Braces to Pixels

A presentation at CSS Day 2016 + HTML Special in June 2016 in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Greg Whitworth

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Slide 1

@ gregwhitworth

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Slide 2

“Sorcerer's Apprentice

Fantasia” 1940 © Disney•Pixar . All rights reser ved.

Slide 3

Slide 3

“Sorcerer's Apprentice

Fantasia” 1940 © Disney•Pixar . All rights reser ved.

Slide 4

Slide 4

“Sorcerer's Apprentice

Fantasia” 1940 © Disney•Pixar . All rights reser ved.

Slide 5

Slide 5

“Sorcerer's Apprentice

Fantasia” 1940 © Disney•Pixar . All rights reser ved.

Slide 6

Slide 6

“Sorcerer's Apprentice

Fantasia” 1940 © Disney•Pixar . All rights reser ved.

Slide 7

Slide 7

“Sorcerer's Apprentice

Fantasia” 1940 © Disney•Pixar . All rights reser ved.

Slide 8

Slide 8

“Sorcerer's Apprentice

Fantasia” 1940 © Disney•Pixar . All rights reser ved.

Slide 9

Slide 9

“Sorcerer's Apprentice

Fantasia” 1940 © Disney•Pixar . All rights reser ved.

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{ the pipeline }

Slide 11

Slide 11

Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network {the pipeline} @ gregwhitworth

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Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network @ gregwhitworth {the pipeline} JS

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JS Input Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network @ gregwhitworth {the pipeline}

Slide 14

Slide 14

Input Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Network @ gregwhitworth {the pipeline} Content Parsing JS

Slide 15

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{ parsing } Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network YOU ARE HERE

Slide 16

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button { background : green ; } @ gregwhitworth {style} I found a selector!

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button { background : green ; } @ gregwhitworth {style} I found an opening curly brace!

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button { background : green ; } @ gregwhitworth {style} I found a property

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button { background : green ; } @ gregwhitworth {style} I found a colon!

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button { background : green ; } @ gregwhitworth {style} I found a value!

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button { background : green ; } @ gregwhitworth {style} I found a semi


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button { background : green ; } @ gregwhitworth {style} I found a closing curly brace!

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button { background : green ; border : 3px solid red ; font

size : 1em; } @ gregwhitworth {style} Selector .fancy


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button { background : green ; border : 3px solid red ; font

size : 1em; } @ gregwhitworth {style} Selector .fancy


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button { background : green ; border : 3px solid red ; font

size : 1em; } @ gregwhitworth {style} Selector Property Value .fancy

button background

color rgb (0,255,0)

Slide 26

Slide 26

@ gregwhitworth {style} Selector Property Value .fancy

button background

color rgb (0,255,0) .fancy

button border

size 3px .fancy

button border

color rgb (255,0,0) .fancy

button border

style solid .fancy

button { background : green ; border : 3px solid red ; font

size : 1em; }

Slide 27

Slide 27


button { background : green ; border : 3px solid red ; font

size : 1em; } @ gregwhitworth {style} Selector Property Value .fancy

button background

color rgb (0,255,0) .fancy

button border

size 3px .fancy

button border

color rgb (255,0,0) .fancy

button border

style solid .fancy

button font

size 1em

Slide 28

Slide 28

{ style } Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network YOU ARE HERE

Slide 29

Slide 29

{ style: terminology }

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Slide 30

@ gregwhitworth {style} Declared: What the author wrote Value Types width: 506.456789132456489787px

Slide 31

Slide 31

@ gregwhitworth {style} Specified: Declared + defaults Value Types width: auto

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Slide 32

@ gregwhitworth {style} Computed: Resolution of specified Value Types font

size: 1em 16px

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Slide 33

@ gregwhitworth {style} Used: Result of layout calculations Value Types width: 50% 300px

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@ gregwhitworth {style} Actual: UA specific adjustments Value Types width: 506.456789132456489787px 506.45px

Slide 35

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{ style: computation }

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DOM Tree Collection of styles Collection of styles Collection of styles Matching Algorithm @ gregwhitworth {style}

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The User Agent should have ever ything resolved except what requires layout @ gregwhitworth {style}

Slide 38

Slide 38

width: 1in; Before After @ gregwhitworth {style} width: 50%; line

height: calc (10px + 2em); border

color : currentColor ; height: 50vh; width: 96px; width: 50%; line

height: 42px; border

color : rgb (0,255,0); height: 540px;

