Tip top JavaScript Testing

A presentation at React Berlin in November 2018 in Berlin, Germany by Jack Franklin

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! Tip top JavaScript Testing @Jack_Franklin

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How to write good tests

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Tests are only as useful as the effort you put into them.

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It's important your application code is well written and maintainable.

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You don't write tests for your tests. So your test code should be !

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Unless you write tests for your tests

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But of course then you need tests for your tests for your tests

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What makes a great unit test?

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it('clearly says what is being tested', () => { // 1. Setup // 2. Invoke the code under test // 3. Assert on the results of step 2. })

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describe('finding items in a price range', () => { it('returns the right set of items', () => { const dummyItems = [{ name: 'shirt', price: 2000 }, ...] const result = itemFinder(dummyItems).min(1000).max(5000) expect(result).toEqual(...) }) })

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You should be able to look at a single it test and know everything

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Tests should have no external dependencies

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Keeping unit tests as a unit

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If your tests can fail without any of the code you're testing changing, your test is not properly isolated.

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This is a huge cause of confusion and frustration in large code bases. ! I changed user.js but tests in blog_posts.js broke

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Spies (or mocks, but that doesn't make the picture quite as good)

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Mocking Fake a function's implementation for the purpose of a test.

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thread-events Logging a user's actions across the site: 1. User 123 clicked on home_feed 2. User 123 added item 456 to the cart 3. User 123 added a new shipping address

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import threadEventsLogger from 'thread-events-logger' const processUserClickOnItem = (item) => { threadEventsLogger.log('item_click', { item_id: item.id }) } // does other stuff here too threadEventsLogger: external dependency!

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describe('when the user clicks on the item', () => { it('logs a thread-event', () => { // what goes here? }) }) }

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Option 1: processUserClickOnItem({ id: 123 }) expect(frontendEventsLog[frontendEventsLog.length - 1]).toEqual({ type: 'item_click', data: { item_id: item.id }, }) Option 2: processUserClickOnItem({ id: 123 }) expect(threadEventsLogger.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('item_click', { item_id: 123, })

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Option 2 relies on threadEventsLogger being thoroughly unit tested itself.

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don't test things twice

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Avoiding awkward browser interactions in tests with mocks const redirectUser = user => { if (user.authenticated) { window.location.assign('/home') } else if (...) { ... } else { ... } }

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test('if the user is logged in they are taken to home', () => { jest.spyOn(window.location, 'assign').mockImplementation(() => {}); redirectUser({ authenticated: true }) expect(window.location.assign).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/home') })

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Tidying up after yourself

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Mocks won't be automatically cleared between tests test('if the user is logged in they are taken to home', () => { jest.spyOn(window.location, 'assign').mockImplementation(() => {}) redirectUser({ authenticated: true }) expect(window.location.assign).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/home') }) test('if the user is not logged out we do not redirect them', () => { redirectUser({ authenticated: false }) expect(window.location.assign).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) ‼ the second test is going to fail!

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! beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() })

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Mocks are an essential tool in a developers' testing toolkit

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beforeEach is a great way to run code before each test But it can make a test hard to work with or debug.

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it('filters the items to only shirts', () => { const result = filterItems(items, 'shirts') expect(result).toEqual(...) })

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Where is items coming from?

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let items beforeEach(() => { items = [{ name: 'shirt', ... }, ... ] })

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3 parts to a good test it('filters the items to only shirts', () => { const items = [{ name: 'shirt', ... }, ... ] const result = filterItems(items, 'shirts') expect(result).toEqual(...) })

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it('...', () => const items = ... }) it('...', () => const items = ... }) it('...', () => const items = ... }) it('...', () => const items = ... }) it('...', () => const items = ... }) it('...', () => const items = ... }) it('...', () => const items = ... }) { [{ name: 'shirt', ... }, ... ] { [{ name: 'shirt', ... }, ... ] { [{ name: 'shirt', ... }, ... ] { [{ name: 'shirt', ... }, ... ] { [{ name: 'shirt', ... }, ... ] { [{ name: 'shirt', ... }, ... ] { [{ name: 'shirt', ... }, ... ]

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Functions for test data const getItems = () => [...] it('...', () => { const items = getItems() ... }) ! creation of test data is done for each test ! if the data has to change, we have one place to change it

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Having consistent test data It's important that test data resembles your real data.

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You'll have a few domain objects that turn up in lots of tests. At Thread we have the Item object.

