Future-proofing the way we work: Agility + Sustainability

A presentation at Lead Innovation Day in March 2024 in Paris, France by Jan Schneider

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Future-proofing the way we work Agility + Sustainability Jan Schneider Lead Innovation Day Paris 2024

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Agenda - Definitions - Matchmaking - How? - Workshop example

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Welcome - Jan Schneider (he/him) - Senior Designer @Futurice in Stuttgart - Agile Coach & Scrum Master - Cyclist, piano player & plant dad - Sustainability enthusiast - Studied Internet of Things - Focus on shared outcome as a team Connect on LinkedIn

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Definitions Jan Schneider

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Hypothesis Jan Schneider

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Future-proofing Future-proofing something sustainable something sustainably Jan Schneider

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“Ability to continue over a period of time.” Sustainability definition by the Oxford Dictionary Jan Schneider

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“Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Sustainability definition by the United Nations Brundtland Commission, 1987 Jan Schneider

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Sustainability Bearable Planet Jan Schneider Viable Equitable Prosperity Nations Brundtland Commission, 1987 Three pillars of the sustainability by the United People

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“Organizational agility is the capacity of a business organization to adapt to longrun changes in products, markets, or technology.” Agility defined in the Oxford Dictionary Jan Schneider

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Explore the problem Build the right things Build the things right Design Thinking Lean Startup Agile ≈ Scrum Problem to solution (simplified) Jan Schneider

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Future-proofing Future-proofing something sustainable something sustainably Jan Schneider

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Sustainability (state) Agility (process) Future-proofing Future-proofing something sustainable something sustainably Jan Schneider

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Sustainability (state) Agility (process) Future-proofing the ability to Developing the organizations sustain in regards to people, resilience towards adaptability planet, prosperity and change Jan Schneider

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Building something sustainable, sustainably Reaching a target state: Healthy process getting Weighing impact on there: Enabling people, planet, and adaptability for today and prosperity future resilience Jan Schneider

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Matchmaking Jan Schneider

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“The most environmental friendly product is the one you didn’t buy.” Joshua Becker, author of ‘Becoming Minimalist’ Jan Schneider

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Where we are right now Regenerative Development Conventional Green Sustainable Restorative Regenerative Degenerative Development What we (should) target for Based on Reed, Jan Schneider 2006 & Roland, 2018

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Sustainable Versatility with Foresight Agile Adapting to Change Traditional Following a plan Based on „Kleine Schritte. Große Wirkung. Mit Agilität Jan Schneider zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit“, Sabine Canditt, 2022

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How? Jan Schneider

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Classic Roadmap Jan Schneider Recognizing Uncertainty Strategic Shaping

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Change phases Target Assess Develop Impact Integrate Jan Schneider

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Simplified how Target Assess Develop Impact Integrate Conventional Jan Schneider Green Sustainable Restorative Regenerative

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“20% of any change is knowing how. 80% is knowing why.“ Peter Senge, Senior Lecturer of Behavioral and Policy Sciences (MIT) Jan Schneider

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Change strategy Future-proofing Proactive Seize opportunities Change dynamic Attrition Disruption Approaching crisis Jan Schneider Sudden crisis Reactive

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Key elements Transparency, exchange & collaboration Vision, mission, & strategy Enable co-creation, mindset, culture, continuously inspect, adapt Target, direction, reasoning, boundaries for innovation, smart metrics Full big picture and parameters Timeframe & (future) perspectives Expertise and data around: people !, Planet “, Prosperity # E.g. historic view or opportunity cost $, today and immediate effect %, mid- and long-term future & Jan Schneider

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Workshop example Jan Schneider

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Decision-Making: Impact over Time

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Decision-Making: Impact over Time - Time perspective (history, today, future, …) - Impact areas (people, planet, prosperity) Download from

  • Hands-on collaboration & decision-making Miroverse
  • Single source of truth for your topic - Focus on shared outcome as a team - Adjust and iterate (incl. Retrospective) Jan Schneider

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Data (quality) is key Creating transparency, visibility, and expertise on the real problems Jan Schneider Empowering change through shared knowledge and collaboration Monitoring progress and impact based on e.g. science based targets, ESGs

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Build & innovate agile & iteratively, as this is the only way to reach a sustainable state. It is a marathon, not a sprint. Jan Schneider

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Merci & thank you Looking forward to your feedback & let’s co-create the future! Workshop templates on Miroverse Jan Schneider on LinkedIn