Co možná nevíte o React Dev Tools

A presentation at Letní ReactGirls & Outreach meetup in August 2023 in Prague, Czechia by Jakub Beneš

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Co možná nevíte o React Dev Tools

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Jakub Beneš Software Engineer @ Outreach • •

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Agenda 1. (Ne)zábávná teorie 2. Live demo

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Bůh dal lidem kód, ďáběl debugger. — ChatGPT 3.5

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function MyButton() { return <button>I’m a button</button>; } debugger;

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efektivní debugování = profit

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function somethingCrazy() { let result = “”; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i === 0 || i === 1) { for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++) { console.log(“tady jsem”); result += i === 1 ? “e” : “r”; } } else if (i === 2) { result += “a”; } else if (i === 3) { result += “c”; } else if (i === 4) { result += “t”; } } return result; }

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Někdy je třeba trochu tězkotonážnější technika

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Co pro to potřebujeme? • Bežet aplikaci v Dev mode • Defaultní podpora v Create React App, Next.js,… • ESBuild (jsxDev) • Babel (@babel/preset-react) !

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React Dev Tools

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Trochu React teorie

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Úvod do JSX function App() { return <h1>Hello World</h1>; }

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import { jsxDev as _jsxDev } from “react/jsx-runtime”; function App() { return _jsxDev( “button”, { children: “I’m a button” }, void 0, false, { fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 1, }, this ); }

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Render a Commit

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• Triggering a render (delivering the guest’s order to the kitchen) • It’s the component’s initial render. • The component’s (or one of its ancestors’) state has been updated. Re-renders when state updates

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• Rendering the component (preparing the order in the kitchen) • On initial render, React will call the root component. • For subsequent renders, React will call the function component whose state update triggered the render.

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• Committing to the DOM (placing the order on the table) • For the initial render, React will use the appendChild() DOM API to put all the DOM nodes it has created on screen. • For re-renders, React will apply the minimal necessary operations (calculated while rendering!) to make the DOM match the latest rendering output.

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(React) Dev Tools to nekončí

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Díky! Q&A

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Resources • React Developer Tools • Chrome DevTools • LocatorJS • Create React App • • •