Drupal - A Tool for JavaScript developers?

A presentation at DrupalCon Prague 2022 in September 2022 in Prague, Czechia by Wolfgang Ziegler

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Drupal - A Tool for JavaScript developers? by Wolfgang Ziegler // fago Open Web Community - Drupalcon Prague 2022

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Wolfgang Ziegler // fago Managing Partner, CTO at Contributions ○ Drupal 8 Entity API & Typed Data API ○ Contrib: Lupus CE Renderer, Custom Elements, Rules, Entity API, Field Collection, Profile2 drupal.org/u/fago @the_real_fago at Twitter

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JavaScript Frontends are popular.

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Web framework popularity Source: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#most-popular-technologies-webframe

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A new generation of web developers. … how do they relate to Drupal?

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Could JavaScript frontend developers be Drupal sitebuilders?

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“ “ Drupal is for ambitious site builders — Dries Buytaert https://dri.es/drupal-is-for-ambitious-site-builders May 4, 2022

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Ambitious sitebuilders … ➔ sit in between the developer and content authors ➔ get a lot of things done by installing and configuring modules & by using Drupal through the UI. ➔ when needed, they can use custom code to make their site exactly how they want it to be They are not proficient in PHP

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Customizations by sitebuilders ➔ Most customizations happen close to the user, in UI ➔ For decoupled sites this mostly affects the frontend ✅ ➔ Typical needs should require zero-code

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JavaScript developer needs ➔ Configure Drupal as headless CMS ◆ Configurable data model ◆ Great editing experience out of the box ➔ Quick results ◆ SAAS / Cloud hosting? ◆ Pleasant frontend DX (API?)

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Popular CMS options ➔ SAAS ➔ OpenSource ◆ Contentful ◆ Strapi ◆ Prismic ◆ Directus (& SAAS as well) ◆ Storyblok ◆ Tina(& SAAS as well) ◆ Sanity ◆ Cockpit ◆ Magnolia ◆ … ◆ ButterCMS ◆ …

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“ Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript, fully customizable and developer-first. “ Source: https://strapi.io September, 2022

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Headless Drupal … done fast! ➔ Quick results ◆ SAAS / One-click setup hosting options ✅ ◆ Quick test-drive (DrupalPod, Simplytest.me) ✅ ➔ Pleasant frontend DX ❓ ◆ JSON API (+ extras?) ◆ GraphQL (v3, v4, compose) ◆ Lupus Custom Elements Renderer (no UI)

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Possible hurdle: Config staging ➔ Is it even wanted? Skip it? ➔ If so - where to export changes? ◆ It should work without a Drupal localdev env! ➔ Auto-create PRs from Drupal ◆ https://www.drupal.org/project/config_pr ◆ https://www.drupal.org/project/config_patch

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But… How to get started? ● There are plenty of options! (Hosting, APIs, Auth…) ● We have guides! https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/decoupled-drupal ● but its WIP and leaves more questions than answers 😔

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➔ https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop ?

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But still… How to get started? ➔ Promote: Decoupled Drupal Stacks ➔ We got some. ◆ https://next-drupal.org ◆ https://www.drupal.org/project/gatsby ◆ https://www.drupal.org/project/lupus_decoupled ◆ http://druxtjs.org

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Idea: Decoupled Drupal Stacks (2/2) ➔ Make getting started with stacks easy: ◆ Leverage distribution recipes! ◆ Integrate with project browser ➔ Promote well-supported stacks ◆ Install-time selection of frontend stacks

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Thank you! Your thoughts?

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Join us for contribution opportunities 20-23 September, 2022 Room C2 + C3 Mentored Contribution 23 September: 09:00 - 18:00 Room C2 + C3 First Time Contributor Workshop 20 September: 17:15 - 18:00 Room D9 21 September: 10:30 - 11:15 Room D9 23 September: 09:00 - 12:30 Room C2 #DrupalContributions General Contribution 20 - 22 September: 9:00 - 18:00 Room C3 23 September: 9:00 - 18:00 Room C2 + C3

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