Component Definitions <example-banner variant=”warning” title=”Uh oh” description=”Something bad happened” />” <com.example.component.Banner app:variant=”warning” app:title=”Uh oh” app:description=”Something bad happened” />” let banner = Banner( variant: .warning, title: “Uh oh”, description: “Something bad happened” );
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We design and build in parallel so any discussions on details that come up during implementation (and there are usually many) get addressed and considered together.
A system built on parity: How to treat all of your users equally by Linzi Berry, Kathy Ma, Sam Soffes from Lyft
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Systems should support how creators work.
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Efficiency Autonomy
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Low friction environments
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Lowest fidelity to express intent
Rely less on mockups
Get to code quicker Designer & developer pairing
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Spread ownership
Distribute creation
Own the full experience Meet creators where they are
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Cohesion Autonomy
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Over 25% of public design systems support multiple platforms next year.
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Thank You! Danny Banks @dbanksdesign