Intro into PWA

A presentation at Mozilla TechSpeakers Meetup 2018 in September 2018 in Paris, France by Ioana Chiorean

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Intro to Progressive Web Apps IWD Celebration – GDG Abu Dhabi – NYUAD | 9th March 2018

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Overview Hi. We’re Mozilla, the proudly non-profit champions of the Internet, helping to keep it healthy, open and accessible to all. 2

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Tweet at Us! #mozilla #moztechspeakers TAKE 3 MIN to Tell Us What you think! 3

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Me. Alaa Shaheen @FloweryCoder Email: Software Product Manager at Mozilla Tech Speaker 4

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What is PWA ➔Web apps are the websites, that are using web technologies, and they have the capabilities to act like a mobile app. ➔Top level in task switcher ➔Top level in home screen ➔Top level in the notification tray 5

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➔”A progressive web application is basically a website built using modern web technologies but acts and feels like a mobile app” 6

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Why we need to go into Progressive web apps? ➔Recent studies shows that progressive web apps, increases business revenues and web stands for the companies. 7

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Using the mobile apps,, ➔Needs to install app from the app store ➔Some apps are not available in our countries ➔Limited access to app stores ➔Users install or buy apps when buying phone, then less apps are being installed. 8

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FlipKart ➔Largest online shopping site in India, called FlipKart, launched their light application using progressive web apps, and they found a huge increase in the number of visitors. ➔62% from the users accessed the website from 2G network. ➔Uses three times less mobile data to access the website and get the items they want. 9

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Progressive Web Apps ➔Progressive: must work on any device and enhance progressively. ➔Discoverable: in search engines. ➔Linkable: should use the URI to indicate the current state of the application. ➔Responsive: must fit the device’s form factor and screen size. ➔App-like: like a native app and be built on the application shell model, with minimal page refreshes. 10

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Progressive Web Apps ➔Connectivity-independent: low connectivity or offline. ➔Re-engageable: push notifications. ➔Installable: installed on the device’s home screen. ➔Fresh: new content should be made available in the app. ➔Safe: hosted over HTTPS to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. 11

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Progressive Web Apps ➔Connectivity-independent: low connectivity or offline. ➔Re-engageable: push notifications. ➔Installable: installed on the device’s home screen. ➔Fresh: new content should be made available in the app. ➔Safe: hosted over HTTPS to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. 12

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Characteristics: ➔Add to home ➔Splash Screen ➔App Shell 13

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Technologies behind it? ➔Service Workers ➔Application Shell ➔Web App Manifest File 15

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Service Workers ➔Web Apps are being built on top of: ◆Server ◆Client Service Worker sit between client and server to enhance network connectivity to the app. 16

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Service Workers ➔a script, that your browser runs in the background. ➔handle http requests and push notifications. ➔cache all static resources. ➔can be used to display the application shell. ➔inform users that they are disconnected from the internet. 17

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Code Example ➔Service Worker’s Life Cycle: ◆Register ◆Install ◆Activate ◆Fetch 18

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Code Example ➔ Register the service worker in your app’s js file app.js 19

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Code Example ➔An install event is triggered the first time a user visits the page. ➔the service worker is installed in the browser. ➔you can cache all the static assets in your web app. 20

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Code Example 21

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Code Example ➔Activate: This event is fired when the service worker starts up. ➔service worker updates its cache whenever any of the app shell files change. 22

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Code Example 23

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Code Example ➔Fetch: This event helps serve the app shell from the cache. ➔It then either responds with the cached version, or uses fetch to get a copy from the network. 24

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Code Example 25

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Web app Manifest File ➔It controls how your app should appear to the user in mobile phone. ➔Where to find the app in the phone and how to launch it. 26

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Application Shell ➔Usually the app assembles the page content in one place. ➔App Shell, separates the content of the app that does not change often. ➔It helps to boot the app when it starts, and power the user interface of the web app. ➔It is written in HTML , CSS and JS. 27

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Application Shell 28

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App Shell ➔Service Worker can save locally the content of the app, and the application shell can load the main app interface. ➔App Shell , with caching mechanism and using the Service Workers, allows developers to focus on performance and speed. 29

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Offline Mode Using PWA , developer can cache the App Shell, and load it offline, by saving content locally. 30

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App Shell ➔Break design to main components: ◆Main design on the screen ◆Other UI components key to the app ◆Supporting resources to App Shell, JS , Styles , etc 31

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App Shell ➔Should contain all the necessary resources to launch the app: ◆HTML ◆CSS ◆JS ◆Images 32

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How to Add Data to the App? ➔We have three methods to display data to our PWA: ◆Server Side Rendering: fastest ◆Get Data Via Ajax Request: slowest method ◆Combination of server side and Ajax request: server inject data into the app JS. 33

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●Eliminate the need for HTML request ●But we need JS to run the data ●We can cache data after loading for further use 34

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Storage data ➔Local Storage: easiest , and available to everywhere, but the it is Synchronous and may cause bad performance. 35

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Storage data ➔Cache: ◆Ready to use ◆Asynchronous ◆Fast ◆Not available to all browsers 36

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Storage data ➔Indexed DB: ◆Fast ◆Asynchronous ◆Supported on all browsers ◆Check Mozilla develop website for more info. 37

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Resources MDN Web Docs ntroduction The Firefox Frontier hats-big-deal/ s-part-one/ Google Developers s/ 39

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Thanks. Alaa Shaheen @FloweryCoder Email: Software Product Manager at Mozilla Tech Speaker 40

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