party styles (i.e., normalize, reset, etc.) 3. base - unclassed HTML elements (i.e., global, html, body, etc.) 4. layout - generic page layout styles (i.e., grid, spacing, etc.) 5. components - UI modules of the site (i.e., buttons, carousels, etc.) 6. pages - custom page layouts (i.e., short marketing campaign) 7. overrides - takes priority over everything else (i.e., 508, etc.)

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naming convention block Element modifier .hero__button--primary

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Problem: http://bit.ly/1TKP5FC Solution: http://bit.ly/1OeWOaP

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final thoughts

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general rules 1. Always choose classes over IDs for selectors* 2. Avoid using general element selectors (i.e., h1, h2, p, span, etc.)* 3. If you have more than 3 selectors in a declaration, you’re probably doing something wrong* 4. If your BEM class name is more than one level deep, you need to break it up into something small. 5. In the event you have to use !important or a very specific selector, add a quick comment so that future developers can make an informed decision.

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things to remember 1. You won’t get it right the first time. 2. “Simpler is better” when writing good CSS 3. Discipline to write beautiful CSS is one of the hardest parts 4. Remember to pick and choose what works best for your team and projects. 5. This philosophy is just as much about improving code quality as it is for keeping your mental sanity

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tools inventory • • • Pre-Processors • Sass (SCSS) - http://sass-lang.com/ • Stylus - http://stylus-lang.com/ Architecture • ITCSS - http://itcss.io/ • SMACSS - https://smacss.com/ Naming Conventions • BEM - http://getbem.com/ • Atomic Design - http://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/ • OOCSS - https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/12/anintroduction-to-object-oriented-css-oocss/

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Additional Resources • Managing CSS Projects with ITCSS by Harry Roberts https://speakerdeck.com/dafed/managing-css-projects-with-itcss • Atomic OOBEMITSCSS by Una Kravetz http://www.sitepoint.com/atomic-oobemitscss/ • An Introduction to BEM http://getbem.com/introduction/ • Installing Sass http://sass-lang.com/install

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Thank You! If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to me @bencodezen!