Accessible SVGs: Pattern, Color Contrast, and Motion Considerations

A presentation at CodeItLive Twitch Stream - We ❤ A11y in February 2022 in by Carie Fisher

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Accessible SVGs: Pattern, Color Contrast, & Motion Considerations

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Carie Fisher Sr. Accessibility Consultant & Trainer @ Deque HCI Ph.D. student @ Iowa State University

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Today’s Agenda 01 Patterns 03 Animation 02 Color + Contrast 04 Wrap-up + Q&A

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SVG Exporting Demo Step 1:

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Patterns 01

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SVG Pattern Considerations 01 02 03 Options AT Support Environment What image information needs to be conveyed? Which AT devices & tools need supporting? Are there any framework or user limitations?

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SVG Pattern Matrix

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SVG Pattern Choice Demo Step 2:

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Color + Contrast 02

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SVG Color + Contrast Considerations 01 02 03 WCAG Rules Tools Media Queries Essential images must meet a color contrast ratio of 3:1 Color contrast is a formula = many, many tool options @prefers-colorscheme supported by 92-93% of all browsers

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SVG Prefers-Color-Scheme Demo Step 3:

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Animation 03

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SVG Animation Considerations 01 02 03 Be Selective WCAG Rules Media Queries First consider why the movement is needed at all You may need to include pause, stop, or hide options for users @prefers-reducedmotion supported by 94% of all browsers

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SVG Adding Animation Demo Step 4:

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SVG Prefers-Reduced-Motion Demo Step 5:

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Wrap-up + Q&A 04

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SVG Animation Considerations 01 02 03 Patterns Color + Contrast Animation There are a lot of pattern options regardless of platform/AT support you need! With a few more lines of code you can accommodate more of your users’ visual needs! With a few more lines of code you can accommodate more of your users’ motion needs!

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“How many opportunities do we have to dramatically improve people’s lives just by doing our job a little better?” Steve Krug

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Thanks! @cariefisher