Chris Heilmann

Chris Heilmann

Chris Heilmann dedicated the last 20 years of his life to make the web work and thrive. As a lead developer on some of the largest web products he learned that knowledge is not enough without teamwork and good handover. He dedicated most of his time since on educating, writing and sharing, presenting on average at 30 conferences a year. He strives to make code and coders work efficiently and get more done quickly without losing the understanding of what we do. He is the author of several JavaScript books and the Developer Evangelism handbook ( He is currently a Senior Program Manager in Microsoft and spends a lot of time pondering how machine learning and AI can aid humans and replace jobs we're too important to do.

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More presentations
JavaScript/Web tooling now and tomorrow JSWorld Conference February 2021
Better JavaScript tooling for a changed world JS Poland November 2020
Sharpening the saw - how tooling can make you a better developer ScotSoft October 2020
Images, pixels, canvas, tigers and bears… Programmed in Pencil June 2020
All tooled up and nowhere to go? Halfstack Online May 2020
Adventures in Browser tooling JavaScript Remote Conf May 2020
The new browser space Code university for applied sciences February 2020
Into the Web Multiverse ConfrontJS December 2019
Develop, Debug, Learn? A time to re-think our tooling. DotJS December 2019
Reconsidering open web tooling HalfStack London November 2019
Moving the web ahead with open tooling FrankenJS meetup October 2019
The web of now - Balancing man and machine Paris Web October 2019
Into the Web Multiverse Web Unleashed 2019 September 2019
Creating Human interfaces with AI Azure Saturday Munich 2019 May 2019
<feTurbulence> && !important CityJS May 2019
Seven Things to make you a happier JavaScript developer Xpand Conference April 2019
!important JSFest April 2019
Hinting at a better web FWDays edition JavaScript FWDays March 2019
Hinting at a better web Microsoft TechDays 2019 - Finland February 2019
Künstliche Intelligenz und das Ende des Codes FHWS Jahresende Vortrag December 2018
Self replicating genies - How to democratise and ensure ethics in AI WeAreDevelopers AI Congress December 2018
Building human interfaces powered by AI Codemotion Berlin November 2018
Seven Things to make you a happier JavaScript developer Codemotion Berlin November 2018
Bringing best practices front and centre Halfstack Conf November 2018
Watch this space - opening keynote Trondheim Developer Conference October 2018
Watch this space - opening keynote DevFest Nantes 2018 October 2018
Watch this space Web Unleashed September 2018
Building Human Interfaces Powered by AI Web Unleashed September 2018
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer enterJS June 2018
From Terminator to Star Trek… Using AI in day to day interfaces IDG Web Summit June 2018

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