Kube Me This! Kubernetes Ideas and Best Practices

A presentation at Agile India 2020 in October 2020 in by Karthik Gaekwad

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Kube Me This! Kubernetes best practices Karthik Gaekwad @iteration1 Head of Cloud Native Engineering

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Hello • I’m Karthik Gaekwad • Head of Cloud Native Engineering @iteration1

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Hello I’m Karthik Gaekwad Oracle Cloud: Developer on the Managed Kubernetes Team + Developer Relations Author of devops and Kubernetes courses on LinkedIn Learning Super popular helloworld docker container @iteration1

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Chaos Engineering Want to learn more? Get the book in 5 minutes! verica.io/book Confidential – Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted 4 https://verica.io/book/

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Today we will We’re going to talk about Kubernetes… Break this down into 3 pillars… • Development and Architecture • Devops • Enterprise Transformation 5 @iteration1

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Development & Architecture 6 @iteration1

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Microservices Design • Start with Twelve-Factor App design • https://12factor.net • Based on the principals of software design and deployment at Heroku • Development best practice that synergizes with devops engineers 8 @iteration1

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Kubernetes Design Patterns 10 @iteration1

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Kubernetes Deployments What?? • Most common K8s object that is used for applications running in Kubernetes. • Deployment is a defined specification that is used to create replica sets and associated pods. 11 @iteration1

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Kubernetes Deployments “I’m converting an application (monolith) to a Kubernetes based architecture, what should my deployment look like?” 12 @iteration1

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Kubernetes Deployments “I’m converting an application (monolith) to a Kubernetes based architecture, what should my deployment look like?” 2 Choices: Single deployment model Multi deployment model 13 @iteration1

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Kubernetes Deployments Single Multi • One single object for your whole application, backed by multiple pods behind the scenes. • Think of this like one Java WAR file for all parts of your application. • Multiple independent deployments for a larger application. • Components must work together (microservices based architecture) 14 @iteration1 • This is like having many WAR files for your app.

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Working with multiple deployments Sometimes this can get hairy…. 18 @iteration1

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Working with multiple deployments • Consider using liveness and readiness probes. • Readiness probe • User defined health check that tells Kubernetes when the container is ready to serve request. • K8s will route traffic to it once it’s “ready” • Liveness probe: • User defined health check to indicate whether a container is running. • If probe fails, K8s will kill the container and spawn a new one based on the restart policy • Read more: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#containerprobes 19 @iteration1

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Working with multiple deployments • Consider using version endpoints for your pods/containers. • Can be any defined version strategy= git hash or a user defined version. • Assists with identification of what is actually running, and reference back to the source code. • Allows easier debugging, especially when there are multiple teams working on a single deployment, with frequent independent releases. 20 @iteration1

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Authentication and Authorization 21 @iteration1

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Authentication and Authorization • Problem: The concept of a user doesn’t exist in K8s. You have to self manage.. • Do you know how you are authenticating with Kubernetes? • Many ways to Authenticate • • • • • • Client Certs Static token file Service Account tokens OpenID Webhook Mode And more (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/) @iteration1

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Goal: Pick a strategy that fits your use case Whatever you do, DO NOT YOLO!

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If you DO NOT YOLO… You can pick an authz strategy..

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Authentication and Authorization https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authnauthz/authorization/ @iteration1

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Authentication and Authorization • Pro tip: Nobody uses ABAC anymore. Don’t be that guy…. • RBAC is the defacto standard • Based on roles and role bindings • Good set of defaults: https://github.com/uruddarraju/kubernetes-rbac-policies • Can use multiple authorizers together, but can get confusing. • 1st authorizer to authorize passes authz @iteration1

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Logging and Monitoring 27

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Logging and Monitoring • kubectl logs and tail commands only takes you so far… • Invest in a logging and monitoring strategy early on before you go to production. • Gives engineers the expertise to debug and monitor applications. 28 @iteration1

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More time up front to play with tooling == Less time learning tooling during prod issues 29 @iteration1

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Logging and Monitoring • Your existing tooling most likely plays well with Kubernetes. • Open source is a viable option as well. • CNCF ecosystem: • EFK stack for logging • Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring 30 @iteration1

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Containers… 31 Confidential – Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted

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Container Image Best Practices • Image Sizes GOAL: Smaller the image, the better • Less things for an attacker to exploit. • Quicker to push, quicker to pull. 32 @iteration1

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Container Image Best Practices GOAL: Don’t rely on :latest tag • :latest image yesterday might not be :latest image tomorrow • Instead, you’d want to know what specific version you’re operating with. 33 @iteration1

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Container Image Best Practices GOAL: Consider using a private registry Enterprise concerns for data storage. Registry physically closer to your Kubernetes cluster Quicker image pulls = faster deployments to Kubernetes Consider using the your cloud provider for the registry • • • • 34 @iteration1

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Devops 35

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Managed Kubernetes Services Should I install my own, or use a managed service? 36 @iteration1

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Managed Kubernetes Services Pros: Offload control plane management to the provider. Less maintenance headache. Spend time working on your apps, and required infrastructure. Cons: Not 100% customizable. Hidden costs. General guidance: Use it, unless you have a non standard usecase. 37 @iteration1

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Cluster Management Dev/Test/Production clusters strategies? 38

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Cluster Management Strategies • Two primary strategies in play: • Utilize different namespaces in single cluster • Utilize different clusters for dev/test/prod 39 @iteration1

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Cluster Management Strategies (Namespaces) • Single cluster, with multiple namespaces • “dev/test/prod” Access control via kubeconfig to only have rights to a single namespace. Typically used in startups or companies with smaller ops teams. Pro: single cluster, so lesser management. Con: cluster issues will cause all environments to experience issues. Read more: https://kubernetes.io/blog/2016/08/kubernetes-namespaces-use-cases-insights/ • • • • • 40 @iteration1

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Cluster Management Strategies (Separate clusters) • Multiple unique clusters for separation of concerns • Unique dev, test and production clusters • Easier to implement with managed services (one click) • Access control can be implemented in cloud layer, flows down to kubeconfig file. • Recommended approach for enterprises. • Cons: • More environments to manage 41 @iteration1

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Tagging nodes 42 @iteration1

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Tag your nodes • Multiple clusters = multiple nodes. • Be diligent about labeling nodes on creation so that you have better control over your cloud infrastructure. • Kubernetes has concept of labels, use it!! • https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-withobjects/labels/ 43 @iteration1

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Pipelines 44 @iteration1

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Pipelines K8s allows you to build a devops pipeline. 1. 2. 3. 4. Build artifacts Test code Push to registry Optionally Deploy to K8s Accomplish with CI/CD Tooling Chance to modernize infra if you haven’t already 45 @iteration1

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Cloud Native Enterprise Transformation 46 @iteration1

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How to start? Where to start? 47 @iteration1

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5 easy steps! Start small… Step 1: Get experience with K8s clusters. Step 2: Take one application or microservice and convert to K8s. Step 3: Run this application in a production setting. Step 4: Understand how to manage and firefight. Step 5: Goto step 2. 48 @iteration1

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Know your teams Every organization is different. Build your cloud native transformation around your teams. Need equal expertise in development, operations and firefighting. Organize into development, devops and SRE teams. • • • • • Leverage OCI + Opensource technologies. • Watch CNCF space because landscape changes (https://www.cncf.io/) 49 @iteration1

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