Mojo : the future language of AI ?

A presentation at Breizh Data Day in March 2024 in 22000 Saint-Brieuc, France by Jean-Luc Tromparent

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Mojo 🔥 The future language of AI ? Jean-Luc TROMPARENT HELLOWORK Version 20240325

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CONCLUSION Use Case Value Proposition AI in 2024

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What is The current language of AI ?

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ChatGPT Advisor L’IA, ou intelligence artificielle, peut être développée et programmée dans différents langages de programmation. Certains des langages les plus couramment utilisés pour créer des systèmes d’IA incluent Python, Java, C++, et R, entre autres. Python est particulièrement populaire dans le domaine de l’IA en raison de sa simplicité, de sa flexibilité, de sa large gamme de bibliothèques et de frameworks dédiés à l’IA (comme TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, etc.), et de sa communauté active de développeurs.

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StackOverflow Advisor

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StackOverflow Advisor

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StackOverflow Advisor

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StackOverflow Advisor

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StackOverflow Advisor

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Comment choisir un framework ?

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AI Programming landscape Model System Hardware CUDA, OpenCL, ROCm

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NEW KiD in ToWN ! Mojo 🔥 02/05/2023

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Value proposition

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Value proposition Modular Accelerated eXecution platform

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Value proposition • Member of the python family (superset of python) • Support modern chip architectures (thanks to MLIR) • Predictable low level performance

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Mojo is born ! Chris Lattner 2000 beginning of the project LLVM 2003 release of LLVM 1.0 2007 release of CLang 1.0 2008 XCode 3.1 2011 Clang replace gcc on macos 2014 release of Swift 1.0 2018 beginning of the MLIR 2022 creation of Modular cie 2023 🔥

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Mojo is blazing fast !

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Mojo is blazing fast ! Changelog 2022/01 incorporation 2022/07 seed round (30 M$) 2023/05 announce MAX & Mojo 2023/08 serie B (100 M$) 2023/09 release mojo 0.2.1 2023/10 release mojo 0.4.0 .. 2024/01 release mojo 0.7.0 2024/02 release MAX & mojo 24.1

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Mojo is blazing fast !

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Performance matters ! Performance matters : • for our users

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Performance matters ! Your resume is being processed

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Performance matters ! Performance matters : • for our users • for (artificial) intelligence

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Performance matters !

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Performance matters ! Performance matters : • for our users • for (artificial) intelligence • for the planet

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Performance matters !

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Meetup Python-Rennes

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Performance matters ! Performance matters : • for our users • for (artificial) intelligence • for the planet

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It’s demo time ! Laplacian filter (edge detection)

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Edge Detection

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Edge Detection kernel Convolve

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Edge Detection 2D Convolution Animation — Michael Plotke, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

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Edge Detection 2D Convolution Animation — Michael Plotke, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

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Edge Detection 2D Convolution Animation — Michael Plotke, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

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Python implementation

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Python implementation

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Python implementation

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Python implementation

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Python implementation

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Berkeley Segmentation Data Set 500 (BSDS500)

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Python implementation

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Python implementation

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Python implementation (numpy)

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Python implementation (numpy+numba)

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Python implementation (numpy+numba)

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Python implementation (numpy+numba)

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Python implementation (opencv)

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Python implementation (opencv)

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naïve version : 500 ms numpy mul : 250 ms numpy+numba : 50 ms Recap opencv : 0.5 ms x2 x 10 x 1000 And now in mojo ?

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And now in mojo !

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Mojo : let’s create a Matrix

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Mojo : module

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Mojo : naive.mojo

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Mojo : naive.mojo

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Mojo : interoperability with Python

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Mojo : interoperability with Python

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Mojo : interoperability with Python

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Mojo : loading PGM picture

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Mojo : loading PGM picture

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Mojo : naive.mojo

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Mojo : naive.mojo

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Mojo implementation

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It’s demo time ! Let’s optimize !

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SISD Architecture

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SIMD Architecture

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Algorithm vectorization fn naive(img: Matrix[DType.float32], kernel: Matrix[DType.float32]) -> Matrix[DType.float32]: var result = Matrix[DType.float32](img.height, img.width) # Loop through each pixel in the image # But skip the outer edges of the image for y in range(1, img.height-1): for x in range(1, img.width-1): # For each pixel, compute the product elements wise var acc: Float32 = 0 for k in range(3) : for l in range(3): acc += img[y-1+k, x-1+l] * kernel[k, l] # Normalize the result result[y, x] = min(255, max(0, acc)) return result

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Algorithm vectorization alias nelts = simdwidthofDType.float32 fn naive(img: Matrix[DType.float32], kernel: Matrix[DType.float32]) -> Matrix[DType.float32]: var result = Matrix[DType.float32](img.height, img.width) # Loop through each pixel in the image # But skip the outer edges of the image for y in range(1, img.height-1): for x in range(1, img.width-1): # For each pixel, compute the product elements wise var acc: Float32 = 0 for k in range(3) : for l in range(3): acc += img[y-1+k, x-1+l] * kernel[k, l] # Normalize the result result[y, x] = min(255, max(0, acc)) return result

