Bruce Springsteeen, The Ghost of Tom Joad (Album-Cover)
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Bruce Springsteeen, The Ghost of Tom Joad (Album-Cover, Rückseite)
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Bruce Springsteeen, The Ghost of Tom Joad (Single)
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1929–1941 Great Depression / Weltwirtschaftskrise
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1936–1939 Dust Bowl
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1939 The Grapes of Wrath von John Steinbeck
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1940 Verfilmung von John Ford
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1940 Dust Bowl Ballads von Woody Guthrie
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1995 The Ghost of Tom Joad von Bruce Springsteen
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“If Woody Guthrie were alive today he’d have a lot to write about: high times on Wall Street and hard times on main street.”
— Bruce Springsteen, introducing “The Ghost of Tom Joad”