A presentation at Eurostar Huddle Automation Deep Dive Webinar in July 2022 in by Daniel Kocot

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APIOps Daniel Kocot, Senior Solution Architect / Head of API Experience & Operations

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Name: Daniel Kocot Role: Senior Solution Architect / Head of API Experience & Operations Email: daniel.kocot@codecentric.de Twitter: @dk_1977 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielkocot/

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No Buzzword Bingo!

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Lean Principles and Processes

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API first An API is the first (and often only) interface to users of an application An API comes first — before the implementation An API is described (documented) or self-descriptive

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API Design (first)

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OpenAPI / AsyncAPI

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OpenAPI Spec Example

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Specification Version

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GIT some kind of GitFlow no direct commits to main Branch every change to specification and the pipeline has to be a pull request

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Developer Setup

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IDE or Editor Eclipse JetBrains Products Visual Studio Code Stoplight Studio Apicurio Studio Insomnia

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local validation Redocly-CLI Spectral

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Spectral > npm install -D @stoplight/spectral > npx spectral lint news.yaml OpenAPI 3.x detected No results with a severity of ‘error’ or higher found!

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Ruleset formats: - oas3.0 extends: - ‘spectral:oas’ rules: tags-have-description: description: Tags must have a description. message: Description of Tag is missing given: $.tags[*] recommended: true type: style then: field: description function: truthy

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local mocking

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Prism > npm install -D @stoplight/prism-cli > npx prism mock news.yaml -p 8080 [17:13:00] › [CLI] … awaiting Starting Prism… [17:13:01] › [CLI] ℹ info GET [17:13:01] › [CLI] ▶ start Prism is listening on

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local testing

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Contract testing Create a test suite based directly on the spec Using a BDD framework Create a test suite based on a postman collection

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Portman > npm install -D @apideck/portman > prism mock specs/news.yaml -p 8080 | portman -l specs/news.yaml -n

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Portman ================================================================= Local Path: specs/news.yaml Portman Config: portman-config.default.json Postman Config: postman-config.default.json Environment: .env Inject Tests: true Run Newman: true Newman Iteration Data: false Upload to Postman: false ================================================================= ✔ Conversion successful ================================================================= Run Newman against: ================================================================= newman News API ❏ news ↳ get News GET http://localhost:8080/news [200 OK, 384B, 85ms] ✓ [GET]::/news - Status code is 2xx ✓ [GET]::/news - Content-Type is application/json ✓ [GET]::/news - Response has JSON Body

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Load testing Smoke Load Stress Soak

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postman-to-k6 > npm install -D postman-to-k6 > mkdir k6 > npx postman-to-k6 post-collections/news-postman-collection.json -o k6/news-k6-script.js

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k6 > prism mock specs/news.yaml -p 8080 | k6 run k6/news-k6-script.js

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k6 /\ /\ / \ / / \ / \ / __________
|‾‾| /‾‾/ /‾‾/ | |/ / / / | ( / ‾‾\ | |\ \ | (‾) | |__| _\ ____/ .io execution: local script: k6/news-k6-script.js output: scenarios: (100.00%) 1 scenario, 1 max VUs, 10m30s max duration (incl. graceful stop): * default: 1 iterations for each of 1 VUs (maxDuration: 10m0s, gracefulStop: 30s) running (00m00.0s), 0/1 VUs, 1 complete and 0 interrupted iterations default ✓ [======================================] 1 VUs 00m00.0s/10m0s data_received…………..: data_sent………………: http_req_blocked………..: http_req_connecting……..: http_req_duration……….: http_req_failed…………: http req receiving : 502 B 26 kB/s 134 B 7.0 kB/s avg=1.31ms min=1.31ms avg=237µs min=237µs avg=12.92ms min=12.92ms 100.00% ✓ 1 ✗ 0 avg=110µs min=110µs 1/1 iters, 1 per VU med=1.31ms max=1.31ms p(90)=1.31ms p(95 med=237µs max=237µs p(90)=237µs p(95 med=12.92ms max=12.92ms p(90)=12.92ms p(95 med=110µs max=110µs p(90)=110µs p(95

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YAML / JSON YAML is more human-readable JSON is more machine-readable Parsing JSON is faster ;)

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Converting YAML to JSON > npm install -g yaml2json > yaml2json specs/news.yaml

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Structure https://openapi-map.apihandyman.io

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Splitting the structure for reuse and better overview == Design Library

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Hard splitting one file per object

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Soft splitting Depending on the size of the whole document or the objects

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Use of references with $ref local ‘#/components/schemas/myElement’ remote ‘myElement.yaml’ url ‘http://path/to/your/myElement.yaml’

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Something is needed to rebundle the files to one > npx @redocly/redocly-cli > redocly bundle specs/news.yaml —output output/news.yaml

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Use of OpenAPI Extensions/X-Objects to handle own or vendor needs x-vendor-…​ x-…​ Supported by: root level info paths operation parameters responses tags security schemes

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From API description to configuration as code OpenAPI with Extensions AWS Cloudformation AWS CDK Azure ARM Templates Azure Bicep Pulumi

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Example AWS Cloudformation - API Spec openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: API Gateway OpenAPI Example version: 1.0.0 paths: /api/posts: get: summary: List Posts operationId: listPosts requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: ‘$ref’: ‘#/components/schemas/CreatePostRequestBody’ responses: ‘200’: description: Retrieve the list of Posts content: application/json: schema: ‘$ref’: ‘#/components/schemas/ListPostsResponseBody’ x-amazon-apigateway-integration:

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Example AWS Cloudformation - S3 Bucket Stack AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Resources: ArtifactBucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Outputs: ArtifactBucket: Description: The name of the artifact bucket Value: !Ref ArtifactBucket Export: Name: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-artifact-bucket

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Example AWS Cloudformation - AWS API-Gateway Stack AWSTemplateFormatVersion: ‘2010-09-09’ Parameters: ProjectId: Type: String Default: experiment Bucket: Type: String Default: api-gateway-openapi-artifact-bucke-artifactbucket-1wmq2pswrxwjw OpenAPIS3Key: Type: String Default: openapi.yaml Resources: Api: Type: AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi Properties: Name: !Ref AWS::StackName Description: ‘An experimental API’ FailOnWarnings: true

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Some gateways vendors have their own toolsets for CaC which have to be integrated in an existing toolchain For example: Kong decK Inso (Insomnia CLI) Tyk Tyk Sync

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Deployable Infrastructure based on the definition Gateways Portals Hubs Registries

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Transformation to automation within CI/CD API first GIT Process Well structured and formed API specification Automated Linting Automated Testing Automated Deployment of revelant infrastructure

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Should we build a framework on our own for this?

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Missing Parts

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Building SDKs

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Security OWASP API Top 10 Security Best Practices

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Policy (as Code) OPA Sentinel

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Wrap Up Posts on codecentric blog: https://blog.codecentric.de/en/author/daniel-kocot/ Posts on my blog: https://danielkocot.github.io Posts on Medium: https://medium.com/@daniel.kocot

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Thank you

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References Photo on slide 7 by Alice Dietrich on Unsplash Photo on slide 13 by Danial Igdery on Unsplash

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