Slide 39

Slide 39

{ style: cascade }

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Slide 40

A score awarded to a selector based on the count of tags, classes, id’s, !important, & attribute selectors used @ gregwhitworth {style} Specificity

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Inline styles win out over all selectors unless an !important was used @ gregwhitworth {style} Specificity

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• !Important • Style Attribute • ID • Classes, Psuedo Classes, attr • Elements & Psuedo Elements @ gregwhitworth {style} Specificity

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li 0 0 0 0 1 @ gregwhitworth {style}

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li 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 @ gregwhitworth {style}

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li 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 #comment 0 0 1 2 1 @ gregwhitworth {style}

Slide 46

Slide 46

li 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 #comment 0 0 1 2 1

<li style=“color : red”> 0 1 0 0 0 @ gregwhitworth {style}

Slide 47

Slide 47

li 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 #comment 0 0 1 2 1

<li style=“color : red”> 0 1 0 0 0 color : red !important 1 0 0 0 0 @ gregwhitworth {style}

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Slide 48 css


selectors @ gregwhitworth {style} “Keep your CSS selectors short” by Harr y Roberts

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An origin is what determines where the stylesheet is placed within the cascade @ gregwhitworth {style} Style Origins

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Slide 50

User Agent Author User 3 currently specified origins @ gregwhitworth {style} : Renders CSS : Web Developer : Person using site

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Slide 51

  1. User
  2. Author
  3. User Agent Ordering in the cascade @ gregwhitworth {style}

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Slide 52


button { background : green ; border : 3px solid red ; font

size : 1em; } Origin Selector Property Value Specificity Author .fancy

button background

color rgb (0,255,0) 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

style Solid 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

size 3px 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

color rgb (255,0,0) 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button font

size 16px 0,0,0,1,0 Author div .fancy

button background

color rgb (255,255,0) 0,0,0,1,1 User * font

size 25px 1,0,0,0,0 div .fancy

button { background : yellow ;
} @ gregwhitworth {style}

Slide 53

Slide 53


button { background : green ; border : 3px solid red ; font

size : 1em; } Origin Selector Property Value Specificity User * font

size 25px 1,0,0,0,0 Author .fancy

button background

color rgb (0,255,0) 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

style Solid 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

size 3px 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

color rgb (255,0,0) 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button font

size 16px 0,0,0,1,0 Author div .fancy

button background

color rgb (255,255,0) 0,0,0,1,1 div .fancy

button { background : yellow ;
} @ gregwhitworth {style}

Slide 54

Slide 54


button { background : green ; border : 3px solid red ; font

size : 1em; } Origin Selector Property Value Specificity User * font

size 25px 1,0,0,0,0 Author div .fancy

button background

color rgb (255,255,0) 0,0,0,1,1 Author .fancy

button background

color rgb (0,255,0) 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

style Solid 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

size 3px 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

color rgb (255,0,0) 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button font

size 16px 0,0,0,1,0 div .fancy

button { background : yellow ;
} @ gregwhitworth {style}

Slide 55

Slide 55


button { background : green ; border : 3px solid red ; font

size : 1em; } Origin Selector Property Value Specificity User * font

size 25px 1,0,0,0,0 Author div .fancy

button background

color rgb (255,255,0) 0,0,0,1,1 Author .fancy

button background

color rgb (0,255,0) 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

style Solid 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

size 3px 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button border

color rgb (255,0,0) 0,0,0,1,0 Author .fancy

button font

size 16px 0,0,0,1,0 div .fancy

button { background : yellow ;
} @ gregwhitworth {style}

Slide 56

Slide 56

Property Value border

style Solid border

size 3px border

color rgb (255,0,0) background

color rgb (255,255,0) font

size 25px .fancy

button @ gregwhitworth {style}

Slide 57

Slide 57

@ gregwhitworth {style} #document body header div p p #document body header div

  • { background: red } div p { background: blue } p:last


type { background: orange }

  • { background: red } div p p:last


type div p { background: blue }

  • { background: red } p:last


type { background: orange } div p { background: blue } #document body header div p p p p

Slide 58

Slide 58

{ layout } Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network YOU ARE HERE

Slide 59

Slide 59

{ layout: terminology }

Slide 60

Slide 60

Block formatting context (BFC) Floats, absolutely positioned elements, block containers (such as inline

blocks, table

cells, and table

captions) that are not block boxes, and block boxes with 'overflow' other than 'visible' (except when that value has been propagated to the viewport) establish new block formatting contexts for their contents. @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 61

