Three Topics For Jan 2020 CSSWG Meeting

A presentation at CSS Working Group Developer Meetup, Jan 2020 in January 2020 in A Coruña, Spain by Jen Simmons

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CSSWG Meeting Jan 2020, Spain

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VH Units

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100vh top bar viewport

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Lossless Lossy

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top bar vhc content top bar top bar vh dynamic of what (subtrac any key content dynamic variable of current viewport size (let any keyboard/controls go overtop me) env(foo) bottom bar content controls

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Things… • We already tried not having interop. • Implementers tried making everything magically shrink & grow — it had performance problems. And Authors don’t always want that. • Developers currently try to solve this with JS. • 100vh, 100% body, window.innerHeight don’t match. Fixed positioning to visual viewport, not layout viewport. • May want to apply same solution to VW & scrollbars.

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Assumptions • We can’t redefine the current VH unit. • Authors have a legit use for all the possibilities. • Best solution puts the burden, and choice, on Authors. • Fixed units for all 3 measurements, animatable.

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Proposals • VH unit = equal to 1% of the height of the initial containing block with user agent chrome minimized. • VHC unit = equal to 1% of the height of the initial containing block with user agent chrome maximized. • env(inset-collapsable-height). • height: calc(100vh - env(inset-collapsable-height, 0px));

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Custom Origins

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Project to Modernize the Cascade

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CSS Cascade: Importance, Specificity, Overrides & Control • Was designed for simpler times • Today, can easily have hundreds of developers writing CSS over 10+ years on one project • Completing a project ticket can’t require refactoring the overall architecture of all styles

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Increasingly-Desperate Solutions • Just have A Good Plan™. Be organized. • OOCSS, BEM, SMACSS. • Only ever use classes (only one class at a time), to flatten out specificity, basically completely removing the cascade from Author styles. • Overuse !important to win specificity wars. • CSS-in-JS (where now CSS loads in random order). • Inline-style everything.

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What About [as designed]? • IDs increase specificity, but can only be used one per page. • Element selectors work well for simple default styles, but aren’t reusable enough for design/code systems. Too dependent on DOM structure. • Which leaves classes and attribute selectors. • And !important. • Authors are completely flattening the cascade to avoid specificity, instead of using it.

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Trying to keep everything minimum-specificity and inline. Separate every style from each other.

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Cries for Help / Future Hopes • Scoped Styles • Web Components • Encapsulation & Isolation

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Instead of letting community of Authors destroy the cascade, can the CSSWG modernize it?

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Extend Selectors

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Custom Origins

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Most important !important UA Styles !important User Styles !important Author Styles Author Styles User Styles Least important UA Styles

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Most important !important UA Styles !important User Styles !important Author — Custom Origin 1 !important Author — Custom Origin 2 !important Author — Custom Origin 3 Author Styles — Custom Origin 3 Author Styles — Custom Origin 2 Author Styles — Custom Origin 1 Least important User Styles UA Styles

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mportant mportant mportant mportant Components rigin 4 Layouts Site styles Site Styles rigin 3 Overrides Patterns Base Theme Ad network rigin 2 Design System Defaults CMS Extend New Styles 3rd-party libs rigin 1 Reset Reset CMS Core Bootstrap User UA Old Styles

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Advantages / Usecases • Could be used to help the specificity wars between frameworks and Author styles. • Could reinvigorate the intended use of importance, not as a new specificity, but as a balance of power. • People could use a Origin with more importance instead of using !important whenever they need a style to override something that has more specificity. Which leaves ! important for Authors to use for a different use. (But also, this might perhaps be just as annoying as !important.)

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Next Steps • Is this something to pursue? Anyone going to object? • Miriam Suzanne • Bigger meta project to “modernize the Cascade” — to explore a range of ideas.

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Masonry Layout

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