The Red Pill of Resilience (Keynote)

A presentation at Countermeasure in November 2017 in Ottawa, ON, Canada by Kelly Shortridge

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The Red Pill of Resilience Kelly Shortridge (@swagitda_) COUNTERMEASURE 2017

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Hi, I’m Kelly

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“The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived.”

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“The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.”

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Resilience is about accepting reality, and building a defensive strategy around reality

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Stages of Grief in InfoSec Etymology of Resilience The Resilience Triad: ▪ Robustness ▪ Adaptability ▪ Transformability 6

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Stages of Grief

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InfoSec is grieving that companies will never be invulnerable to attack 8

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Denial – clinging to a false reality “We aren’t really at risk” 9

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Anger – frustration that denial can’t go on “It’s your fault that I need security” 10

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Bargaining – hope that the cause is avoidable “Maybe we can stop attacks from happening” 11

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Depression – despair over the reality “We’re going to be hacked, why bother?” 12

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Acceptance – embracing inevitability “Attacks will happen, but I can be prepared” 13

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Lack of acceptance feeds solution fragmentation, FUD, and snake oil 14

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Security nihilism isn’t the answer. Resilience is. 15

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Etymology of Resilience

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1858: Engineering – strength & ductility 20th Century: Psychology, ecology, social sciences, climate change, disaster recovery 17

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Resilience in Complex Systems

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Non-linear activity in the aggregate Intertwined components, unpredictability 19

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Infosec is a complex system. Defenders, attackers, users, governments, software vendors, service providers, … 20

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Ecological resilience Continually adapt; high degree of instability 21

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Chestnut trees in eastern North America’s forests were wiped out by chestnut blight Oak and hickory trees grew in their stead 22

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Evolutionary resilience assumes socioecological systems are co-evolutionary 23

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Communities can diversify agricultural landscapes and production systems 24

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Three central characteristics of resilience: Robustness, Adaptability, Transformability 25

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Hurricane Harvey – primary damage was flooding from ongoing rain, not storm surges 26

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Resilience is about the journey, not the destination 27

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Accept the risk will exist Reduce potential damage & restructure around the risk 28

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“A building doesn’t care if an earthquake or shaking was predicted or not; it will withstand the shaking, or it won’t.” – Susan Elizabeth Hough 29

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Survival rests on embracing the unknown and accepting that change is inevitable 30

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Robustness: withstanding and resisting a.k.a. “engineering resilience” 32

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Safe development paradox: stability allows risk to accumulate, compromising resilience 33

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Focus on just engineering resilience leads to a maladaptive feedback loop 34

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Suppressing fires in fire-adapted forests leads to a build up of fuel over time 35

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Patching & retroactive hardening of vulnprone systems accumulates risk 36

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Levees support further human development in at-risk floodplains 37

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“Don’t treat the symptoms of bad planning with structures” 38

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Technical controls shouldn’t allow exemption from cyber insurance requirements 39

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Artificially creating a stable environment makes the system less adaptive to disruption 40

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Coral in marine preserves are less resilient to climate disturbance than “stressed” coral 41

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Design & test internal systems with the same threat model as externally-exposed ones 42

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Problem: infosec is exclusively focused on robustness – how to stop / thwart / block 43

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Infosec’s current goal is to return to “business as usual” post-breach. There is no such thing. 44

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Other domains tried defying nature – it doesn’t work 45

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Your systems must survive even if users click on phishing links and download’s 46

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Robustness is effective when you have diverse and layered controls 47

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NYC’s excess heat guidelines: backup hybridpower generators, heat-tolerant systems, window shades, high-performance glazing 48

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Diversity helps provide redundancy in uncertain conditions 49

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APT BlinkyBoxTM doesn’t help when legit creds are used to access a cloud service 50

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Don’t ignore correlated risk. Fragmentation can inject a healthy level of instability to foster resilience. 51

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Pitfall of efficiency: more limited space in which your operations can survive 52

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Up for debate: manageability via uniformity vs. minimized impact via diversity? 53

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Decision trees are useful to map out necessary redundancies 54

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Raising attacker cost is the bridge from robustness to adaptability 55

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“Attackers will take the least cost path through an attack graph from their start node to their goal node.” – Dino Dai Zovi 56

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Adaptability: reduce costs and damage incurred, while keeping your options open 58

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Intergov’t Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Incremental change creates a false sense of security – goal is managed transformation 59