Block formatting context (BFC) @ gregwhitworth {layout} Absolute Positioned Box This box creates a new BFC

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Slide 62

Containing block The ancestor block that styles are resolved against @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 63

block @ gregwhitworth {layout} W3C CSS 2.2 Definition of Containing Block

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Containing Block @ gregwhitworth {layout} position: fixed

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Initial Containing block (ICB) A rectangle that is computed based on the top

most box or page box. @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Initial Containing Block (ICB) @ gregwhitworth {layout} The red dashed box is the ICB

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Slide 67

@ gregwhitworth {layout} LTR/RTL Writing Mode INLINE DIRECTION INLINE DIRECTION Vertical Writing Mode

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@ gregwhitworth {layout} LTR/RTL Writing Mode BLOCK DIRECTION BLOCK DIRECTION Vertical Writing Mode

Slide 69

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{ layout: flow }

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Slide 70

The flow You move in document order laying out each child in the direction of the boxes writing mode @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 71

Float @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<body> <div> <p> DOM Tree float: left; text node <p> text node

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Slide 72

Float @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<body> <div> <p> DOM Tree float: left; text node <p> text node

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Slide 73

Float @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<body> <div> <p> DOM Tree float: left; text node <p> text node

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Slide 74

{ layout: box generation }

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Slide 75

For each element in the DOM there will be 0 or more boxes in the box tree @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 76

Box Model Padding Box Content Box Border Box Margin Box @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 77

<body> <div> <div> DOM Tree CSS Box CSS Box Box Tree CSS Box @ gregwhitworth {layout}

Slide 78

Slide 78

<body> <div> <div> visibility: hidden; DOM Tree @ gregwhitworth {layout} CSS Box CSS Box Box Tree CSS Box

Slide 79

Slide 79

<body> <div> <div> display: none; DOM Tree CSS Box CSS Box Box Tree @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 80

<body> <div> <div> DOM Tree CSS Box CSS Box Box Tree CSS Box visibility: hidden; @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 81

When necessar y, boxes will be generated that are not in the DOM, these are known as anonymous boxes @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 82

<body> <div> display: table - cell; DOM Tree CSS Box Table Box Box Tree Table Grid Box CSS Box @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 83

{ layout: basic }

Slide 84

Slide 84

<body> <p> Hello World </p> </body> HTML CSS body { width : 50px; } Basic Example @ gregwhitworth {layout}

Slide 85

Slide 85

DOM Tree Basic Example

<body> <p> width: 50px text node Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box Line Box Line Box Why are there 2 line boxes for the 1 text node? @ gregwhitworth {layout}

Slide 86

Slide 86

Basic Example Box Tree CSS Box width: 50px @ gregwhitworth {layout}


Slide 87

Slide 87

Basic Example Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<body> <p>

Slide 88

Slide 88

Basic Example Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box Line Box Hello World @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<body> <p>

Slide 89

Slide 89

Basic Example Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box Line Box Hello World @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<body> <p>

Slide 90

Slide 90

Basic Example Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box Line Box Hello World Line Box @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<body> <p>

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Slide 91

{ layout: content measure }

Slide 92

Slide 92

When your your inline dimensions depends on its contents. Shrink


fit Context @ gregwhitworth {layout}

Slide 93

Slide 93

Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet , consectetur ad adipiscing elit . Nullam pellentesq SHARE IT @ gregwhitworth {layout}

Slide 94

Slide 94

<article> <button> SHARE IT </button> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit . Nullam pellentesq </p> </article> HTML CSS article { min - width : 400px; max - width : 800px; background : rgb ( 191,191,191); padding : 5px; } button { float : left ; background : orange ; padding : 3px 10px; border : 2px solid blue ; margin : 5px; } p { margin : 0; } @ gregwhitworth {layout}

Slide 95

Slide 95

DOM Tree

<article> <button> <p> Box Tree Text node Text node CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box LB LB LB @ gregwhitworth {layout}

Slide 96

Slide 96


width: 400px max

width: 800px padding: 5px Box Tree CSS Box @ gregwhitworth {layout}


Slide 97

Slide 97

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box Line Box float: left @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<article> <button>

Slide 98

Slide 98

Box Tree CSS Box Line Box float: left background: orange padding: 3px 10px;
border: 2px solid blue; margin: 5px; @ gregwhitworth {layout}

