How to Understand and Learn American Sign Language

Learning something new is always exciting, so how about taking up American sign language as a challenge? Learn the tips and tricks by following this complete guide to learning the American Sign language.

What Exactly is American Sign Language?

American sign language helps you communicate with the deaf community. There is no writing involved and learning this language is easy as there are the best online ASL courses available online.

Here are some interesting facts about American sign language:

  1. Like any other spoken language, American sign language is different from sign language used in other nations; international sign language is not officially a language but helps in communicating with the deaf and foreigners as well
  2. The first deaf institute was founded in Paris, and ASL has a lot of similarities with the Paris Sign Language course
  3. Sign language has different modes like total communication, cue speech, Signed Exact English (SEE), Pidgin Sign Language (PSE), and American Sign Language
  4. If the message is complicated, then the signer spells the words with their finger
  5. The deaf can communicate anywhere, through windows or while eating.

Where Do You Begin?

Various courses help you learn ASL, like British sign courses. These courses include instructor support, pdf textbooks, priority email support, advanced online classrooms, and more. On completion, you are awarded the British sign language certificate.

What You Need To Know When Learning ASL

Each language has unique grammar and sentence structure. To master the American sign language, you need to know these five parameters:

Handshape Letters and numbers are shown using hand configuration. To avoid confusion regarding common handshapes like D, deaf people try to understand the context.

Palm Orientation The palm can be facing upwards or downwards, right or left, inward or outward, to denote a school or paper.

Location The signs have different meanings depending on where they are used. Different positions include signs above the head, below the belly button, or on the waist.

Movement Moving the hand towards yourself or away from yourself means you are taking something from someone or giving something to another person, respectively.

Non-Manual Markers/Signals (NMM or NMS) No hands are used in this category. Instead, the head, shoulders, and face are used. The best way to learn ASL is by interacting with the deaf.

Tips and Tricks When Learning American Sign Language

  1. It takes lots of practice, and there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days
  2. Be familiar with sign language before attending deaf socials
  3. Set realistic learning goals
  4. Always maintain eye contact
  5. Learn the five parameters of the sign

Conclusion Learning ASL can be an exciting journey if you register for the right course. If you want to upgrade your sign language experience, try the ASL Level 2 course at online learning platforms like Cudoo. Get more details by logging on to our portal.

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