jQuery Is Not Dead and That’s Fine

A presentation at JSDay 2022 in April 2022 in Verona, VR, Italy by Jayne Mast

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Jayne Mast, she/her @jayne_mast Engineering manager @ noti.st/jayne

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jQuery is not dead, and that’s ne fi @jayne_mast - noti.st/jayne

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“You shouldn’t be using jQuery, it’s too slow” “Why are you using jQuery instead of React?” “jQuery is way too big to use in production!”

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[…] If you are loading a 97k(pre-gzip) library into your page to “select some elements and toggle a class on click”, you are probably doing it wrong, and should stop. […] https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-stop-using-jQuery

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$(‘.button’).click(function() { $(‘.container’).fadeOut() })

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Gatekeeping who does or does not have access to something

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Gatekeeping “Real developers use Ubuntu” “How can you be a designer and not use a Mac?” “Stop calling HTML a programming language”

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Gatekeeping “Front-end development is for interns” – Jayne’s former boss

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Gatekeeping “I’m not a real developer” – Jayne’s inner saboteur

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Gatekeeping Gatekeeping can be intentional

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Gatekeeping Agriculture: ~8 000 BCE Architecture: ~10 000 BCE Medicine: ~2 000 BCE

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Don’t gatekeep learning

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Don’t gatekeep learning Think about how you would learn today

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Don’t gatekeep learning Why don’t you just do it like us?

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Teach, don’t preach

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Teach, don’t preach

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Teach, don’t preach https://xkcd.com/1053/

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Teach, don’t preach Think of how you started, not where you are now

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Teach, don’t preach TIL – Today I learned https://www.stefanjudis.com/ today-i-learned/ @stefanjudis

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Company culture

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Company culture Jargon and abbreviations A11y = accessibility ARR = annual recurring revenue B2B = Business to business

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Company culture Idioms and proverbs “Flotsam as possible”

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Company culture Assumptions about life

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Company culture Ruby A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

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Company culture Fluent doesn’t mean native

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Company culture “Semantic HTML”

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Company culture yield

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Be humble

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Be humble Show your mistakes

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Be humble Be kind

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Be humble Be kind to yourself

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“[The web] is for everyone” - Tim Berners-Lee @jayne_mast - noti.st/jayne

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Jayne Mast, she/her @jayne_mast Engineering manager @ noti.st/jayne