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Algorithm vectorization alias nelts = simdwidthofDType.float32 fn naive(img: Matrix[DType.float32], kernel: Matrix[DType.float32]) -> Matrix[DType.float32]: var result = Matrix[DType.float32](img.height, img.width) # Loop through each pixel in the image # But skip the outer edges of the image for y in range(1, img.height-1): for x in range(1, img.width-1, nelts): # For each pixel, compute the product elements wise var acc: Float32 = 0 for k in range(3) : for l in range(3): acc += img[y-1+k, x-1+l] * kernel[k, l] # Normalize the result result[y, x] = min(255, max(0, acc)) return result

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Algorithm vectorization alias nelts = simdwidthofDType.float32 fn naive(img: Matrix[DType.float32], kernel: Matrix[DType.float32]) -> Matrix[DType.float32]: var result = Matrix[DType.float32](img.height, img.width) # Loop through each pixel in the image # But skip the outer edges of the image for y in range(1, img.height-1): for x in range(1, img.width-1, nelts): # For each pixel, compute the product elements wise # var acc: Float32 = 0 var acc: SIMD[DType.float32,nelts] = 0 for k in range(3) : for l in range(3): acc += img[y-1+k, x-1+l] * kernel[k, l] # Normalize the result result[y, x] = min(255, max(0, acc)) return result

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Algorithm vectorization alias nelts = simdwidthofDType.float32 fn naive(img: Matrix[DType.float32], kernel: Matrix[DType.float32]) -> Matrix[DType.float32]: var result = Matrix[DType.float32](img.height, img.width) # Loop through each pixel in the image # But skip the outer edges of the image for y in range(1, img.height-1): for x in range(1, img.width-1, nelts): # For each pixel, compute the product elements wise # var acc: Float32 = 0 var acc: SIMD[DType.float32,nelts] = 0 for k in range(3) : for l in range(3): # acc += img[y-1+k, x-1+l] * kernel[k, l] acc += img.simd_load[nelts](y-1+k, x-1+l) * kernel[k, l] # Normalize the result # result[y, x] = min(255, max(0, acc)) result.simd_store[nelts](y, x, min(255, max(0, acc))) return result

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Algorithm vectorization fn naive(img: Matrix[DType.float32], kernel: Matrix[DType.float32]) -> Matrix[DType.float32]: var result = Matrix[DType.float32](img.height, img.width) # Loop through each pixel in the image # But skip the outer edges of the image for y in range(1, img.height-1): for x in range(1, img.width-1, nelts): # For each pixel, compute the product elements wise # var acc: Float32 = 0 var acc: SIMD[DType.float32,nelts] = 0 for k in range(3) : for l in range(3): # acc += img[y-1+k, x-1+l] * kernel[k, l] acc += img.simd_load[nelts](y-1+k, x-1+l) * kernel[k, l] # Normalize the result # result[y, x] = min(255, max(0, acc)) result.simd_store[nelts](y, x, min(255, max(0, acc))) # Handle remaining elements with scalars. for n in range(nelts * (img.width-1 // nelts), img.width-1) : var acc: Float32 = 0 for k in range(3) : for l in range(3): acc += img[y-1+k, n-1+l] * kernel[k, l] result[y, n] = min(255, max(0, acc))

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Algorithm vectorization alias nelts = simdwidthofDType.float32 fn naive(img: Matrix[DType.float32], kernel: Matrix[DType.float32]) -> Matrix[DType.float32]: var result = Matrix[DType.float32](img.height, img.width) # Loop through each pixel in the image # But skip the outer edges of the image for y in range(1, img.height-1): @parameter fn dot[nelts: Int](x: Int): # For each pixel, compute the product elements wise var acc: SIMD[DType.float32,nelts] = 0 for k in range(3) : for l in range(3): acc += img.simd_load[nelts](y-1+k, x-1+l) * kernel[k, l] # Normalize the result result.simd_store[nelts](y, x, min(255, max(0, acc))) vectorizedot, nelts return result

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Algorithm vectorization alias nelts = simdwidthofDType.float32 fn vectorized(img: Matrix[DType.float32], kernel: Matrix[DType.float32]) -> Matrix[DType.float32]: var result = Matrix[DType.float32](img.height, img.width) # Loop through each pixel in the image # But skip the outer edges of the image for y in range(1, img.height-1): @parameter fn dot[nelts: Int](x: Int): # For each pixel, compute the product elements wise var acc: SIMD[DType.float32,nelts] = 0 for k in range(3) : for l in range(3): acc += img.simd_load[nelts](y-1+k, x+l) * kernel[k, l] # Normalize the result result.simd_store[nelts](y, x+1, min(255, max(0, acc))) vectorizedot, nelts return result

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Benchmark results

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• Far from stable • Compilation AOT or JIT • Python friendly but not Python Recap • Dynamic Python vs Static Mojo • Python interoperability • Predictable behavior with semantic ownership • Low level optimization • Blazingly fast

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Mojo 🔥 The future language of AI ?

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Conclusion • Python is not yet dead ! But he moves slowly • This is a great team ! Will they be able to deploy their platform strategy ? • Will they be able to unite a community? To be open-source or not to be

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Jean-Luc Tromparent Principal Engineer @ MERCI ! 👉 Feedback at #1245 954