A presentation at JonathanRickPresentations.com in December 2020 in by Jonathan Rick
How both physicians and patients can better communicate with each other.
Phrases That Physicians Say to Patients
Unclear Clear Take two pills, twice daily. Take two pills in the morning and two at bedtime.
Unclear Clear Practice social distancing. Stay at home. Go grocery shopping only once a week. Wear a mask.
Unclear Clear Your ultrasound came back positive. You have bladder stones.
Unclear Clear Your results were negative. You don’t have skin cancer.
Unclear Clear Avoid strenuous activity. Don’t have sex, go for a run, or lift anything heavy.
Unclear Clear Follow-up with me in two weeks. Make an appointment to see me again in two weeks.
Unclear Clear I’m going to perform a laparoscopy. The surgery will be minimally invasive.
Phrases That Patients Say to Physicians
Unclear Clear I think I have arthritis. My joints hurt.
Unclear Clear I have pain in my groin area. I have pain in my testicles.
Any other phrases?