Sexy dashboards with bootstrap

A presentation at Devopsdays Austin in April 2013 in Austin, TX, USA by Karthik Gaekwad

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Yo! Sexy Dashboards! Karthik Gaekwad @iteration1

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Mo Money Mo Problems • It is ridiculously hard to find front end web developers in ATX today

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I got problems man • I work on a lot of UI stuff because my 1st project in my life was UI intensive. • But really, I like working with API’s more

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I’d rather be screaming

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Then I saw the light

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Twitter Bootstrap

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Bootstrap • “Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.” • Read: “No more praying to Baby Jesus for nicer looking frontends”

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Free Trivia! You’re in good hands

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Goodbye pixel issues Hello 12x12 grid

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The grid is responsive

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EVERYBODY GETS BASE CSS!!! YOU GET CSS! YOU GET CSS! Fundamental HTML elements styled and enhanced with extensible classes.

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Themes and Templates • THIS IS A SOLVED PROBLEM! • • Save your time: • https:// if you’re looking to spend some serious cash. http:// has a bunch of them.

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It’s like a awesome buffet of components Dozens of reusable components for navigation, alerts, popovers, and more.

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JQuery plugins rolled in All the best ones, to make your life easier!

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Top 3 Tips Use an online editor- it’s not crappy

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Top 3 Tips Use Font Awesome for icons

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Top 3 Tips Use bootsnipp for ideas (HTML snippets + design advice)

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END If you don’t know HTML, but your mgmt loves dashboards and UI, check out bootstrap to impress them with AWESOME UI’s, that can be built really fast.

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Check it out! • Bootstrap: getting-started.html • • Bootsnipp: Online Editors: • • • Divshot ( Jetstrap ( Bootstrap hero (http://