Slide 99

Slide 99

Box Tree CSS Box Line Box SHARE IT @ gregwhitworth {layout} Max Width SHARE IT Min Width 115px 86px

Slide 100

Slide 100

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box Line Box SHARE IT @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<article> <button>

Slide 101

Slide 101

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box Line Box SHARE IT @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<article> <button> <p>

Slide 102

Slide 102

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box Line Box @ gregwhitworth {layout} Lorem ipsum dolor sit
SHARE IT amet , consectetur adi

<article> <button> <p>

Slide 103

Slide 103

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box LB LB @ gregwhitworth {layout} Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet , consectetur SHARE IT adipiscing elit . Nullam pell

<article> <button> <p>

Slide 104

Slide 104

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box LB LB LB @ gregwhitworth {layout} Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet , consectetur adipiscing elit . Nullam pellentesq SHARE IT

<article> <button> <p>

Slide 105

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{ layout: fragmentation }

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Slide 106

A box — such as a page box, column box, or region — that contains a portion (or all) of a fragmented flow. Fragmentainer @ gregwhitworth {layout}

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Slide 107

<body> <div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit . Cras nibh orci , tincidunt eget enim et, pellentesque condimentum risus . Aenean sollicitudin risus velit , quis tempor leo malesuada vel. Donec consequat aliquet mauris . Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus </div> </body> HTML CSS div { columns : 2; column - fill : auto ; height : 300px; } @ gregwhitworth {layout} velit , quis tempor leo malesuada vel. Donec consequat aliquet mauris . Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit . Cras nibh orci , tincidunt eget enim et, pellentesque condimentum risus . Aenean sollicitudin risus

Slide 108

Slide 108

@ gregwhitworth {layout} DOM Tree

<body> <div> Text node Box Tree CSS Box MultiCol Box CSS Box LB LB LB LB LB LB CSS Box LB LB LB LB LB

Slide 109

Slide 109

Box Tree CSS Box @ gregwhitworth {layout}


Slide 110

Slide 110

Box Tree CSS Box MultiCol Box @ gregwhitworth {layout}

<body> <div> columns: 2 column - fill: auto; height: 300px

Slide 111

Slide 111

Box Tree CSS Box MultiCol Box CSS Box @ gregwhitworth {layout} Fragmentainer created

<body> <div> columns: 2 column - fill: auto; height: 300px

Slide 112

Slide 112

Box Tree CSS Box MultiCol Box CSS Box @ gregwhitworth {layout} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit . Cras nibh orci , tincidunt eget enim et, pellentesque condimentum risus . Aenean sollicitudin risus LB LB LB LB LB

<body> <div> columns: 2 column - fill: auto; height: 300px

Slide 113

Slide 113

Box Tree CSS Box MultiCol Box CSS Box @ gregwhitworth {layout} LB LB LB LB LB LB CSS Box

<body> <div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit . Cras nibh orci , tincidunt eget enim et, pellentesque condimentum risus . Aenean sollicitudin risus columns: 2 column - fill: auto; height: 300px

Slide 114

Slide 114

@ gregwhitworth {layout} velit , quis tempor leo malesuada vel. Donec consequat aliquet mauris . Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus Box Tree CSS Box MultiCol Box CSS Box columns: 2 column

fill: auto; height: 300px LB LB LB LB LB LB CSS Box LB LB LB LB LB

<body> <div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit . Cras nibh orci , tincidunt eget enim et, pellentesque condimentum risus . Aenean sollicitudin risus

Slide 115

Slide 115

{ paint } Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network YOU ARE HERE

Slide 116

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@ gregwhitworth {paint} SHARE IT

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Slide 117

@ gregwhitworth {paint} Step 1: Paint the elements background

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Slide 118

@ gregwhitworth {paint} Step 2: Paint the element’s border

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@ gregwhitworth {paint} Step 3: Paint the element’s content

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@ gregwhitworth {paint} SHARE IT

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Slide 121

Stacking Context (SC) The order in which the rendering tree is painted onto the canvas is described by stacking contexts @ gregwhitworth {paint}

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Stacking Context (SC) Stacking context layers Actually it sort of does though? @ gregwhitworth {paint}

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Slide 123

Stacking Context (SC) ¯
( ツ )/¯ @ gregwhitworth {paint}

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@ gregwhitworth {paint}

<body> <div id= "one" > Item 1 </div> <div id= "two" > Item 2 </div> </body> HTML CSS div { width : 300px; height : 300px; position : absolute ; background : blue ; z - index : 2; } #two { background : green ; z - index : 1; }