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Preserving habitats is unnatural & counterproductive. Wildlife naturally “tracks” ideal conditions. 60

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Legacy systems are like preserved habitats. We need to be able to migrate to better conditions. 61

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Example: patching inline PHP code Instead: single class for DB queries 62

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Static indicators like high coral cover or fish abundance reflect favorable past conditions. Erosion of coral reef resilience is dynamic. 63

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Ensure your threat models aren’t based on favorable past conditions 64

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Survival strategy: comingle warm-adapted species with cold-adapted cohorts 65

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Apps built with legacy systems and libs will not survive in an increasingly open API world 66

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Uncertainty and surprise must be baked into your approach 67

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Test adaptability to attacker methods with attack simulation or auto playbook testing 68

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Chaos Monkey 69

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Randomly kills instances to test their ability to withstand failure. It also makes persistence really hard. 70

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Design your security architecture for survival even if individual controls fail 71

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Rethinking security architecture is hard. The industry offers too much complexity. 72

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Containers 73

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Containers promote adaptability and support transformability @jessfraz | 74

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Containers = “isolated, resource-controlled, and portable runtime environments” 75

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Easier to determine root cause Easier to transport to better infrastructure Easier to kill the infection & stop spread 76

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Ongoing stress like ocean warming or overfishing makes coral less resilient in the face of cyclones or coral bleaching events 77

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Complexity will erode your resilience in the face of new vulns or data breaches 78

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Transformability = challenge existing assumptions & reorganize your system 80

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Prior example: inline code makes it difficult to reorganize your system vs. a single class 81

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In disaster recovery policy, ideal is to change location & remove urbanization 82

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2011: 6.3mms earthquake hit Christchurch Cost to rebuild of $40bn+ 83

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NZ designated a “red zone” where land is too vulnerable & where rebuilding is uneconomic 84

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Identify the red zones within your IT systems 85

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Choose your own infosec redzone criteria: Publicly exposed, legacy systems, critical data, privileged access, overly verbose, single point of failure, difficult to update, … 86

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Example: API consuming critical data should be in “red zone” whether it has vulns or not 87

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Identify assets that fall under your red zone criteria & migrate them to a safer system 88

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Example: Planned decommission of levees to assist migration Prohibits becoming a permanent “fix” 89

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Continually consider how you can prepare in advance for migration 90

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Complex systems require collaborative planning across stakeholders 91

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Open sharing of protections in place, what risk remains, uncertainties in the approach 92

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Partner with engineering – they benefit from flexibility and transformability as well 93

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Your role is to manage state transitions. Consider how a resilience approach fits into engineering workflows. 94

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2FAC @ Facebook: integrated 2FA into dev workflows without creating friction 95

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“You can actually implement security controls that affect every single thing people are doing and still make them love it in the process” 96

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Find someone with whom to collaborate & how security can fit into their workflows 97

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Ensure your org is learning from prior experiences – foster a security culture 98

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Infosec resilience means a flexible system that can absorb an attack and reorganize around the threat. 100

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Robustness is optimized through diversity of controls 101

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Adaptability minimizes the impact of an attack and keeps your options open 102

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Transformability demands you challenge assumptions & reorganize around reality 103

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“The history of evolution is that life escapes all barriers. Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way.” 104

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Attacks will evolve. We can evolve, too. 105

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Let’s strive for acceptance of our grief, and architect effective and realistic defense 106

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The blue pill relegates us to the role of a firefighting cat who’s drunk on snake oil 107

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Instead of accepting snake oil, take the red pill of resilience instead 108

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“Good enough is good enough. Good enough always beats perfect.” – Dan Geer

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@swagitda_ /in/kellyshortridge 110

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Suggested Reading ▪ Engineering resilience versus ecological resilience ▪ Resilience and disaster risk reduction: an etymological journey ▪ A strategy-based framework for assessing the flood resilience of cities – A Hamburg case study ▪ Vulnerability, Resilience, and the Collapse of Society ▪ Are some forms of resilience more sustainable than others? ▪ Flood Resilience: a Co-Evolutionary Approach ▪ The oak or the reed: how resilience theories are translated into disaster management policies ▪ Rethinking Ecosystem Resilience in the Face of Climate Change ▪ Building evolutionary resilience for conserving biodiversity under climate change ▪ Complexity and Planning: Systems, Assemblages and Simulations ▪ “Windows Containers” by Microsoft ▪ “The Netflix Simian Army” by Netflix 111