Versatility of Onions Especially for Summer The summer season has started and we are all incorporating changes in our lifestyle, clothing, and food to fight the scorching heat. Just like cotton is the most preferred fabric for summer so is onion the most promising vegetable during the season. This is because onions are primarily said to guard us against heat strokes. So make sure you actively incorporate lots of onion in your diet. An easy to do the same is by ordering fresh chopped onion online and using it in salads, gravies, dips, and other recipes. Onions are so important as they contain a variety of nutrients such as fibers, proteins, Vitamin C, folate (B9), vitamin B6, potassium, anthocyanins, quercetin, sulfur compounds, thiosulfinates, and more. As it is rich in multiple nutrients, it has various health benefits. Onions help in blood sugar regulation, promoting bone health, reduction of cancer risk, and more.