Slide 125

Slide 125

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box @ gregwhitworth {paint} Line Box Item 1 Root Stacking Context Stacking Context

<body> <div> <div> z - index: 2; z - index: 1;

Slide 126

Slide 126

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box @ gregwhitworth {paint} Line Box Root Stacking Context Stacking Context z

index: 2; z

index: 1;

<body> <div> <div>

Slide 127

Slide 127

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box @ gregwhitworth {paint} Line Box Root Stacking Context Stacking Context z

index: 2; z

index: 1;

<body> <div> <div>

Slide 128

Slide 128

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box @ gregwhitworth {paint} Line Box Root Stacking Context Item 2 Stacking Context z

index: 2; z

index: 1;

<body> <div> <div>

Slide 129

Slide 129

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box @ gregwhitworth {paint} Line Box Root Stacking Context Item 2 Stacking Context z

index: 2; z

index: 1;

<body> <div> <div>

Slide 130

Slide 130

Box Tree CSS Box CSS Box CSS Box Line Box @ gregwhitworth {paint} Line Box Root Stacking Context Item 1 Stacking Context z

index: 2; z

index: 1;

<body> <div> <div>

Slide 131

Slide 131

{ paint: bounds }

Slide 132

Slide 132

<div></div> HTML CSS div { width : 400px; height : 400px; background : red ; box - shadow: black 20px 20px ; } @ gregwhitworth {paint}

Slide 133

Slide 133

Box Tree CSS Box width: 400px height: 400px box

shadow: black 20px 20px Display Node Disp Node width: 420px height: 420px 420px 420px @ gregwhitworth {paint}

Slide 134

Slide 134

{ compose } Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network YOU ARE HERE

Slide 135

Slide 135

@ gregwhitworth {compose} Large Heading

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@ gregwhitworth {paint}

<div class= " clippy " > </div> HTML CSS . clippy { width : 100px; height : 100px; animation : pulse 1s infinite ; background : green ; } @ keyframes pulse { from { transform : scale(1, 1); } to { transform : scale(2, 2) } }

Slide 137

Slide 137

@ gregwhitworth {compose} Large Heading Root Composite Layer

Slide 138

Slide 138

@ gregwhitworth {compose} Large Heading

Slide 139

Slide 139

@ gregwhitworth {compose} Large Heading

Slide 140

Slide 140

{ invalidation } Compose DOM Content Parsing Network Style Layout Paint JS Input

Slide 141

Slide 141

@ gregwhitworth {invalidation} SHARE IT CSS button { float : left;
background : orange ;
padding : 3px 10px;
border : 2px solid blue ; } button :hover { background : green ; color : white ; }

Slide 142

Slide 142

@ gregwhitworth {invalidation} Hit Testing Algorithm Mouse movement Box Tree button:hover SHARE IT Compose

Slide 143

Slide 143

@ gregwhitworth {invalidation} Mouse move Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network Hit Testing Algorithm

Slide 144

Slide 144

@ gregwhitworth {layout} Modifying the box model on :hover

Slide 145

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@ gregwhitworth {layout} Not modifying the box model on :hover

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Slide 146

@ gregwhitworth {invalidation}

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Slide 147

@ gregwhitworth {paint} var moved = 0; var tooFar = 500; function move(el) { if( moved <= tooFar ) moved ++; = moved + " px "; } JS

Slide 148

Slide 148

@ gregwhitworth {invalidation} Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network JS

Slide 149

Slide 149

@ gregwhitworth {paint} #move { width : 300px; height : 300px; background : blue ; animation : move 1s; } @ keyframes { to { transform : translateX (500px); } } CSS

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@ gregwhitworth {invalidation} Compose Paint Layout Style DOM Content Parsing Network

Slide 151

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{ take aways } @ gregwhitworth {take aways }

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Slide 152

@ gregwhitworth {take aways } • Audit your CSS at least twice a year • Remove unused CSS or redundant styles • !important should be a sign that it may be time for a CSS refactor

Slide 153

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@ gregwhitworth {take aways } • Try and keep DOM structure as flat as possible • Try and use simple selectors ( eg : ID, classes, tags) • Limit Layout thrashing

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@ gregwhitworth {take aways } • Make display only invalidations (layout is computationally heavy) • Elicit feedback on the way you solved the solution

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Slide 155

@ gregwhitworth