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in every test... const dummyItem = {...}

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Then, one day: ! All items returned from our API have a new property: 'buttonType' Now you have lots of outdated tests.

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We can solve this with factories. https://github.com/jackfranklin/testdata-bot

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export const itemBuilder = build('Item').fields({ brand: fake(f => f.company.companyName()), colour: fake(f => f.commerce.color()), images: { medium: arrayOf(fake(f => f.image.imageUrl()), 3), }, is_thread_own_brand: bool(), name: fake(f => f.commerce.productName()), price: fake(f => parseFloat(f.commerce.price())), sentiment: oneOf('neutral', 'positive', 'negative'), on_sale: bool(), slug: fake(f => f.lorem.slug()), });

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import { itemBuilder } from 'frontend/lib/factories' const dummyItem = itemBuilder() const dummyItemWithName = itemBuilder({ name: 'Oxford shirt' })

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Avoiding brittle tests

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When I change the code I have to change the tests as well, so all tests do is double the amount of work I have!

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objects have a contract: a public API that they provide

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it('filters the items to only shirts', () => { const shirtFinder = new ShirtFinder({ priceMax: 5000 }) expect(shirtFinder.__foundShirts).toEqual([]) expect(shirtFinder.getShirts()).toEqual([]) })

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You should be able to rewrite code without changing all your tests.

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Test things by calling them just like you do in real life

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When writing new tests, check that they fail!

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Can you spot the problem with this test? describe('finding items in a price range', () => { it('returns the right set of items', () => { const dummyItems = [{ name: 'shirt', price: 2000 }, ...] const result = itemFinder(dummyItems).min(1000).max(5000) }) })

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Many test frameworks will pass a test without an assertion!

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If you write a test and it passes first time, try to break it

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small feedback loops

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Write code Check if it worked Write code Check if it worked Write code Check if it worked Write code Check if it worked Write code Check if it worked Write code Check if it worked

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Write code this time needs to be short Check if it worked

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Write code wait 5 seconds for webpack manually refresh the browser click the button you're working on go back to your editor Check if it worked

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Write code hit save in your editor Run tests

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Fixing bugs with short feedback loops There's a bug where the price filtering max price limit is not used

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  1. Prove it in a failing test it('filters by max price correctly', () => { const items = [{ name: 'shirt', price: 3000 }] expect(itemFinder({ maxPrice: 2000})).toEqual([]) })

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‼ TEST FAILURE: Expected [], got [ { name: 'shirt', price: 3000 }]

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  1. Fix the bug without changing the test

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  1. Rerun the test ✅ TEST PASSED Expected [], got []

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Confident refactoring

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Red Green Refactor

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1: Write the test and see it fail. 2: Write whatever code it takes to make it pass. 3: Rewrite the code until you're happy, using the tests to guide you.

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1: Write the test and see it fail. 2: Write whatever code it takes to make it pass. 3: Rewrite the code until you're happy, using the tests to guide you.

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1: Write the test and see it fail. 2: Write whatever code it takes to make it pass. 3: Rewrite the code until you're happy, using the tests to guide you.

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You should feel slightly uncomfortable when you have a failing test.

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Testing React

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<ShamelessPlug> You should buy my course on Testing React! javascriptplayground.com/testingreact-enzyme-jest/

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Use JACKFRIDAY to get 40% off (for today only!)

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There is only one rule for testing React components

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How can I test hooks in React?

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You don't

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A React component's contract is what it shows to the user.

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So test your components as if you are a user.

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Which test is better? const wrapper = mount(<Button />) wrapper.find('a').simulate('click') expect(wrapper.getState().isDisabled).toEqual(true) Or: const wrapper = mount(<Button />) wrapper.find('button').simulate('click') expect(wrapper.find('button').prop('disabled')).toEqual(true)

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! Reaches into the component to read some state expect(wrapper.getState().isDisabled).toEqual(true) ! Reads the component as the user would. expect(wrapper.find('button').prop('disabled')).toEqual(true)

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You can use Enzyme, react-testinglibrary or any alternative. If you test as the user, you'll have good tests. ⁉ The exact framework doesn't actually matter that much.

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To conclude...

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  1. Remember what makes a good test: setup, invocation, assertion

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  1. Avoid brittle tests: test the public contract, not internal details.

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  1. When it comes to React, the framework doesn't matter if you test like a user

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If you liked this, you might like... https:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=z4DNlVlOfjU ...with Kent C. Dodds ( ) and myself

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! Come and find me if you have questions, or tweet @Jack_Franklin

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