Get Dating

A presentation at Marriage Pursuit Conference in May 2018 in Houston, TX, USA by Jeremy Poland

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S e r v i c e s H y d r o c a r b o n

M e a s u r e m e n t

M e t h o d s

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1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . I n t r o d u c t i o n A b o u t

T h e

A u t h o r C h a p t e r

O n e I S H M

2 0 1 8

V i s i t


S e r v i c e s A R E



" T O O

M U C H "




L A C T ? C R T

S e r v i c e s

I n

N o r t h

D a k o t a M e e t

T h e

F l o w

X I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n

B a s i c s C a l l

t o

A c t i o n Table of Contents

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Slide 3

Reading an entire book can seem like a big task. This introduction gives you a chance to convince your reader that they will miss out if they do not take the time to read the complete book. Your introduction should be no more than one page long so that a busy person can scan read and still get a good idea of the overall message. K e y

S u b j e c t s What are the main benefits that a reader will receive from this book? How will the knowledge in this book help them to improve? Summarise these in a simple bullet list: How to improve on something they are already doing? How to learn a new technique that will save them time or money? Give them greater insight into a specific subject? Finish the introduction with a personal message to the reader. Speaking directly to your audience helps to show that the book was tailored for their individual needs. Your Name Here Introduction C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s ,

s o m e o n e

d o w n l o a d e d

y o u r

e B o o k .

T h i s i n t r o d u c t i o n

i s

y o u r

c h a n c e

t o

m a k e

s u r e

t h a t

t h e y

a c t u a l l y

r e a d t h e

b o o k

f r o m

c o v e r

t o

c o v e r .

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Slide 4

It's hard to trust someone who you have never met. be sure to include a photo of the author so that readers can at least put a face to the name. if you are writing your ebook on behalf of a company you might want to include a team photo or a photo of the CEO. Y o u r

e x p e r t i s e What makes you an expert in your field? Why should someone read and trust the content in this book? Have you gained this knowledge by working in the industry for a long time? Perhaps you achieved outstanding results based on the knowledge contained in this book. S o m e t h i n g

p e r s o n a l Remember, the purpose of this page is to give readers an insight into who you are. You can share details of a non-work hobby or passion so people get to know you on another level. About The Author I t ' s

i m p o r t a n t

t o

e s t a b l i s h

c r e d i b i l i t y

w i t h

y o u r

r e a d e r

a t

a n

e a r l y s t a g e .

P r o v e

t o

p e o p l e

t h a t

t h e y

c a n

t r u s t

y o u r

c o n t e n t .

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Slide 5

Chapter One S e p a r a t e

y o u r

e B o o k

i n t o

d i s t i n c t c h a p t e r s

f o r

e a s y

b r o w s i n g .

U s e t h i s

t e x t

a r e a

t o

b r i e f l y

s u m m a r i z e w h a t

t h e

r e a d e r

c a n

e x p e c t

t o l e a r n

f r o m

t h i s

p a r t i c u l a r

c h a p t e r .

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Slide 6

We ’ re all set up ISHM 2018 . If you ’ re in the area come check us out, we ’ re in booth G6-7 through Thursday!  Meet our executive & engineering teams and learn how our measurement products can benefit your operation.   P h o t o g r a p h s

F r o m


2 0 1 8 ISHM 2018 - Visit CRT Services

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  T h e


S e r v i c e s

B o o t h


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A common response I receive from new customers when we install a new LACT control system is "this seems like too much data". In a segment of the industry where .5-1% O&S is the norm, I wonder if this is possible. It has become a personal mission of mine to help customers see the various ways that the large amounts of data collected by the LACT control can be effectively used. I have listed ten of the most commonly utilized by our customers. There are more than listed and I always look forward to seeing the inventive ways our customers find to use "too much data".

  1. Be notified in real-time of differences between driver measured volumes and values -vs- LACT values. Many companies pay on the lease run ticket and only verify with the truck LACT. What good is that unless the two values are compared against each other in the same system in real time so you can actually take action.
  2. Track the overall accuracy of individual drivers as well as that of their entire transportation company. Compare accuracy ratings of third-party haulers against each other. If you rely on third-party haulers to accurately measure your oil, don't you need to be able to quantify how well they are each doing?
  3. Lockout drivers who are consistently negligent until they are retrained.  5% of the drivers into a facility cause 80% of the error, obviously with temperature measurement being the main problem. Being able to identify the few people who need additional training instead of all can be a huge saving. ARE YOU GETTING "TOO MUCH" DATA FROM YOUR TRUCK LACT?

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  1. Smart Exception reporting allows review of the 20 problem tickets instead of the 200 accurate tickets. Nobody got time for that........
  2. Keep separate samples pots as well as totals and flow-weighted averages for each hauler, even setting different BSW limits for each based on contract. This multi-user LACT approach allows fewer LACT units to service more customers.
  3. Provide ticket, total, and accuracy information to all haulers and customers daily via email or website. This prevents the inevitable "you missed a ticket 45 days ago" phone call. It also provides a level of transparency appreciated by all.
  4. Track and trend individual lease data, providing insight into not only quantity but quality in real time. Quality problems occur at the lease not at the offloading terminal.
  5. Analyze and alert on measurement data such as temp, press, BSW, and smart meter diagnostics to prevent small errors.  A slight drift in a temperature transmitter can go unnoticed for months and cost thousands. A smart system that is comparing trend data from that transmitter to others can alert you to potential issues. Smart meter verification of Coriolis meters is another way to catch potential problems early.
  6. View live LACT values, terminal overviews, tank volumes, alarms, and more online. This allows technicians to monitor unmanned and remote sites more thoroughly than the normal once a day drive by. Being able to view equipment data and video through a web interface can also prevent the middle of the night callout to resolve simple issues.
  7. Use LACT, tank, and pipeline meter data to create instantaneous facility inventory and OS reports.  Halfway through the next month is not the ideal time to be tracking down a short, daily reporting can help resolve the issues before EOM and not after.

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CRT Services In North Dakota

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Meet The Flow-X

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Instrumentation Basics

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Call to Action A n

e B o o k

s h o u l d

a c t

a s


s t e p p i n g s t o n e

t o w a r d s

s o m e

o f

y o u r

p a i d p r o d u c t s

o r

s e r v i c e s .

U s e

t h i s

c a l l

t o a c t i o n

t o

n u d g e

p r o s p e c t s

i n

t h e r i g h t

d i r e c t i o n . BOOK A CONSULTATION